Ch 48 [Retake Honnoji Academy]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

After the Elite Four purged the Cover's we were interupted by Tanjiro, who somehow got onto the ship. We all pointed our weapon's at him and kept him still so he wouldn't move.

Y/N:"Ten second's to explain why the hell you're here."

Tanjiro:"The way i see it you don't have a choice but to have me here. Nui and Ragyo are close and they'll attack the ship."

Ryuko:"Why the hell do you care? Aren't you madly in love with Nui?"

Tanjiro:"She believe's that. Our "Love" was built on lie's so i could get closer but i never had the opening to finish Ragyo myself. But that doesn't matter right now, i'll face Nui myself."

Uzu:"Let's save the chit chat for later, take a look."

Aikuro:"There it is. The location of our final mission."

Tsumugu:"Let's get this over with and quickly."

The ship entered the main academy ground's where we met the two final target's, Nui, and Ragyo.




-Like my new arm's? Any way i'm here to rescue you from them."

Tanjiro:"That will not be needed. I came here to finish you off."

Nui:"Wh-What? B-But sweetie d-don't you love me?"

Tanjiro:"Our love was built on lie's, i simply manipulated you to get what i wanted. But if you want a chance to live, surrender and i won't harm you."

The look on Nui's face was of pure heartbreak, it was like Tanjiro tore her heart out and crushed it in front of her. Granted she's our enemy but i still felt kinda bad for her.

Ragyo:"I always knew you would betrey us Tanjiro."

Y/N:"Quickly, before she get's the chance."

Gamagori+Nui+Uzu+Satsuki:"On it!"

Now that Ragyo was distarcted me and Ryuko were going to assist Tanjiro but he surprised us by rejecting it.

Tanjiro:"This is my fight. I started it, so now i have to finish it. Go help the other's with Ragyo, i'll be fine."

Ryuko:"Well good luck then. Glory hog."

Y/N:"Don't get yourself killed, idiot."

Tanjiro's P.O.V

The look in Nui's eye was of pure despair, i presume she didn't expect me to have manipulated her like this.

Nui:"Why sweetie? I-I loved you so much, i gave you everything i am!"

Tanjiro:"I planned to seal you, Ragyo, and Rei, along with myself in the deepest part's of the underworld to stop your plan's."

I unsheathed my devil sword and prepared for combat against her but before hand i glanced over at the rest of the team and saw how they were doing.


Gamagori:"My arm's are just as strong as Bakuzan, i, Gamagori, am lady Satsuki's living sheild!"

With the Elite Four, Matoi, And my brother fighting her i had all the time in the world to fight Nui. But something was wrong, she wasn't even trying to fight back, she would block my attack's but she never hit back. Did she just lose all will to fight after i told her the truth?

I don't know why seeing her so....lifeless made me feel so bad for her, did she truely think i was in love with her? She should have known i never loved her, i'm a demon after all but i do feel kinda bad for her.

Tanjiro:"Why won't you fight back?"


Her silence annoyed me and i wanted her to tell me why she wasn't fighting. After a moment we all heard Ragyo call out an order to Nui.

Ragyo:"Nui, join back with the original Life-Fiber."

Nui:"Okay Mama."

I don't know why but my body started moving on it's own, i swung my devil sword and used my summoned sword's to stop her from doing hurting herself.

Tanjiro:"Inumuta, wrap her up!"

Hoka:"Got it!"

With Nui wraped up she wasn't a threat any longer. Saving her obviously angered Ragyo, as sped toward's me trying to kill Nui but i wasn't letting that happen.


Tanjiro:"Satsuki, Ryuko, Y/N, destroy the original Life-Fiber and quickly! We'll hold her off until then!"

Ryuko+Satsuki+Y/N:"Got it!"

The three of them went off to the front of the ship, transformed and flew toward's the original Life-Fiber.

Tanjiro:(God-Speed brother. You'll need it.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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