Ch 23 [Kiryuin and the Devil]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

It was around noon when miss Satsuki told me over the intercom's that she wanted to see me in the arena, i had the feeling we'd be having another battle to test my strength's, this time she would allow an audience to watch our duel.

Y/N:(Why is she so obssessed with me and Ryuko's growth and progress? Is she planning something? Granted there was that "Election" where me Ryuko Dina and Viola obliterated the Elite Four but i can just feel that there's something more to this.)

As she asked i met her in the arena after school, everyone was in the audience even the Mankanshoku family who were cheering for me along side Mako Ryuko Dina and Viola <-[In her own way].

Satsuki:"You've grown much sence you got here, now we shall put that strength to the test."

Y/N:"Don't be so sure you'll be winning this one-

-Cause i won't be holding back."


-I was hoping you'd give it your all-

-Now show me, what truely motivate's you to continue!"

Y/N:"Heh, that won't be a problem, shall we dance now m'lady?"

Satsuki:"We shall, now face me not as a superior but as an enemy."

I decided to start the match with King Cerberus along side the Swordmaster style, with this combo i can be a real problem for her.

Y/N:"Have a taste-

-Of this!"

Satsuki:(Lightning!? I should have known with how different that Cerberus looked to the original.)

Y/N:"I'm not done with you just yet,-

-Burn baby burn!"

Satsuki:(He's more prepared then our last fight, he really has grown after fighting the Elite Four.)

I could feel that she was planning a counter and quickly tagged to Royal Guard, i caught her dashing behind me and began to block her attack's, Bakuzan and her dagger may have been made with carbon steel but that won't be strong enough to cut through my defence's.

Y/N:"What's wrong lady Satsuki? Can't break my guard?"

Satsuki:(As expected, Royal Guard can't be easly broken, i'll just have to find another way around it!)

After she ended her barrage of attack's i activated Gilgamesh and used one of my favorite attack's.


Satsuki:(Damn, he's gotten faster without a doubt, it's like he know's everything i'm about to do before i even do it, he's gotten quite skilled.)

I jumped to the back of the arena and began to charge up one of my old favorite's, the dragon rising uppercut, after landing it the two of us were up in the air so i used that against her by drawing my gun's and got ready to fire.

Y/N:(I've been waiting to say this for year's.):"Jackpot!"

She definantly heard my gun's go off so she spun herself around and blocked as many of them with Bakuzan as she could, when she landed i was right back in her face with my devil sword drawn and ready for some slicing.

Y/N:"Now suffer the fury-

-Of a thousand devil's!"

Before she landed after the attack i used a stinger attack and clashed against Bakuzan sending her flying backward's and almost out of the arena, she used Bakuzan to stop herself from falling out of the ring so by this logic i won by a ring out.

I went over to where she was hanging out of the ring and helped her back up so she didn't fall.

Y/N:"So i guess i win."

Satsuki:"I guess you're right, you've grown a lot sence you joined Honnoji-

-You may have become one of the strongest student's here."

She patted me on the shoulder while she left the arena but i felt something hanging off of my jacket, i checked and it was a sticky note.

Meet me in the councel room before you go.

Y/N:"Hey, how 'bout you guy's go on ahead, i'll catch up later."

Ryuko:"Suit yourself, see ya when you get back."

Mako:"Don't be too long!"

I went to the councel room as lady Satsuki asked, it was just the two of us, she had me sit down across from her and she filled me in on everything and even conformed my suspicion's.

Y/N:"I had the feeling there was a hell gate somewhere here, and this "Ragyo" is planning on opening it to sync them up with these "COVER'S" so she can rule this island with an iron fist?"


Y/N:"How stupid can one person be? The demon's won't listen to her and they won't keep there word, and she's a fool for thinking so."

Satsuki:"Indeed, that is why i've been monitering you and Matoi's growth and strength's, you and your club may just help us overthrow her and prevent that gate from being opened."

The two of us talked for a couple more minute's before i was able to leave back to the place i was staying, i'm part of this rebellion now and i'll stop at nothing to bring this "Ragyo" to justice.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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