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There is still four more days before the kids will start to attend their schools.

Both hao and hanbin had done their best to teach the kids stuff they need to know when entering their respective schools.

They teach them how to defend themselves,what to do if there are bullies,what to do if someone they don't know comes etc.Hao even test them everyday about comebacks that they can think of.

They didn't have to worry much because all of their kids are smart and adapt to it quick.Even Yujin pass his test! Though he only said "no" most of the time.Atleast the boy learn how to say no to others? Of course hao already told him that it only use if someone do things that makes him uncomfortable and etc.

So Today,with the sun that had just start to rise,the two adult decided to bring their kids to hanbin's cafe so they'll know where hanbin works.Since hanbin need to check up on his cafe too,might as well give the kids a tour around his most proudest creation!

Hanbin's cafe have a land of its own,perks of having an older brother who doted on him.The cafe is near Zhanghao's school.

Hanbin had work very hard to build a beautiful garden that surrounds the cafe,making it look very photo material and beautiful to see.

For the inside,he design it to be home-like vibe, comfortable and pleasing for the eyes.The concept of his cafe is one of the reason his cafe went viral until now.

"Wow dad,this is amazing!!" Ricky's eyes sparkles at the sight of beautiful flowers.The cafe look like a house in the middle of a field full of flowers!

"Welcome to my cafe! Binini's cafe" hanbin smile proudly, ruffling Ricky's hair as a thank you for the compliment.

"Your dad work very hard to make it work,and the result is satisfying" Hao smile at hanbin who look at him shockingly,faking a sob.

Come on,it rare for hao to compliment him!

"wanna go in,come on come on!!" Gunwook pout,jumping up and down while wiggling hao's hand that is holding his .

The two adults laughed as they walk towards the cafe.The cafe had just open and since it very early in the morning and a school day so there won't be that many customers in the morning.


"Sorry we haven't--" the boy stop what he want to say when he sees his best friend coming in with a big smile on his face.

"Ah!! GUYS IT HANBIN HYUNG!!!" The boy shout excitedly, getting out from behind the counter and run towards hanbin.

But before he can even jump to hanbin,a man that looks like a duck immediately grab his neck collar and pull him backwards so he won't launch onto hanbin who snickers.

"Taerae-ya!!" The boy winced when his butt hit the floor.

"Can't you see there are kids Matthew?" Taerae sigh,how on earth did matthew not see the kids Infront of him?

"Kids? HUH KIDS??" Matthew jump up as he finally look at the kids that hanbin brought.

The kids were hiding behind hanbin and hao, hands clutching on their parents pants while looking at him and taerae warily.

"Hi guys,can you call the others so we can introduce them? I'll explain later,i want to tour them around the cafe" hanbin said while scratching his neck that is not itchy.Why did it gets a bit awkward?

"O-oh sure,we will after you guys are finish touring" matthew said,still a bit confused but nonetheless obeyed his boss.

"We will go now,have fun kids!" Taerae smile,waving at the kids but got ignore instead.However,taerae doesn't mind it since he knows hanbin and hao probably teach them the no strangers rules.

"Right,this is dad's work! Isn't it cool~" hanbin smile,turning to his kids who actually was admiring the place.

"Dad,I love it here!!" Gyuvin squeal,seeing a few cats roaming around the cafe.

"Glad you love it" hanbin smiles and the family walk around the cafe with hanbin as the guide.

"Lastly,This is my office!" Hanbin opened the door for the kids and hao to walk in.Though hao had always come here but he still could not stop admiring and praising about how pretty and comforting this place is.

Hanbin had said he made this cafe to let those who are having a hard time to come and release their stress.Having a nice drink while playing with the cats,watching the beautiful scenery is a good way to relex their mind.Not only that,the food here is affordable for students too so the cafe is mainly full of students that come to ease their mind from studying.

Hanbin also said that this idea came to his mind because of hao and why is that? it is because he saw how dead his husband is everyday and most of the places they've been doesn't really match hao's preference and make him even more stress.Later on,hanbin decide that they stay at home while he bake something for hao since his husband love sweets things and that how he decide to open a cafe just for this.

In the past when hao was still studying,he would come to hanbin's cafe everyday to do his work.He can relax plus watch his handsome husband work is an amazing sight to see,and it only for him!

