Good Thing

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"Music is a treasure that fills you
Just as you feel
Have a bit more fun"



This hot summer is really something huh.

I'm in my crib aka cell with one who hold a fucking grudge at me and also a brother who defended me even though we aren't related. That crazy yuta guy was annoying and sometimes i didn't even wanted to fight with him but he kept getting on my nerves.

I did not go to jail just to be treated like this.

As you may know or don't know, who cares if you don't know as long as you are here I'll tell you what happened to me and why the hell i am in this shitty motherfucking prison.

A long time ago, maybe a year or months, i don't care that's the time i remember okay. I was on my computer, the usual chillin and college things. Then i saw a post about this guy or girl, anywho that's a person and i never really got to know that person anyways.

So there i was having my usual day until i saw the post. He said he needs someone who wanted to work for him as a programer and i am really good with that stuff so i applied and gave him information about me.

You see here's what i did wrong here. I didn't check if it's a legit thing and i immediately went and gave him all of my information and documents that theh will NEED in order to get me into this trouble.

They send me about what will i do and then after a week of normal working and they are giving me my wage. These people gave me an important job.

They said that if i don't do it all of my information will be leaked to the police and i have been doing dirty things in the internet. So obviously i was so confused and mad at the same time, apparently the one week i was working that looked definitely normal was not.

I was actually stealing documents and other information from private people and data from secured sources. I WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCKED OKAY.

I promise you I'm a good guy but these people got everything and they framed me for everything. The police didn't do anything for me since the evidence were clear and the person that got me into this was no where to be found and the only contact that i have with them aren't working.

That was the most shittiest thing a person would do to me and fuck to that person.

You see I'm not a criminal here. I'm trying to be nice but people in this place can only the bad side of me. How can i actually show them my good side if they keep annoying the heck of me AKA that yuta.

Okay enough of that background check and let's face reality.

Now that I'm in prison that's the second to the last thing i never wanted. If that's the second the first one is the death of me, and I'm not even joking. I bought shame to my parents and the fact that i did all of that they don't even considered me as their son any more.

I knew that they wouldn't do anything like that but i was so wrong. I regretted of my actions and now it bought my life into pieces and i couldn't even piece it back together. I was sentence here for years because of those people and i can't wait to get out of here, if i have the power to get out of here now i would do it.

I wanted to take my revenge for everything they have done.

They destroyed my life, caught me off from my family and even almost killed for it. When they had the chance to kill me they stopped because they needed more evidence. The police. The prosecutor said all of that. What kind of people are they serving for a VICTIM like me would be in prison. That's all fucked up isn't it?

" Hey haechan.." i was woken up by kun and i immediately shot up. I had a little nap there because i was lazy and don't have anything to do. There's nothing you can do in prison anyways than to sit your butt and do the hell you want inside the cell.

I felt my head hurts as that made my vision dark for a second. I shouldn't have done that. It was stupid in every way. " hey you should be careful.. Your will will get dizzy"  he told me as i held my head with both of my hands.

" ah! It hurts" i said as i opened my eyes to see clearer.

I looked at kun and a guard walked by. He was monitoring and checking if we are doing good. " he wasn't the guard who took me the last time.. Thank God" i said.

I was taken away last time right and they tortured me if you are wondering what happened. They beat me up while two other guards are helding me back.

I don't know if they also done that to others but i was a regular there. I was the only beaten up in our floor while the other people have only been punched in the fake or been kick in the leg.

I am being mistreated even in here or i am missing something and other people might have more tremendous punishment other than beating the shit out of them. But anyways i went back on my nap because we just came back from our lunch like an hour ago and I'm sleepy.

" you shouldn't even sleep after eating.. Its not good for you" kun said. I heard yuta snickered and i try to ignore him.

" let him be.. Its his body not yours" look kun is trying to be nice and you have to be such an asshole.

" i don't have the energy to talk to you so can we just settle this now.." i said to him and went back to sleep.

If you try to shit on me or kun hyung again i will literally end if i have too.


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