I jerked awake as I felt stiff and accusingly pointed a finger straight at Theo.
"Don't insult my mother unless you want to see stars again," he threatened, holding another needle out.
"YOU MEANIE!" I yelled instead as he huffed and put his needle away.
"I'm not the one you'll be calling names once I tell you what Nic's been doing," he said, his voice low as I jerked forward, falling out of the bed as I landed on the floor with a groan. "I'll give it to ya straight and no sugar coats because sugar is bad for you anyways, and I'm a doctor so I care for your health. Ha. Ha. Get it? I don't care," he said humorlessly as he blew out his cigarette smoke. "He's been overdosing."
"Wh- WHAT?" My eyes widened as I stood. "On Celebre?"
"No, on sugar," he rolled his eyes as he turned away to work on his papers.
Stumbling forward, I went to the front room with the windows, knowing Nicolas would be there, his broad shoulders retracting as his tribal tattoo etched over as he held onto his sword.
So he finally got it with Worick, huh?
"Yeah, we did," Worick answered my thoughts as I stared at him, grinning.
"Then great thing I did too!" I exclaimed, taking the jacket off as I showed him my back, the exact print design tatted five layers deep into my skin with black ink.
"Why are you always naked? I leave for like two seconds," Doug walked in as he rubbed his eyes, cutting Worick off.
"I have clothes on, excuse you."
Worick stared at Doug and me before shaking slightly then calling out to Nicolas.
"Nic! Nic!" He slammed his trembling hand on the wall behind us as he gestured to us when Nicolas turned around. "This is Y/N's son, Doug," Worick choked out as Nicolas dropped his sword.
'Son?' He signed as he stared at me, his eyes never wavering.
'Yup, for all 20 years of his life!'
'You're twenty?!' Nicolas turned to Doug with his eyebrow raised.
"What even is he saying?" Doug turned to me as I smiled at him.
"Didn't I tell you it'd be helpful if you learned sign language?" I teased as he groaned and turned the other way.
"So, uhm, who's his father?" Worick stammered as he gestured to Doug.
"Not sure," I shrugged as Worick choked, gasping for air as Nicolas stood shocked.
"You both must be the biggest dumbasses I know if you think that Doug is her biological son," Theo came in as he threw his cigarette away. "She's not his real mother, they're just like family and consider each other in the relationship they do," he sighed as he leaned against the wall and stared at me. "Joining the gang again?" He raised an eyebrow at my bare back, the sports top covering parts of the tattoo.
"Awe, come on! I was born into the gang," I cheered, slinging an arm around Theo as he moved to the side and I fell against the wall.
"Whatever, just get your asses back to your place," he grunted as a younger girl ran into the room, going straight to hug Nicolas as my finger twitched.
Worick stood beside me as he contained his laughter.
'Is she your daughter?' I looked at Nicolas as he gave me an amused smile back before shaking his head as he grinned at me.
Sighing in relief, I grabbed the water bottle on the table and gulped water down as Nicolas started signing something again. Raising a brow, I turned my attention to him and what he signed.
'I'd only have kids with you.'
Spitting my water out over Theo, I gasped for breath as I choked and Worick roared with laughter, slapping his knee and wiping tears.
"T-th-tha-thanks, Ni-Nic," I spluttered out as I straightened myself and saw an enraged Theo.
"OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW, ALL OF YOU!!" He shouted as he pushed us out with a huff, the little girl walking behind us.
"Nina, you can stay," Theo moved aside for the girl to go back in.
So this is Nina.
Well then, this is the brat that Nic is so fond of?
Oh. Did I just call a 12 year old a brat?
I guess I did, so what're you gonna do about it, loser?
"Stop arguing with yourself, you look stupid," Doug smacked me as I turned, ending up with him smacking his hand against my back.
"Ow, Doug," I exclaimed with a groan as he groaned and turned the other way.
"Do not start with this," he huffed as I pulled him close to me.
"Watch your tone!" I squeezed him even tighter as I swayed to and fro with him.
"Look who's talking!" He shot back as Worick hummed in agreement behind us.
"You've got a bad mouth?" The little br- Nina, asked me as she looked up at me.
"No, that'd be an insult to mouths," Doug wheezed out as I clung to him.
"That's not very nice!" I whined, rubbing my cheek against his as Worick looked like he would pee his pants with laughter.
"You're such a pain," Doug sighed as he gave up and leaned against me.
"I'm the most enjoyable pain!"
"Please don't ever say that to me again," Doug shivered in disgust as I grinned.
"Woah there, what kinda thoughts were you having ab-"
Before I could finish teasing him, Theo threw a bottle against the back of my head as I gawked at him.
"Yeah, yeah," he grunted, waving a hand to us. "Get moving and celebrate together. Try going some place nice and fun," he said as he went back inside, little b- Nina, following him in.
For the first time in a while, I felt uncomfortable with the situation I was in. I wasn't sure if Nicolas and Worick would want me back with them or if I should just get a move on after I got to see them. I'd have Doug with me too, so I'd b-
"Don't even think about leaving us now," Worick smacked a hand over my shoulder as he pulled me to his chest. "You'd leave poor Nic all heartbroken like last time," he purses his lips to contain himself from bursting with laughter as Nicolas threw a rock at him.
As I looked to Nicolas, he signed to me, his eyes never leaving mine.
'You're definitely staying, but the son has to go.'
My eyes widened at his request as Worick cleared his throat.
"He's kidding, clearly. Take a joke, he's not being serious, you both can and will stay. We'll even tie you dow- oh, wait. I'm sure we'll leave that part to Nic then," Worick teased as I punched his nose.
'You aren't going to leave again, right?' Nicolas signed as I saw the broken younger Nicolas deep in his eyes.
"There's no way she'd be able to leave you again, she loves you," Doug grunted as my mouth hung open at the confession he blurted.
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