1: The break

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Im Elisa Venezuela, i'm 19 years old. Im from Mexico. I live in New York. I am 1.70 cm tall. Long brown curly hair. I have hazel eyes. And this, this will be my story.

My life was perfect. I had my friends, my family, my perfect boyfriend. It was perfect until I found something out.

There was a party yesterday and it was the day that my boy friend and i were together for 3 years. I met him when I was 14. We started to hang and became best friends. Then we fell in love after 2 years. Until yesterday.

We were going to a party. The party before summer. I haven't seen Jay, my boyfriend so I was looking for him. I asked my friends where he was and they didn't knew where he was.

I walked to the toilets in the club to check my hair. I heard groans on the background. It felt so awkward. The moans came from a toilet cubicle with the door open. I was checking my hair and updating my make up. The door of the toilet cubicle opened. I didn't wanted to look because it's weird.

But I saw via the mirror on the background my boyfriend fucking my stepsister. Well she wasn't my stepsister anymore, our parents divorced. What a jerk. I felt my heart break apart. I didn't knew what to do. Jay saw me. I burst out and ran away. I ran home. He followed me and tried to stop me.

Hé threw those 3 years away because of another girl? Since when? Maybe he fucked her before. Maybe it wasn't the first time he fucked another girl. So many questions.

I called my mom immediately, I tell her everything. My mom lives in Mexico with my dad, I moved to New York because of my study. My mom said:" Do you want us to come? Or do you wanna come hun?"

I said:" No mom it's okay, I think I need a break from everything. No social media any more."

My mom said:" I think you need a vacation all alone."

She was totally right. I said:" your right. I'm gonna book a ticket and a hotel right now."

Mom said:" where are you gonna go?"

I said:"I think I'm going to Italy."

My mom said:" that's a lovely place. Be careful hun. If you are leaving and if you arrived just call me."

I said:" I will mom. But I'm not very active on my phone. I need some time without anyone. Oh and please if Jay called you or texted you and asked you where I am, don't say anything. Tell him you don't know please"

Mom said:" of course hun. Take your time. You can always come here to our home. My house is your house remember."

I said:" I will come soon mom. I've missed you and dad. I gotta go, I booked everything and I'm gonna pack my suitcase. I love you and dad! I'll call you later."

Mom said:" we love you too, be careful ciao."

I don't know what I'm feeling. I only know I'm broken. I can't think clear anymore. After 3 amazing years he cheated on me. What if he never loved me? What if he got a reason? No, Elisa think. There is never a reason to cheat on someone. Never.

I called my best friend Olivia and explained her what happened.

She said:" oh my gosh. Mi amor. Lizzy are you okay?"

Lizzy, that's me. My friends are calling me Lizzy.

I said:" I don't know how I'm feeling. I don't know what I have to think or do."

She said:" take your vacation. Enjoy yourself. Take your time. No social media. Just only you and you."

I said:" Do you wanna join me?"

She said:" Cariño, you have to go and take time of yourself. If you want me there. I'll come immediately but I think it's the best if you go alone. Call me whenever You need me ok?"

She was right. I said:" I will. I love you so much"

She said:" I love you too, which City are you going in Italy?"

I said:" Sanremo"

She said:" Thats beautiful. For how long?"

I said:" just a week. After that I probably will go to Mexico to my parents."

She said:" Bitch I'm gonna miss you."

I said:" I'm gonna miss you too but when I'm leaving Italy I'll call you. And when i arrived."

She said:" take your time. Do you want me to do anything for you?"

I said:" No, Gracias, Te quiero!"

She said:" I love you too mi amor."

I said:" I'm gonna go pack my suitcase. I'll call you tomorrow. Ciao"

She said:" Ciao"

After 10 minutes the doorbell rang. I openend the door and it was Olivia.

I said:" Hey come in, what are you doing here?"

She said:" I can't let you pack your suitcase all alone and let you go to the airport alone right?"

She brought me also some snacks.

She said:" he doesn't deserve you, your beautiful and the most perfect girl friend ever. He is just blind."

I said:" thank you so much." And I hugged her.

She said:" first. Let's put on some music and start with the vibezzz. Oh and. I brought you some hot bikinis. When you go to Italy you have to go in style. Sexy style."

I laughed and said:" thank you hahahaha let's vibeee"

We start to check on my clothes and choose what I'm gonna take with me. We were also dancing and singing to the music. After 1/2 hours we were done. It was only 10 P.M.

