Chapter 9 - Questions

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Nurse Browne looked up from her desk as the intern leaned in the doorway.

"There's a woman at the desk asking for you."

"Do you know what it's about? Who she is?"

"No to both." With a 'not really concerned shrug' the messenger was gone.

Helen closed her file with a sigh and made her way out to reception. She slowed as she saw the young woman standing near a corner, two rough looking men flanking her.

"I'm Nurse Browne, you wanted to see me?"

Leslie glanced at the men. "It's a personal health concern."

"You gentlemen will have to wait here." Helen steered her back down the hall to her office, closing the door.

Leslie spoke immediately. "You saw the prisoner Brian Hayes when he returned from 20 days?"

"I did."

Leslie told her everything that had happened and what she herself knew. Helen was shocked, their suspicions were far short of the truth. She grilled Leslie as much as possible in the brief time they had and created a false medical report she could show the guards, if necessary.

She reached for the door knob, "I must go."

"I'll see what I can do for Hayes, and I'll get your message to Jason." Helen said, giving her a pat on the arm. Back in reception, the two escorts sneered at the report and, led her out of the clinic.


Jason listened as he read the message Helen had written down, his frown drawing deep creases on his forehead. He pulled at his beard and cursed under his breath. "We should have foreseen this. What a stupid bloody oversight."

"Blame does no good now. I'm going to see if I can get in to see him."

"Helen, that's crazy. Even if you do, they won't want to let you go, not knowing the truth."

"We can't just leave him in there while they beat him. They'll kill him, Jason. You know they will."

"Let me talk this over with Cassidy, maybe he'll have an idea."

"There's no time to waste, Jason. I'm going. If I get a sense of danger, I'll back off, but I have to try. He's giving a lot for us, we can do no less."


"It's the nurse from the clinic. She says Hayes was supposed to return after a day for a review of his scans and x-rays, and another examination."

"What did you tell her?" The voice was strained and anxious.

"Nothing. She's waiting to see somebody in authority."

"This is not good." The man pushed past the guard and made straight for the office of the Inquisitor.

"I believe protocol would demand a knock before barging in, Simon."

"Bugger your protocol. We've got a problem." He told him about the nurse and why she was there asking to see the prisoner.

"Out of the question." The Inquisitor bared his teeth and stared at the wall.

"She's insisting on seeing him, and the inference was it would behoove us to comply."

"She's threatening us! I'll have the damned clinic shut down!"

"You know you won't – can't. We need the rest of the Circle."

"We need nothing of the kind." He stood, pacing deliberately around his desk. "Bring her to the study."

"What? What are you going to say?"

"Just do as you're told, Simon." The command was delivered with expected obedience.

Helen had never been in the Precinct offices before, and her attention was taken by the absence of staff, aside from guards that were noticeable at various points. Her guide turned and waved her forward to a doorway.

"Come in. Nurse Browne, is it? Come in, sit and tell me what it is you need."

She glanced at the window and the plain decor of the room in general, choosing a chair close, but not too close to the man waiting.

"I'm here to inquire about Mr. Hayes. He was due for a re-examination."

"Aah . . . yes. It seems his ordeal was more than he first realized. He's been in bed resting since you last saw him."

"Why wasn't I informed?"

A mirthless smile formed on the Inquisitor's face as he leaned toward her. "We are not obliged to report Precinct business to anyone, Nurse Browne."

"Surely if the man is ill he should receive attention." She countered.

"He is a convicted criminal, I might remind you."

Helen tilted her head, her own smile equally disparaging. "Who completed his sentence and was promised freedom – I might remind you."

"I think we're finished here." The Inquisitor stood, arms crossed.

"You aren't going to let me see him?" She stood as well.

"As I said, he's resting." He called a name, and Helen turned to see her escort in the doorway. "Show Nurse Browne out."

"This will not be forgotten nor allowed to be swept under the rug, sir." Helen strode purposely from the room.

At the street, she stood her ground a moment and faced the escort.

"You people can't keep this silent. Mr. Hayes was promised his freedom. The people will demand it."

Simon lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. "Be very, very careful what you do, Nurse Browne, acceptance would be a wise choice for all of you." The door closed slowly, leaving Helen trembling with uncertainty.

"Did she say any more?"

"She made a threat, but I implied consequences." Simon sank into a chair. "What are we going to do with him?"

"Keep at him until I know how he survived the 20 days."

"And then?"

"Mr. Hayes will have sadly yielded to the strain of his ordeal. We'll distribute an announcement." The tone was laced with a displeased sarcasm.

"The girl watching him, says he is in pain, and unfit to be—"

"This girl says! I say when he is unfit, Simon, and I say when he is in enough pain to submit."


Brian blinked as the door opened. Leslie, with another tray.

"I've lost my sense of time," he croaked, sitting a little straighter against the wall.

"This is lunch. It's 1:30. You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you." She knelt beside him and lifted some water to his lips.

"Why do they let you do this? Are you tasked with keeping me strong enough for another beating?"

She leaned closer, whispering. "I spoke to the nurse at the clinic. She came here, and they refused to let her see you."

"You've done enough, Leslie, I don't want you getting in trouble."

"As long as I can help you I will – it's not just you that's prisoner here."

"But you could go out." He winced, and shifted position.

"Threats have been made on all the families of the people working here if we disobey."

He closed his eyes, guilt gnawing. "I shouldn't have asked—"

"Don't. I want to help." She placed a hand on his, and kissed his forehead.

Surprised, to say the least, Brian's pain was suddenly replaced with a different sensory condition. He tipped his face to hers, locking eyes.

"In different circumstances, I could interpret that as affection knocking."

"Even in this circumstance, it still could be."

A few beats passed, and then she gently placed her lips against his swollen mouth. Brian ignored the pain and embraced the sensation. Moments later, he sighed sadly as the door closed and she was gone.

"Bye bye, love, bye bye, happiness                                                                  hello loneliness, I think I'm gonna die . . ."

The words faded slowly to silence.

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