"Thinking about something?" A soft voice break his thoughts as he look at his side to see his hanbin gentle eyes staring at his with a smile on his face.Hanbin's arm finding their way to hao's waist,pulling him closer to him.

The kids had went to find something to play in his office,he doesn't even know what so fun in here since there are only plushies and figurines here oh and also his open pc,they will probably play with that.

Hao didn't respond but his smile widen as his plump lips meet hanbin's slight thin lips catching the younger off guard.

Hanbin turns so he is facing hao,both arms already on hao's tiny waist,pulling his beautiful husband closer while hao's arms hugs hanbin's neck,his finger playing with hanbins back hair.The kiss was soft,full of adoration and pure loves.

When they pull away,both of them have a wide smile on their face.

"What the occasion hm?" Hanbin was the first one to speak between them,loving eyes staring straight at hao's.He softly nuzzle their nose together.

"Can't I kiss you when i want?" Hao lips forms a pout, eyebrows furrow.Why can't he kiss his husband whenever he want?

Hanbin cooed at hao as he pampers hao with kisses making hao giggles.He kiss hao's cheeks,forehead,nose,eyelids and lastly lips as he repeat the process over and over again

"H-hanbin,tickles" hao giggles,he love when his husband is spoiling him like this.

"Then why ask that stupid question hm?" Hanbin said,using his right hand to gently caress hao's left cheek.

"Because you ask me--" hao pout again and before he could complain, hanbin interrupt him.

"I know i know, i was joking" hanbin grinned while admiring his husband beautiful features.

"Dad,papa we're hungry" Gyuvin whine loudly,earning a smack on the head from ricky.

"Why did you interrupt their moment!!" Ricky nag at gyuvin who pout.

"I'm hungry!" Gyuvin argues back.He absolutely love seeing his parents being lovey-dovey but his hungry stomach is important too!

"Ricky, you shouldn't hit gyuvin like that" hao lets out a small laugh when he hears Ricky's nagging.

Hanbin is still staring at how beautiful his husband is to the point he even forgot how to blink.How can a person be this beautiful? He thought.

"Papa,dad is weird" Gunwook said while pointing at hanbin.

Hao immediately detached himself from hanbin and hit his arm.

"Stop staring and go get us something!" Hao instruct,he want to get mad but he love the attention his receiving!! Seeing his own smile still on his face.

"Okay,princess" hanbin gave a last peck on hao's forehead before running outside to get something to eat.

And they just never realise how red their ears and face had become.4 years of dating and 7 years of marriage already but still acts like they are new to love.

"Papa! Kiss kiss!" Yujin whine and of course hao obeyed and scoop him up from the table and give him a kiss on the forehead.Soon,he also gave kisses on the forehead to all his childrens.


After they ate,All of his employee gather inside his office,squealing and cooing at the kids who hide behind hao and hanbin,well not yujin though because the boy didn't care much and only want his papa.

"Okay! Now I will introduce our kids because they will come here often" Hanbin speak,his big smile on his face.

"This is Ricky and Gyuvin,twins,7 years old" Hanbin step aside a bit,nudging the twins to say something.

"h-hello" Gyuvin said,his voice barely heard.his hand holding ricky's tightly.

"Hello gyuvin,ricky!! nice to meet you!!" Matthew squeal,excited to see children of hanbin and hao's.

"and this is gunwook,4 years old and yujin,3 years old" Hao said while ruffling gunwook's hair,assuring the boy they are safe.Gunwook had been hugging hao's leg tightly and hiding his face on his thigh,his ears red.

"oh my,they are adorable!!" Taerae beamed,hitting matthew by the arm.

"kids they will be your uncle now and these uncle are very nice" Hanbin said as the two eyes teary,touched that hanbin trust them.

"here gyuvin,ricky! Strawberry and pistachio ice cream!"Matthew hold out the two ice cream for the two kid,he had went out to get it for them  earlier (he had ask hao their favourite ice cream flavour)

"ah! strawberry kyubing!" Ricky eyes sparkles at his favourite ice cream flavour.He pull gyuvin with him to approach matthew who is very happy the kids accept him.

While the twins are playing with matthew and junhyeon,his other employee.Taerae,haruto and woongki surrounded hao to see the two youngest.

"ah! they are so adorable hao!!" Haruto exclaimed,he tried to poke yujin's cheek but yujin immediately buries his face on hao's chest.

