Ch 51 [The Legend Continue's]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

After we killed Ragyo almost everyone's gear was destroyed but me, Tanjiro, Dina, and Viola seemingly now had to fight the demon king Mundus ourselves until Dina and Viola heard three familiar roar's.


Dante:"Hey you two, sorry to crash the party."

Viola:"Are you kidding? You're all right on time to join in."

Vergil:"Mundus, the soon to be fallen king of the underworld."

Mundus:"Vergil. I remember you well, when you served me."

Tanjiro:"Where did the third roar come from?"

Dante:"Well, the family expanded a bit while you were sealed away. Now!"



Everyone saw when the third demon slammed Mundus head into the front of the ship. That must have taken a hell of a lot of strength to do that.

Mundus:"Foolish children, you think you can defeat me?"

Dina:"Our dad did it once and so did our grandpa so five of Sparda's blood along with two just as powerful demon's should be enough to send you off to oblivion."

Mundus:"You could not hope to defeat me again, unlike Sparda's blood i only get stronger."

Dante:"Silence! First you kill me and Vergil's mother, then you brainwash him and made him your slave. now you dare fixate your lip's to threaten my daughter's?-

-For that, i'll mangle you worse than what i did last time."

Mundus:"You will try-

-But you will taste no victory."

Vergil:"We won't be fighting alone. You four, assist us."

Tanjiro:"I don't know about you, brother-

-But i'll be joining them."


-You read my mind."

Dina+Viola:"Let's show this fool who he's fighting."

The four of us flew up beside the legend's and then dashed toward's Mundus to send him back where he belong's, everyone else just had to sit back and watch the show, oh how i would envy to watch something like this.

Ryuko:"Sweet lord. This is the type of shit you see in sci-fi action movie or something like that."


The seven of us fought against Mundus knowing that we weren't just going to seal him away again, we were going to kill him and end his bullshit once and for all.

Mundus:"Barely a scratch."

Dante:"Play it off all you want, it won't save your sorry ass from us. You die here and now."

Vergil:"The power of Sparda has overpowered you twice before. And today, for the thrid in history you are defeated by his blood."

Dina+Viola:"And we'll do it with style! And skill!"

Tanjiro:"We killed Empusa that are stronger than you anyway."

Mundus:"Fool's! You have no idea the power i hold as the ruler of the underworld."

Y/N:"Why should we care!? Power isn't something you can just give and take! Power is a choice, and you fight like hell to protect those you love with it!"

Mundus:"Foolish child!"

Dina+Viola:"Y/N, look out!"

Y/N:"Pathetic! Your aim is worse that a drunken beaver!"

Dante:"Hahahaha! Couldn't have said it better myself!"

Mundus:"Pathetic? I am mighty!"

Y/N:"Mighty stupid is what you are.-

-Now face your judgement!"

Using my devil sword i slashed off one of Mundus finger's leaving him open for Dante and Vergil to take off his entire hand up too his forearm.

Mundus:"Damn you!"

Nero:"There's more where that came from!"

Nero, Dina, and Viola copied the same trick i used to take off Mundus other arm. Now he had barely anything to stop us other than his optic lazer and even that wasn't much of a problem in our demon form's.


Dante:"Don't stress yourself out old man. You're gonna need all the strength to if you're going back to oblivion."

Vergil:"We are the kin of Sparda, it is simple as that."

Y/N:"Not me and Tanjiro here. Were just rando's to this numbnut."

Tanjiro:"Regardless we are just as powerful as the legend's."

Dina:"Hey hey hey! Can we do the thing with the gun's?"

Dante:"Sure. Get ready then, we need all the fire power we can to send him off."

I handed Tanjiro my left handed gun, Ruin while i kept ahold of Wrath. I looked behind me for a quick glance at least to see everyone got some sort of gun and aimed it at Mundus.

Dante:"Okay everyone. All together now."

We all aimed our gun's at Mundus and said the signiture quote of Dante himself.


We all pulled the trigger's and killed Mundus off once and for all. He only died after he uddered his final word's.


Dina:"Good. And when you do, give your regard's to my children who are also gonna kick your ass."

Viola:"And when you do make sure to die slower than now."

After Mundus body faded into oblivion Dante turned his head and imediatly covered his eye's afted seeing everyone behind us buck naked.

Dante:"Did we walk in on something we weren't supposed to?"

Dina:"Well. It's quite the story so grab a seat and a bag of popcorn cause this is gonna be a long one."

Dante:"I'd love to hear it sweetie,-

-But i think we should get to the main land's before Vergil over there get's sick."

Viola:"Almost forgot that he get's sea sick."

We ended up sailing back to the main land's where we told Dante, Vergil, and Nero every damn thing about the event's that happened in place.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

|Hey yo! Another double upload!|

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