Ch 25 [Twin's Day's]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

Me Ryuko and Mako had gotten to school about our reguler time, Mako had went to the club room to sort something out but she didn't tell us what it was but she left us alone, after a couple minute's Dina and Viola had shown up almost being late.

Dina:"Morning cutie's."

Viola:"If you wanna blame someone for us being late, it's her fault."

Dina:"Aw come on i only slept in a little bit."

Viola:"We were almost late because of it."

Dina:"Well you could have used your sword to make a portal then we wouldn't be in this situation."

Viola:"You know that portal only goes between the human world and the underworld you fool."

Y/N:"Hey ladies, let's calm down a little we don't want an argument to happen between you two, would we?"

They both let out a defeated sigh before both of them gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Y/N:"Uhh, um."

Dina:"*Giggle* You're so cute when you're all flustered like that."

Ryuko looked kinda jelious but apparently Dina had that covered.

Dina:"Aww, don't be jelious, i haven't forgotten you."

Ryuko:"What are you talking abou-Wait no no no n-Mhp!"

Viola:"She's gonna kill Dina, isn't she?"


After Dina was done mauling Ryuko's face there were some choice word's exchanged.

Ryuko:"W-What the fuck was that about bitch!?"

Dina:"Well you did sign up for that when you agreed to this kind of relationship."

Viola:"When's school gonna start for goodness sake?"

Ryuko:"Mako's talking with the council about something but she didn't tell us what, so that might be it."

Dina:"Oh, then how 'bout we talk about stuff, like past event's in our live's, Y/N you go first!"

Y/N:"I don't have many, considering i was locked in a lab my entire childhood and was only let out every now and again to go play with other kid's so i seemed somewhat normal."


Ryuko:"How about you go first."

Viola:"Yeah Dina, you go first, esoecally considering the fact that you and me shared just about every event through out our live's...except one."

Dina:"Oh yeah, that one i wanna tell the story!"

Viola:"Okay, you tell it but you don't have to scream in my ear's."

Flashback. Dina's P.O.V

I will tell you the story of my first heart break.

Present Viola:"Oh god what have i done?"

About a year before middle school i had a crush on this boy although i don't remember his name all that well, i was madly in love with him, almost as if i lived for his love and his love alone.

Present Viola:"Which is a bunch of bullshit."

I even had dream's about him being my future husband and being his housewife, i wanted him so much that i threw away everything i loved for him.

Present Viola:"Which is more bullshit, you did not throw away jack fuckin shit bitch."

Present Dina:"Hey i'm the one telling the story, i have to make it more dramatic then it really was!"

When it came to the day i was ready to confess my love for him, i found that he had someone else with him.

Past Dina:"Wh-Why why? *Sob* Why can't you love me instead?"

And so end's the story of my first heartbreak.

Flashback end.

Viola:"That whole story was a bunch of overly dramatic bullshit, you didn't even cry that much!"

Dina:"I had to make it more dramatic then it really was to make it more intresting."

Viola:"When you told father about it he threatend to quote "Beat that kid's ass into next month for breaking his little girl's heart's." He thought i was broken hearted too."

Ryuko:"Umm, wow uhh, i don't know how to feel about that."

Viola:"The guy was also subpar at best, he wasn't even that good of a person all around.":(Hey, Y/N. Y/N:"Yeah Viola, what's up?" I'm actually the one who arranged for that guy to fall for someone else, i didn't like the guy so i didn't want him to date my sister. Y/N:"Oh my fucking god, *Chuckle*.")

Dina:"Why are you smiling sis?"

Viola:"No reason."

Ryuko:(I have a feeling that Viola arranged for that to happen, what about you Senketsu? Senketsu:"Without a doubt in my mind she did it, just from that smile alone.")

We stood there and talked with the two for a while until school was finally called into session, we all went to our respective classroom's and went through the day as we usually did, except for the fact that me and Ryuko hell probably the entire fight club was now part of a rebellion against some clothing obssessed maniac.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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