Ch 21 [Monitering a Devil]

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[Art is not mine]

Nonon's P.O.V

It was the next day at school, not many member's of the councel were doing there thing while i was tasked to watch the new guy by lady Satsuki, i secretly watched him all day until it was getting to the end of the school, if anyone saw me they would probably think i'm stalking the guy.

Nonon:"*Sigh* This is what i was tasked to do? Watch the guy all day and see almost nothing? Soo boring."

I was just about to go to my room when i saw Y/N walk out into the arena alone, there was still a lot of damage and rubble around due to that Nui chick and the Tanjiro guy attacking and destroying the arena, we still haven't found someone that could clean and fix the place up so it was just kinda left there.

Nonon:"What the hell is he doing? The place is destroyed, there's no room to fight anyone. Or is he going to fight anyone?"

I watched closely as he activated some sort of gauntlet's and greave's and took a fighting stance then started destroying the rubble.

Nonon:"What in the world is he up too? Is he training or just cleaning?":(Gotta admit though, he's kinda good at this.)


He pack's quite a punch, those chunk's of rubble are made of solid concreat and he's destroying them in single hit's, it's actually kinda nice to watch it's kinda like an action movie when thing's are exploding behind the protaganist as there running to a helicopter or something like that.

Nonon:"Man, didn't think someone like that kid could pack a punch like that, by the time he's done destroying all of that rubble it will end up being a simple sweeping job.":(Well, it's actually kinda cool watching someone do stuff like this, i kinda wish i could get a little closer without blowing my cover.)

After he bashed a good bunch of the rubble into dust the gauntlet's disappeared and he pulled out his sword and started slashing the rest of it, one of his attack's inparticular caught my attention.

Y/N:"Ragh hagh Gah!"

Nonon:"Damn! Chill out dude, we kinda want to keep the arena in one peice.":(He's really just going all out and pushing his limit's, he must be preparing for that Tanjiro guy to come back or something, i should probably turn the audio on so i can hear what he's saying.)

I turned on the audio so i could hear what he was saying and i was a little surprised.

Y/N:"I can't waste a single oppertunity to get stronger, if i'm going to beat Tanjiro i need to be at my strongest otherwise doing all of this mean's nothing, the only way to avenge our mother is to kill him, Tanjiro has to die."

Nonon:(Him and that guy are related!? Holy plot twist, that's quite a surprise wait, why didn't he tell us that he has a brother? And why does he want to kill him?)

I monitered him for a little while longer until he started back to his place, but not before giving Matoi....and two other girl's a quick smooch.

Nonon:(So he's a player huh? If so why does he look so uncomfortable about it? And why are those two chick's smooching on Matoi as well? What in god's name is going on?)

I took the combat information and reported it to lady Satsuki.

Satsuki:"You've returned."

Nonon:"Yeah, i got some information on his combat skill, and he's improving quickly too."

Satsuki:"He may just be a valid ally for our ultimate goal, i'll be keeping an eye on him as well but we have to moniter his growth to be sure if he's strong enough to help us with our ultimate goal."

I talked with lady Satsuki for a little while longer before i went to my room for the night.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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