"I'm sorry,they are a bit hard to accept people" Hao said apologetically,caressing yujin's head gently. He doesn't want them to misunderstood yujin.

"it okay hao! it only the first day" Woongki assures him.

"and what about you cutie,do you want to play cars with uncle rae,uncle ruto and uncle woongki?" Taerae squad down,he hold out his hand that have the car toy to gunwook who had stop hiding his face.

Gunwook look at hao first for permission and when hao nodded,gunwook slowly reach for the toy making the four adult melt at his cuteness.

"can I take him home later?" Asked haruto but got hit on the head by hao.

"don't kidnapped my child" Hao laughed as haruto pout and the three walks away with gunwook to play with him somewhere in the office.

"looks like they are okay with them" Hanbin stand closer to hao.

"mhm,yujin-ah don't you want to play with them?" Hao asked the baby in his arm who had stop hiding and just staring at him.Yujin shake his head,nuzzling his face on hao's shoulder,indicating he want to be with his papa only.

"You really,stop being so attached to your papa and go play,what will you do later when you're in kindergarten huh?" Hanbin flick yujin's forehead making yujin whinced and touch his forehead,glaring at hanbin who grinned.

"Hanbin!" Hao panic,that look like it hurt!

"papa! dad naughty!" Yujin whined to hao who immediately look at hanbin but before he could nag at him,hanbin's hand closed yujin's eyes as his lips meet hao's making hao look at him eyes widen.

"h-hanbin--" hao gasped out when they pulled away but his word were cut off by hanbin who had reconnected their lips together,now squeezing yujin between them who keeps whining,hanbin's left arm circling hao's waist,pulling him closer while enjoying the taste of hao's lips.

Hao can't help it,hanbin is a very good kisser that he get sway with this despite his firm rule about not kissing too long infront of their kids.

"oh my god,are they really making out infront of their kids?" Matthew gasped shockingly,seeing yujin squirming in between his parent that are enjoying their moment.

"poor yujin" Junhyeon snickers.

Gyuvin who realise the sitution immediately stand up and walk toward his parents.

Cute thing is,their children love seeing them being lovey-dovey,having no parents and growing up in the orphanage,never ever witnessed anyone showing affection that they even cherish these moment a lot.If they can,they never ever want to interupt hao and bin being lovey-dovey.The best thing is hao and hanbin also let them join in even when they are being very affectionate to each other,doesn't want anyone to get left out and this is why the kids absolutely love them very much.

"dad,yujin" Gyuvin hold out his arm when hanbin pulled away from a flustered hao.Hao was still gasping for air.

"hyung! hyung!" Yujin whine when he heard his hyung's voice.

"thank you gyuvin-ah,I'll treat you later" Hanbin grinned,ruffling gyuvin's hair before giving yujin to gyuvin.

"dad mean!" Yujin pout angrily,hitting hanbin's leg with his tiny arms.

Hanbin only stick out his tongue at the boy who did the same.Gyuvin laughed before taking yujin away with him.

"let's continue in the washroom shall we?" Hanbin eyes travel on to hao who is already glaring at him and just like that,he carries hao like a sack of rice over his shoulder.

"Hanbin!! "Hao lets out a squeak when hanbin starts to walk towards the washroom.

"ahhh let me go!!" Hao screams as the office door close behind them.

"gosh they are crazy! " Haruto sighed.They were all just watching the couple.

"dad like to bully papa" Gunwook said suddenly,while taking another car toy.

"how gunwook-ah?" Woongki asked confused.When did his boss becomes a red flag?

"dad like give papa kisses and take papa to  bed or bathroom.When they came out papa always have an angry face while dad is always happy!" Gunwook smile widely while explaining.

"SUNG HANBIN!!" Hao loud yelled can be heard even from the office making all of them flinced at the yell,the main washroom is not even close to here.

"and that how papa scold dad" Ricky continue,they are all sitting close to each other to let the kids play together.Yujin is sitting between ricky and gyuvin,his tiny arm hugging ricky right arm tightly while gyuvin feeds yujin and ricky cake.

"wild,they are wild" Junhyeon concluded,all of them still is shocked,hearing what the kids had just said.

"It Hanbin who is wild,can't believe my best friend have this side of him" Matthew said,laughing.

