Ch 46 [Brother's of Blood]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

It was around eight in the morning when me and Satsuki woke up to some comotion outside. We quickly got up and ran outside and saw what the cause was, and it was none other than him.

Tanjiro:"Good morning, brother."

Y/N:"How the hell did you find this place!?"

Tanjiro:"That does not matter. What matter's is that you and i have a score to settle."

Y/N:"I don't care about any score. I can't let you leave here alive, on this day you shall die."

Tanjiro:"Shall we duel, brother?"

Y/N:"We shall, this one will decide who will see there justice through, winner take's all."

Tanjiro:"Indeed. Now face me as we are, arch-enemies."

Y/N:"So be it."

Me and Tanjiro summoned our weapon's and charged at eachother hell-bent to kill the other.

Nonon:"If they're really brother's, why do they have to fight?"

Uzu:"To see one man's justice through they must face anyone to see it through even if the one in front of him is his kin."

Nonon:"That's a buncha bull."

Uzu:"The brother's of blood disagree on the very reason of there existance, they must fight."

Y/N:"What did she ever do to you huh!? She did nothing but love you, she was our mother!"

Tanjiro:"She ment nothing to me, all i ever needed was absolute power."

Y/N:"Fuck you and everything you ever wanted or needed!"

Hoka:"Y/N's justice is to avenge his slain mother and Tanjiro's is to gain more power to become the ruler of the underworld?"

Gamagori:"It would seem so, but there's something about Tanjiro's goal that doesn't settle right."

Uzu:"Because that is not the justice he wishes to see through, he has lied to himself to hide his true motive. He's hiddin his true goal so that he can acomplish it without a problem."

Tanjiro:"Show me your motivation. Show me what you refused to accept for so long."

Y/N:"I'll tear you appart for what you did. She was innocent, the only thing she had was our amulet's and you felt that was justifiable enough to kill her?"

Tanjiro:"You speak of that woman to much."

Y/N:"Fuck you bastard!"

I reversed my devil sword and forced it hilt deep into his chest.

Y/N:"Justice is served. How does it feel knowing that you couldn't complete your mission?"

Tanjiro:"Th-This wasn't supposed to happen. I-I still have to accomplish my mission, i can't l-let her win."

Y/N:"What the hell are you talking about, bastard?"

Tanjiro:"I-I was supposed to trap them in the underworld so they would never escape, so they would suffer for there crime's against Honno City."

Y/N:"As if that make's your's any better. You killed our mother just to get stronger, you're beyond pathetic to think that would make it better."

Tanjiro layed there in a puddle of his own blood, i decided i would spare him but he's not leaving this place.

Y/N:"He will stay here as a prisoner until further notice. And stay down Tanjiro, if you make a move that even look's suspicious i'll end your miserable life."

Tanjiro was taken to the medical bay where he was treated then inprisoned, next, we hunt down and purge Ragyo.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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