Chapter 12

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Y/N's PoV-

"Ah...Im so tired..."I sighed, walking to my lab.

As I walked there, for some unknown reason I felt nervous as I got closer. It's my lab, why am I so nervous? I stopped in front of it, my hand hesitated above the handle. I set aside all my worries and pushed opened the door, shutting my eyes.

"I'm just paranoid. Nothing is wrong-"

I opened my eyes. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"I was just imagining things. Everything is alright."I smiled.

I walked out of the lab and headed down the hall. Should I go hang out with someone?

"Who ever I see first will be who I hang out with!"

I closed my eyes and hummed. For the first time in a while, everything felt somewhat peaceful. Suddenly I bumped into someone, causing them to fall on me.

"S-Sorry!"I stuttered.

"Watch where you're going you pig!"

Miu. Change of plans, the second person I see is who I'll hang out with. She pushed herself up, pressing her knees on my chest.

"T-That hurts!"I exclaimed.

"Ahahaha! Not my fault that you fell!"

She stood up and left. I got up and brushed myself off.

"Y/N? Are you alright?"Asked Kiibo.

Yeah, I'm alright. I just bumped into Miu..."I sighed.

Kiibo smiled.

"Oh hey! Do you maybe want to hang out in the movie room and watch something?"I asked.

"My apologies but I have made plans with Saihara, so I must decline."

"Oh, alright! I'll see you later!"I smiled.

Well damn. I might as well just watch a movie by myself then. Kiibo and I went our separate ways as I headed for the movie room.



Author's PoV-

"Hurry up Monotaro!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

It was now night-time and the Monokubs had gathered in the room of Y/N L/N to set the next motive into place. They left in a hurry to the next room after placing the tablet-shaped item on the table.



Y/N's PoV-

My eyes fluttered open as I let out a yawn. The morning announcements had played around an hour ago, but I was too tired so I went back to sleep. As I opened my eyes, I saw something strange on my table.


I got up and walked over to the multi-colored monopad. As I reached my hand towards it, it turned on and began to play a video.

"Who is the most important person in Y/N's life? Let's find out!"Monokuma's voice rang from the tablet.

"The....most important person in my life? family is-"

Just then, a group of people popped up on screen.

"T...This is-"

"The most important people that Y/N cherishes, her Missions group!"

There were five people in the photo. Myself, and the only four people that I considered family. First, There was the mom of the group, Akai Shiko. She cooked for us and would make sure we would be safe. Akai was the oldest. I treasure her deeply. We'd usually refer to her as Mom, seeing as she acted like one. She was a very skilled shooter.

Beside Akai was Koro Monoke. He was a very kind person. He was the youngest of the group by a year, but he was very mature. Koro is really good at coming up with intricate plans of attack, but he's very sensitive.

Third was Monokai Norigama. He was definitely the loudest and boldest of the group. He was very overprotective of everyone, being the oldest of us all.  His aim with a sniper was amazing. I looked up to him as a big brother, seeing as I never had one.

Fourth was me.

Fifth was Shino Tenshima. Shino....he can be mean and strict at times, but deep down we knew he cared deeply about us. Shino wasn't good with guns, so he would stay back as a doctor to help us.

"-But what has happened to them?"

It cut to a scene of blood splatters and a destroyed cabin. Our cabin that we all shared.

"If you want to find out what happened to your precious friends, all you need to do is graduate!"

"No....They can't be...."

I need to find that bear.

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