Ch 53 [Ladies Lust]

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[No art this chapter] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Y/N's P.O.V

It was rather late at night, at the earliest it must have been at least ten o'clock at night but i was working on something quite important. Me and the girl's were planning on getting married but i knew i would have to pull a couple string's to make it happen.


I looked over at my phone and saw that Satsuki was texting me and signaling me to meet her in the basement, i was a little confused but i went down there anyway knowing that Satsuki likely needed help with something. And that something wasn't what i was expecting.

The basement was done up like another room with a large bed in the back, the room was dimly lit with candle's and the bed was made. That's when it hit me like a sack of brick's that was on fire.

Satsuki:"Y/N, my darling. Please don't keep me waiting."

She signaled toward's the bed, at first i asked her if she was really okay with this considering what happened to her but she insisted because it wasn't the same as what happened to her.

Satsuki:"Okay, i'm ready. I-I wouldn't mind if you'd like to m-make me a mother j-just throwing it out there."

From the tone of her voice i could tell she wanted to have a child but i'm not sure we're ready for it but if fate lead to that i wouldn't entirly mind it either.

Satsuki:"Are you alright d-Ahhhh!"

Satsuki's P.O.V

Before i could ask Y/N if he was feeling alright or if me saying that made him uncomfortable he stuck his "Tool" inside me. Granted it surprised me at first but i wasn't upset by it, it felt rather...euphoric if that's the right word.

Satsuki:"Ahhhh hahhh ahhhh d-darling hahhh d-don't stop ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh s-soo good hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh r-right there yes yes ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh m-more more fuck me more ahhhh hahhh ahhhh!":(I-I never thought this could feel soo good. It's something i was so nervous to try but now i can't help but enjoy it.):"Ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh!"

As he thrusted in and out over and over again i couldn't help but moan constantly, i was a little worried that we would wake Ryuko or Nonon up but i had ended up pushing that to the very back of my mind. All i was focused on was this moment of intamicy with my darling, Y/N.

Satsuki:"Hahhh ahhhh hahhh yes yes yes ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh soo good d-damnit ahhhh hahhh oh fuck gahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh hahhh d-don't you dare stop gahhh ahhhhh o-or i'll make y-you regret it hahhh ahhhh fuck fuck hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh!":(Oh fuck, i-i'm not gonna last much longer if he keep's this up. G-Gotta last just a little longer.):"D-Darling i-i'm gonna!"

Satsuki+Y/N:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

Unlike the other girl's he ended up releasing his seed inside of me and completely filled my womb. I knew he didn't intend to but i wasn't angered by it, i did ask in a way to be a mother before we did this so maybe we'll have a child.

Y/N:"S-Sorry Satsuki. I guess i got a little too exci-Mph!"

I pulled him close to me for a quick kiss. After a moment or two we quickly got cleaned up and went to sleep for the night. I can only hope we didn't wake anyone up.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut, I'll see y'all later peace]

|That make's all five lemon's|

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