Chapter - 26

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Anika and Anya reached the base and walked in, the meeting has not begun yet so the main room was empty

"Mujey pata tha humarey yaha koyi bhi kaam time paar start nahi hota" Anya said looking around

"kaisey hoga jab humarey two main stars hi late ho" Sheetal said emerging from the shadows

"augh" yelped Anya jumping back

"yaar tumney tho mujey darahi Diya...koyi kitnabhi kahey no one can beat Sheetal in sneaking up behind people...she is master in it" Anya added

"lagalo beta jitna chaiyeh vutna makhan lagalo...daat tho padeygi hi" Sheetal replied crossing her arms

Anya groaned while looking at her sister

"janey do na Sheetal we will make sure it will never happen again" Anika poured in

Sheetal changed her glance between Anya and Anika

"fine I am letting you go because this is the first time you are late hope it's also last Anika" Sheetal said

"yaay" Anya said

"sirf..Anika gets the excuse..not you Anya" Sheetal said to Anya's face

"what?" Anya asked

"ha..kyuki yeh Anika ka first time not Agent Black get changed and do 3 laps around the training area" Sheetal ordered

Anya tried to convince her one last time but Sheetal was not melting..accepting her defeat Anya went to change

"you shouldn't be so harsh on her" Anika said as Anya left

"And you shouldn't be so soft with her" Sheetal replied

"so what's the news?" Anika asked

" change into training clothes and go to trainingarea since everyone is there..i will explain it once to all" Sheetal said walking away

*5 minutes later*

Anika changed into training clothes and walked to the area where everyone were Mahi and Daksh were sparing, Ranveer and Robin were showing of their fighting skills and Anya was running

Anika was looking at Anya with a bitter sweet smile as she remembered what her sister said this morning, when she felt something is coming her way she ducked and grabbed the thing

it was a wooden sword

"not a nice way to greet your sister Neil" Anika said not even looking as she knows who can do that

"this is the only way to greet someone who is late" Neil replied while flexing his sword skills

"aww..your hurting my feelings brother " Anika said taking her stance

"" Neil's sentence was cutted by Anika's sudden attack

Neil blocked the attack with his sword but by Anika's force he was pushed back

"jab tum fight hi karna chatey ho tho ey baatey kissliyeh" Anika said raising her sword showing that is ready to fight

"still as impatient as ever" Neil muttered as he charged at her with full speed

Anika didn't move until he was about his sword was few inches away..Anika stepped back and hitted Neil's sword with hers

Until Neil's hand regained momentum Anika swung her sword at him with no other choice Neil jumped back to avoid

Anika didn't give anytime to him before another attack she swung her sword at him again Neil ducked down and pointed his sword at her from below and attacked

For Anika and Neil was really slow but for the remaining people they were going really fast

Anya's laps were done she stopped beside Mahi and Daksh who were also seeing Anika and Neil's fight (as everyone else in the room)

"done with your punishment" Mahi said giving her a towel

"thanks" Anya said taking the towel

"phir shuru hogayeh yeh dono" she added

"ha vunka roj ka hai...waisey tumari aakon ko kya hua?" Mahi asked

"kuch nahi hua" She replied

"really..jaisey tumari aakey suji huyi hai nai..aisey lagtha hai ki tum rokey aai ho" Mahi said maintaining eye contact

"I was not crying..waisey mai rovu hasu tumey kya" Anya asked annoyed

"ha..mujey kya" Mahi repeated looking back at the fight

soon the fight came to halt with a thud, Neil was on the ground and Anika looking shocked as her sword flew away from her..there was dead silence

but Neil started to laugh his voice echoed through the silent training area

"I won" he said

"PAAGAL HO TUM' Anika shouted while grabbing by collar

"What? gussa ho ki mai jeet gaya" Neil said with a smirk


"I did a move which can k*ll the enemy" Neil said pushing her hand away

"that move may k*ll your opponent but you will LOSE YOUR ARM" Anika said calming down a little

"so?..what matters is that I won" Neil said laying back

"you know what is worse than death?" Anika asked grabbing Neils attention

"living your life at someone else pity" she added

"tumara opponent marr jayega..leykin tum handicapped will be removed from the tropes...tum kisi aur par dependent hoja vogey..aur jo insaan tumey aapna pride mantha tha vohi tumey bhooj maney sometimes winning doesn't matter" Anika added

Neil looked as if he understood what she is trying to say..he sat back down again and said "acha baba I am sorry...I will remember your lesson" while giving her his hand to help him get up

Anika pulls him up looks back to see everyone staring at them



"aap saab loog apna training chod kar humey kyu ghur rahey ho.." neil asked

"uh..nothing" Ranveer said

"if nothing then..GET BACK TO TRAINING" Anika ordered

"'am" all replied

Just then Sheetal came in "Morning everyone" she greeted

"if you all are done with the training please be seated" she said turning the lights down

as everyone sat down Sheetal started to talk

"We got to know that black serpent group found a way to open the portal from outside" Sheetal said which was accompanied by some gaps

"they are kidnapping people and sending them to dungeons and somehow those monsters are taking control over the body" she added

she is repeating the same topic as yesterday night as only Anika and her group know about it

"we don't know how many people did they send has succeed.... Anya..please countinue" she said

Anya got up sand started to explain the information she collected

"so..Mr.Viraj.he is a person from London...wskey mammy papa Indian honey key baad bhi he has never been to India...woh india aaya tho sirf wuskey dost ki shadi attend karney but he was kidnapped and sent to dungeon...and I don't know how the main monster got control over his body and even opened a dark dungeon day before tomorrow...that's all know" Anya said

"before you say something the one who say Viraj or possessed Viraj is Anika if you any doubts yo can ask her" Sheetal said pointing Anya to sit

"so..your telling me that now those monsters can come to earth as they please?" someone asked

"yes...till now there is only one but if we don't stop it then.." Sheetal wondered off

"ab kya karey?" Anika asked

"first we need to stop Viraj before he can do anything to anyone" Sheetal said

"how?" Robin asked

"we..found a way to open the dungeon..and we have decided to..send some people in to destroy the monster" Sheetal said

"WHAT?" Screamed almost everyone cause going in dungeon is no less than going on suicide mission

"that's what we decided..and it will be today evening 5 be ready everyone" Sheetal said and left

the silence in training area was broken by whispers as everyone started to leave

"going in to dungeon...I hope we will not be included " Daksh said to Ranveer and Robin

"mujey lagtha hai sabhi ko nahi bhejengey" said Ranveer

"well it will include Anika, Neil and Mahi for sure" robin added

"don't forget Aaru...even though she is a kid she is still strong" Ranveer said

"lo..humey bhwj kar party karney ka plan kar khud party karney ki plan kareyhai" Neil said placing his arm around Daksh shoulder

"ha..ha dekho agar humey bheygey tho hum tum ko bhi leykey gaengey" Aaru added

"nai baba hum aap jitney strong nahi hai" Robin said

" serious" Anika said

"ha..this is really important if we lose it will be end of everything" Mahi added

"ha..ok tho challo sath bhaitkar lunch kartey hai" Ranveer asked

"No..I am going to my room" Anika asked

"pata nahi hum maisey kon jaieyga so lets enjoy the few moments we have together" Neil said

"ha didi..please" Anya also said

"ok..challa phir" Anika said joining the rest


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