"can't believe our innocent and kind boss is like that,damn that caught me off guard" Haruto gasped,sobbing fakedly.

"guess we have to add another 2 hour before opening the cafe" Woongki sighed,look like today income will be a bit less than usual.

"it okay since it our boss fault!" Taerae exclaimed as they all laughed.Now hanbin can't say anything to it!

"kids,what else did they do?" woongki asked,he love stories about other people's life,he needs the tea.

"dad like to kiss and bite papa's neck" Now it gyuvin turn to say making them all gasp in shocked.

"huh? he did?" Ricky asked,how come he never noticed it when he is always with hao.

"He did!! I saw it! I even asked dad if papa taste good and he said papa taste gooder than the food grandma make!" Gyuvin excitedly said.

"let's bite papa later than! i wanna taste too!!" Ricky eyes brighten,shaking hands with gyuvin who nodded.

They all glanced at each other,not sure if they should explain this.Before junhyeon open his mouth to explain,woongki immediately close his mouth,shaking his head.

let them handle it 

they nod.Hopefully hao won't get mad when his kids suddenly bite him and pray hanbin won't get in trouble for this.

After they got back home,already fresh from the shower.They are currently chilling on the sofa.

Ricky and gyuvin look at each other before nodding.Hao is just watching the drama on the television,not knowing what his kids will do to him.

Hanbin is sitting beside hao but he is playing with his phone so he didn't notice anyone while yujin and gunwook are playing with their toys together on the floor.

the twin slowly sit beside hao with ricky sitting beside hao and holding his arm while gyuvin half kneeling behind him.

"AH!" Hao immediately look at his arm where he sees his twins biting his arm.They all look at hao who suddenly screams.

"what are you two doing!??" Hao asked with a frown on his face as he look at his bitten arm.

"We want to taste you just like what dad did!" Ricky said.

"dad say you taste good so we want to try!!" Gyuvin said excitedly.

Hao didn't say anything but slowly turn his head to the side while hanbin already avoid his glaring.

"Sung hanbin" Zhanghao called out and hanbin gulped nervously.

"y-yes princess?" Hanbin answer,slowly looking at hao.

"no kisses and sleep on the sofa for a week" Hao declared and hanbin look at him horrified as he starts to complain but hao ignore him and turn to his kids.

"baby,you can't do that.Biting harms people" Hao sighed,caressing his two sons head.

"but dad gets to bite you though?" Gyuvin asked.

"dad is...he just like to bite" Hao said cautiously.

"Dad! Biting is bad!" Gunwook frowned,his index finger pointing at hanbin who sulk.

"With papa it not" he answer and right that instant hao pinch his waist making him winced in pain.

Hao's pinch is really out of the world!

When hanbin answer that,the kids instantly look at hao.

"No,you cannot bite anyone.Your dad just have a...kink on biting" hao's mind is in chaos right now.How is he gonna explain hanbin's...whatever.

"Then why dad didn't bite me?" Gyuvin asked curiously.No,he doesn't know what kink is,he thought it a disease.But Why do they have so much question!! Hao screams inside.

"You want me to bite you gyuvin-ah?" Hanbin grinned but gyuvin didn't even get scared but wonders how it feels to get bitten.

"No! No! No biting!" Hao block hanbin because the boy wanted to grab gyuvin.

"You! Stop it or else I'll seriously put you on hold until 1 month!" Hao said annoyedly to hanbin.Hanbin open his mouth to say something but immediately stop when he saw his beautiful husband glares.Hao is like this already so he had no choice but to obey.

"So can we bite or not paaa" ricky whined,he is getting tired of it.His papa said no but his dad said yes,who is he supposed to listen?

"You cannot bite anyone.Only if that person gave you permission to bite them then it okay"  hao said and the four kids nodded.

"Okay papa!" Gyuvin beamed,getting down from the sofa to play with his two younger brother.



"One kiss?"



"No but,go and reflect your action"

"Ahhhh" hanbin whine,obeying hao who snickers.

He didn't went anywhere though,he just went and play with his kids while hao and ricky watched their favourite k-drama.

Haobin naughty cover
Haobin naughty cover
Haobin naughty cover
I can't do this anymore AHHH I LIKE IT TOO MUCH

Now to manifest for troublemaker haobin and troublemaker shimkongz HAHAHA



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