We were watching a funny movie and then we went to sleep. We had to wake up at 5 A.M.

It was 5 A.M and we were making ourself ready. I took a shower and got dressed. Olivia also took a shower and she just put on some sweat pants and a hoodie. I was wearing grey sweat pants with a with cropped top from Calvin Klein and a grey vest. My hair was just a messy bun.

She took me to the airport and she helped me with the bagage.

Then she gave me a warm hug and said:" I'm gonna miss you so so much, take care of yourself okay? If anything happens just call me immediately and I'll be on my way!"

I said:" I'm gonna miss you too, and if anything happens to you you should call me back."

"Attention everyone. The flight to Sanremo, Italy will depart in 20 minutes. Rerun. The flight to Sanremo,Italy will depart in 20 minutes!"

She said:" you should go before you are missing your flight."

I gave her another warm hug and said:" I'm gonna miss you!"

She said:" I'm gonna miss you too, now go. Enjoy your vacation. No social media. No more Jay. Ciao!"

I said:" okay, ciao!"

She kept waving at me until she didn't saw me anymore. I called my parents after I checked in.

I said:" hey mom, hey dad. I'm not at the airport. I already checked in. My flight is leaving about 10 minutes."

They said:" have fun sweetie. Be careful. Call us when anything happens. We love you! Take your time."

I said:" I love you guys too. After Italy I will come to you two guys!"

My dad said:" finally! I wanna see my oldest baby girl and your little sister wanna see you too!"

Oh right. Forgot to mention. I have a little sister. She is 7 years old and her name is Valentina.

Valentina came to the phone and said:" I miss you, I wanna see you soon" with such a cute voice.

I said:" I miss you too Tina, see you soon sweetie" I call her Tina.

"Attention. The flight to Sanremo,Italy will depart in 5 minutes. Rerun. The flight to Sanremo,Italy will depart in 5 minutes. Please go in line and be ready to board the plane"

My mom said:" okay go hun, have fun. Take care of yourself. We love you. Cant wait to see you soon!"

I said:" I love you all too. I can't wait either."

They said:" Ten cuidado, te queremos, adiós!"

I said:" love you all too, ciao!"

I was sitting on my seat in the plane.
I put in my airpods and started the Spotify playlist Olivia sent me.

So many songs about heart broken girls, she is the best. But also some songs about standing up and some good mood songs.

After about 15 hours I finally arrived. I checked my phone and I've got 82 missed calls from jay. I blocked him on everything and just walked out of the plane. There was a taxi waiting for me and took me to my hotel I stayed in.

It's a beautiful big hotel. It has a swimming pool, it's close to the centrum. The view is beautiful. It's perfect.

I totally had a jetlag. I only texted Olivia and my parents that I arrived. From now. No phones anymore. I felt asleep immediately. The time here was + 6 hours. My plane left 8 A.M. 15 hours and 15 minutes on the plane. So I arrived 11 P.M but the time is here + 6 hours. So it's 5 A.M. in the morning.

I woke up 11 A.M.

I ate some breakfast and put on a cherry bikini and jumped in the swimming pool then i was sun tanning.

It walked back to my hotel room. When I arrived in my hotel room i took a shower and got dressed to go to the centrum.

I was wearing this and I also styled my hair.

I was walking in the city and people were playing music and it was so relaxing.

Someone was playing instruments. I started to dance with him and people were dancing with us.
I was walked on and saw a little girl singing and no one was watching her. It was so sad so i was sitting with her. I said:" hey where are your parents?"

She couldn't tak English.

I said:" Parli italiano?"
(Do you speak Italian)

She knocked yes.

I said:" Dove sono I tuoi genotori ?"
(Where are your parents?)

She said:" dietro di te, lassù."
(Behind You, upstairs)

She was singing a Italian song. I knew that song too. My grandfather always sang that for me.

I was singing with her. People started to watch and clapped.

We finished the song and people were clapping. That little girl gave me a hug.

She said:" Come ti Chiami?"
(What's your name?)

I said:" Il mio nome è Elisa. Come ti chiami?"
(My name is Elisa, what's your name?)

She said:" Il mio nome è Luna."
(My name is Luna)

I said:"Hola Luna!"

She said:" Hola Elisa"

I said in Italian to her: sing another song"

She sang another song alone and it was beautiful. I saw her parents looking proud at her. I waved at them and they send air kisses. I sent it back.

I gave her a high five and said goodbye to her and she hugged me. I was moving on. I love it here.

Part 2 is commingggg

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