Ch 11 [Confession]

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[Art is not mine]

Ryuko's P.O.V

Everyone was getting ready for bed so we could go to school the next morning, me and Mako now had a new room with new more comfortable bed's, i had put Senketsu in the closet where he would sleep for the night and got ready to sleep.

Mako:"Come one Ryuko-Chan let's go to sleep so we can be up bright and early."

Ryuko:"Okay, calm down Mako i'm just putting up Senketsu."

Mako:"Okay, goodnight Ryuko-Chan."

Ryuko:"Goodnight Mako."

I had the top bunk and Mako had the bottom bunk so we got on our respective bunk's and went to sleep, i was out almost instantly, after a moment i "Woke Up" in a nother place.


It was a wedding chapel, Senketsu took a more "Wedding Dress" type look...well as dress like as he could get, after a second it hit me, this was my wedding.

Dream Senketsu:"Ready Ryuko?"

Dream Ryuko:"Ready as i'll ever be Senketsu."

Ryuko:"What's going on? I'm getting married? To who?"

We walked to the main chapel and then i saw him, my groom.

Ryuko:"EHHHHH!? Y/N is my groom!?"

Not a single person could hear my yelling and constant question's, i wasn't sure how to feel about this, my own wedding and i was getting married to my childhood friend.

Right as we were about to kiss and be "Legally Married" i woke up almost falling off of my bunk.

Dream End.

Ryuko:(Damnit, what the hell was that dream all about? Y/N is my friend but yet i'm dreaming about him like that? Him and Mako are both really close friend's but why do i feel so differently about Y/N?)

I looked at the clock and saw it was only two in the morning, i got up and went to the kitchen to get some water, i was going to head to bed right afterward's but there was something in me telling me to go check on Y/N, after a couple second's of thinking about it i decided that it couldn't hurt to check on him.

As i walked to his room i swore i heard something shatter, i looked around and saw nothing and continued to his room where i thought i heard the window to his room break, i opened the door quickly and saw nothing was broken it was just me overthinking, i walked over to him and sat on his bed which woke him up.

Y/N:"Ryuko? Is everything alright?"

Ryuko:"Y-Yeah, just woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep, that's all."

Y/N:"Oh, Well i could stay up with you if you'd like."

Ryuko:(Damnit Ryuko just fuckin' tell him! I'm trying okay, it's just hard. What's so hard about it!? I don't want to ruin my friendship with him, i've known him since we were kid's. You and i both know that but you have to say something before someone else does, and you know exactly who i'm talking about. D-Damnit i guess your right. I know i am, now tell him damnit!):"Y-Y/N, there's actually something i need to tell you."

Y/N:"I'm all ear's."

Ryuko:"W-Well, you know how the two of us have been friend's for year's now right?"

Y/N:"Yeah.":(Did i do something to upset her? Why is she studdering like that?)

Ryuko:"W-Well i've had some....other kind feeling's for you that go deeper than just friendship."

Y/N:(Huh? What is she talking about?)

Ryuko:"Well what i'm trying to say is...i-i l-l, i love you damnit."


Ryuko:(Damnit, blew that sky high!)

Y/N:"Ryuko, if that's how you really feel-

-Then i would be honored to by your lover."

Ryuko:"Heh, well i guess we're a couple now."

Y/N:"Yeah i guess, i don't think either of us have any idea what we're doing but that won't stop us from giving it our all will it?"

Ryuko:"That's right, we'll give it one hundred and ten percent, being honest i think we'll make a good couple."

There was a small moment of silence before we began to gaze into one and other's eye's, at that moment i guess neither of us could resist, our eye's closed and our lip's met.

Ryuko:"Hmmm.":(I didn't think that this would happen or that this would ever happen, i never thought in a million year's i would be kissing my childhood friend someone that i've been so close too ever since we were young.)

After that we went to sleep for a couple more hour's so we would have the energy for morning, little did i know i'd end up agreeing to something with some other girl's that i never thought i would even dream of, spoiler IT'S NOT NORMAL!

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later bye]

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