Chapter VI: Kill La Kill

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Chapter VI: Kill La Kill

-"Power...I need power"-
I need that power to fend off such veil things from ever hurting my friends...but believing I have no it's not just's not letting your emotions get the best of you, those emotions can control you and your actions...if you let them. But it's also....
-" having faith in yourself and in others..."-
Though I believe I am strong...I have to accept that I can't do everything myself....I have the power to start a fight.....but not to end it. The truth is...I need my friends and what they can provide...neglecting such consideration and or caring will to help, will only lead me to regret it.
Just Knowing I have people who count on me....and how I count on them, also not just that but they expect the best when it's comes to me...while I am the same about them. They believe in me....have faith in me...are proud of me. They are my Family now and forever...
-"Knowing I have them...will give me strength to prevail...."-
-"...And protect what's mine..."-
-"They are the one thing...I fight for..."-
Even if I have go through that bloody hell of my past all over again....I will protect what's precious to me...and everyone who can look me straight in the eyes and tell me they believe in me....but not just in me but in them selfs as well....
-"Get Up...."-
-"Get up!..."
-"GET UP!!"-
I won't give up now! Somehow I'm still alive...and if I am...that means there's still a reason to fight! That reason is why I still stand and fight....for others....and that reason is not just for my sake...but for others.....
-"They believe I can..."-
-"My my power"-
-"That my own and senkets"-
That past darkness that stains my heart...those stains will stay with me forever and ever...yet those stains fade with each day that has gone by of your life. You learn to live without a frown on your face for the rest of your life....being that those stains learn that the world go's on...even if you stay behind...
-"The to move on..."-
-"GET UP!!!"-
Grudging the pain of the impact I had taken as I was forced into the ground, I pull myself on my feet. Lifting my gaze so that it meets with ragyo's...but her gaze isn't towards's towards the other direction.... Ragyo's astounded by what she see's...she struggles for an answer..."Junketsu...." Ragyo's says as she traces Née-San from head to toe from a far. Not only that but along with Né the only group known as....

-"Nudist beach..."-

"Ryuko!!" Née-san yells as sees me sprawled in a crater I had created from the impact.

Nee-san sheaths her Bakuzan from its holster that is set on her back. She grabs the handle and grips it in her hand, positioning it so that she holds it inches from her body. Her elbows bent to an angle so that she holds its edge pointed toward her target. Taking a deep breath née-san shuts her eyes for a second, she launches in an instant as she bends her knees, Jumps, and ascends to the sky's. Arrays of orange projectiles are shot in her direction, but she evades each individually as she quickly speeds through openings left in ragyo's launched Attack. Née-san swiftly slashes her blade with tremens force, cutting away stitched fibers of what is ragyo, leaving a gap in her.

As Née-san prepares for her next Attack she is grabbed by threading of fibers stitched together entangling her, leaving her without escape...

"Satsuki my beloved daughter, let my threads entangle that you may learn not to defy your mother!..." She yells in a vigorous tone.



"let her go!!..." I yell in a steamed tone.

Ragyo turns her gaze to me, with a smug smile on her face as she dose. Her stained dark red eyes, her somewhat pale white face. It's as if it was dirty, smudged with regret, she's had enough...

Though it's not just her, I've also have had enough. No...not just me but everyone, tired of this world and the problems, pain, the agony. My body and all the beatings it's taken, unbearable. Some people can't Handle there past and not matter how much they'd wish it wasn't true, they string to a sliver of hope until they have what they wanted or hoped for. I've accepted what I can't change, though it hurts to know I can't, I give up my past to look to my future.

I frown while looking upwards, locking my gaze with ragyo's....

"What will you do now?...." She says as she smiles sharply.

My heart throbs form the feeling in this moment, This is not just for's for everyone. She still holds on to something that is not there, in fact it was never there. Ragyo imagined it there, leaving her to believe that it was actually there, when it never was. Past is the past, past cannot become present, nor can it future. Present is not future, but present can and will become future. But she's neglected that minor fact and more....

[CHAPTER END] [Next: Chapter VII: Deep In My Heart]

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