I've thought of a million different ways to start this, but I still do not know what is the best.
I'll just be honest. I have not been uploading for a year because I was studying overseas. Not the best reason but it is the reason. I had no intentions on putting this story on hold for so long, but I guess things just piled up and I had so many other things to take care of. I had to get my priorities straight, resulting in me neglecting this story that I still love to this very day.
Every single day for the past year, the goal of completing this story has been at the back of my head like a broken recorder, kept reminding me to finish it, but I just did not bring myself to do it. Yes, I could've just spent a few hours to write and upload the last few chapters, but I felt that it would not be what I wanted. With all my other responsibilities in hand, I couldn't fully focus.
So sorry that I kinda left without notice. I appreciate how people are still reading the story while I'm not uploading new chapters <3
Now that I am on my summer break, I plan on finishing the story before going back for my second year.
I honestly don't know how many people care, maybe none, but this is a promise. I won't stop uploading again until this story comes to its final chapter.
Enough of my rambling. This cliff hanger has been hanging for way too long, so here is the next update!
Terrified glazes, worried glances exchanged when everyone could hear but not see the slug being fired. My instinct was to grab my blaster to defend, but this unfamiliar itchiness within my body got the better of me.
It wasn't an unpleasant feeling. In fact, it felt good. I could not see the megamorphed slug but I could feel the source of energy radiating from it, soaring above the audience, towards the stage.
"How am I feeling this?" I whispered underneath my breath, my eyes fixed on where I envisioned the accelerating megamorph to be. "It's invisible. A thugglet slug's doing."
I snapped out of it when another gunfire sounded. Burpy was sent soaring towards the invisible megamorph and crashed into exactly where I could feel the megamorph was. The slug lost its ability to hide itself as a tazerling slowly materialised in midair, before it was forced to return to photoform and dropped to the ground.
A man's shouts caught everyone's attention. At the entrance, a man with a blaster in hand was being pulled away by two security guards.
"It takes more than just a tazerling and a thugglet to kill me," Eli said sternly through the microphone, smirking as Burpy flew towards him majestically, returned to photoform and landed perfectly on his shoulder. "Anyway, where was I?"
Eli shrugged, continue delivering his opening speech as if it was absolutely normal for a random stranger to fire a megamorph at him. Well, it probably is. He is a Shane after all.
He took the chance to explain what happened to him. From how he survived the explosion to how he got back to Slugterra. He told me last night that he thinks the people need an explanation from him, and that is exactly what he is delivering.
But my mind couldn't focus on his words. The feeling I felt when the tazerling was soaring kept bothering me. I couldn't describe what I felt.
What was that feeling?
"Alessia?" I snapped out of it when a hand was placed on my shoulder. "After Eli's speech, we should head back to our mansion. There are a few people we would like you to meet. What do you say?"
My eyes widened as I turned to properly face Professor Dorium.
"Excuse me?"
"The people, they are my business partners, and we're looking into doing research in plant diseases and ways to control or cure them. It would be a great networking session, and most importantly, an opportunity for you to pursue your interest in what you've studied," Professor Dorium explained with pride. "You wouldn't want to miss this."
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that someone shot at Eli?
But I would be lying to say that this is not an attractive offer. Doing research has always been my dream before I came down to Slugterra, and what Professor Dorium offered me definitely interests me.
"You should definitely come!" Bob exclaimed. "And maybe after that I can show you my collection of sportmechas!"
"Sportmechas?" Kord, who was probably eavesdropping the entire time, questioned out loud. "Those cost an arm and a leg! And aren't you fifteen?"
"His father can afford them," his mother responded for her son. "I don't see what's the problem here."
Kord kept silent as she turned to me, putting on the fakest smile I've ever seen someone wear.
"Oh dear, if you wish to have anything, anything at all, just let me know. Whatever you want. Slucci, SV, Slanel, or even Flarraris and Lariaghinis, you name it."
I was stunned.
Is this a sugar baby offer?
"With all due respect," I started. "I am beyond happy and grateful with what I have in life right now. I don't need nor do I long for luxurious things."
"That's a lie," she replied, almost rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Who doesn't?"
"Honey," Professor Dorium tried to stop his wife from embarrassing his family.
"Luxury goods are just part of what is installed for you," Mrs Dorium added. "The opportunity for you to finally be able to do what you love, research! You'll have the best resources and the most outstanding team possible! You don't have to worry about your expenses. We will cover it."
She took my hand in hers and looked me in the eye.
"Not everyone has this opportunity to work with us, Alessia," she said with so much hope in her eyes. I gulped, starting to feel uncomfortable with this woman.
"Mrs Dorium," I sighed, gently pulling my hand away from her grasp. "Not all things can be bought by wealth. I may not be the richest person in Slugterra, but I am contented."
I took the time to look around the table to see my friends, the Shane Gang.
"I have my family," I said, my gaze then fell on my slugs.
"And my strong arsenal of slugs that I could die for," I continued, before looking up. Eli was still giving his speech on stage, encouraging and comforting the people.
"And my man."
"He's not your man," she replied almost instantly.
"He may not be officially," I shrugged. "But if you're thinking of asking me to date your son, from where I was, that's illegal."
She huffed as I heard the giggles of the Shane Gang, before the sudden wave of claps from the audience diverted my attention from the Dorium family. Eli finished his speech with the crowd cheering on their feet as he made his way back to our table. He had a handsome grin on his face as he shook the hands of those who greeted him when he was getting off the stage, having small conversations with them, but when his gaze landed on me and the person next to me, his smile vanished.
"Ales," he called out for me as he walked towards me to stand behind my seat. I looked up at him, he gave me a small smile. Reaching down, he gave me a small peck on my forehead, before he turned his head and stare at Mrs Dorium as if he knew what she said when he was giving his speech. Mrs Dorium broke eye contact with him and looked down at her feet.
"Get up," Eli said, before looking down at me again. "There's somewhere you have to be."
I raised a brow.
"What do you mean? I still have to give my speech-"
"Don't worry about it," he said, gently taking my wrist, motioning me to go with him. I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in. I stood up from my seat and I let him lead me away from the table. I did not wish to stay anyway.
From being dragged along by our interlocking hands, I fastened my footsteps so that I was walking beside him, not letting go of his warm hand. The noise from the crowd subsided as we made our way out of the venue.
"Where are we going?" I asked him, realising we were heading to the garage where our mechabeasts were parked. We entered the garage and the flippers around Dalinda's head erected when she noticed Eli and I walking in.
"Anywhere beside the table," he said, leading me to Dalinda. "I can't enjoy the celebration meal while seeing my girl being hit on by a fifteen year old boy's mother who thinks you can be bought at a price when you're priceless."
"Eli," I smiled at him as he picked me up, bridal style, and placed me on Dalinda because with my dress, it was close to impossible for me to mount my mechabeast without any assistance.
I chuckled as he let go of me and mounted Lucky.
"I found a place. Thought you might like it," he explained before the garage door ascended.
We took off. Eli took the lead as Lucky and Dalinda galloped through the breathtaking cavern. I can never get over how prepossessing the caverns have become after the war. Especially for inhabitant caverns like the one we were in, Gateway Cavern, where human activities have affected the ecosystem, the wildlife are striving at its peak. Bioluminescent plants gleamed the brightest it has been, the wild slugs were joyful and active. It warms my heart that I was able to experience how well Slugterra has recovered, and being part of the cause makes me feel fulfilled.
"We're here," Eli said, taking my attention of the glamorous sceneries. I was so invested in my surroundings that I didn't realise we have been riding for so long.
"Where are we?" I asked, checking out the place. "This place... It's beautiful. It's the most beautiful forest I've ever seen."
Underneath the shimmering stalactites with a thin layer of mist fogging the ceiling, enormous trees with what seems like ginormous, glowing blueberries softly lit up the area. Lavender purple glowing plantations conquered the land, with flocks of Fandangoes walking through the tall bioluminescent grass. Faint chirps can be heard alongside the footsteps of our mechabeasts. High rocky mountains encircled the small forest, blocking the view of the lovely woodland from the King of Sling's castle and the township.
It may be because of the mountains that people from the town did not notice such a heavenly place, that helped conserved the place, protecting it from human activity, hence why this forest, though relatively smaller in size, was striving better than any other forests in Slugterra.
Lucky came to a halt, and Dalinda slowed down to stop behind. Eli alighted from Lucky before walking towards me, giving me a hand to get off of Dalinda. Once I stepped foot on the ground, I couldn't help but to wander around, taking my time to take everything in.
I felt his hand slipping into mine, slowly intertwining our hands as he walked beside me, admiring the place.
"I was riding around town when I noticed what seemed like a cave opening, so I went exploring," Eli explained. "Turns out, I found this beautiful place. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it too, but when it finally hit me that I wasn't dreaming, the first person I thought about bringing here, was you."
Warmhearted, I smiled, coming to a halt to face him.
"Thanks for bringing me here," I smiled at him. He returned it, leaned forward to brush his nose against mine.
"Don't have to thank me," he mumbled, looking me in the eye. "You deserve the world."
My arms reached out to him, wrapped themselves around his neck as I pulled him closer. His arms snaked around my waist, his head buried into my neck as he held me in his arms. He then let out a soft sigh, and pulled back slightly to look down at me.
"Are you accepting the offer?" he asked so softly that I can barely hear it, and I could feel his heartbeat fastened.
"What?" I frowned. "Wait. How did you even know what Mrs Dorium was talking about when you were on stage?"
"I had my earpiece on. Kord told me everything," he explained, breaking eye contact with me. "Hey listen, I know what they're offering is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can finally do what you've always been passionate about, and living every girl's dream! You can finally go into research like how you've always wish for since we were little! And I couldn't be more proud of you.
"You'll be one of the richest person in Slugterra too! Probably one of the richest in both Slugterra and the Surface to be honest. I don't think you realise just how rich those people are. You can have anything you want. Literally anything. I'd be so happy for you, even if that means-"
"Stop, please," I cut in. "Why would you even think that I would accept such offer? Yes, I would be the richest person alive, and yes, I would be doing what I've been studying for back on the Surface, but I have to be with someone I don't even love? What's the meaning of that?"
I caressed his cheek with my hands, he leaned into them.
"Eli, I would never want to live my life without you, ever again. Ever since I came down here to Slugterra, I realised that there is a reason why fate brought me down here, that is to protect this place, and I don't plan to stop slinging anytime soon."
"Did you really mean what you said?" he whispered, his voice slightly breaking at the end.
"Of course," I said. "I'm not leaving you."
His arms around me tightened as he pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible. He gave me a peck on my cheek.
"Gosh I like you so much," he mumbled, patting my head. "How are you so perfect?"
I giggled in his arms. Sometimes I just couldn't believe that I am with Eli, with Blue. After waiting for him for years on end, seeing him felt like seeing a ghost sometimes. I am beyond grateful to be with him.
But I couldn't help but notice his rising heartbeat. His heart was beating out of his chest out of nowhere.
"Eli?" I mumbled, looking up at him.
"Oh yeah," he stammered, as if he recalled something.
"You... saw the slug," Eli stated. "I fired Burpy at where you were looking at. How did you know exactly where the megamorph was in the air? You literally saved me again right there."
"Really?" I was shocked.
"Yeah," he said. "Tell me how to see slugs that're hidden by a thugglet."
"I... I actually don't know," I mumbled. "I don't know how but just recently, I can feel sources of slug energy, and I can locate them pretty well."
"Oh," he whispered. "That's so cool! Since when did you realise you can do that?"
"Maybe a few days ago?" I answered.
"Oh okay," he said, nervously.
"Eli, is everything okay?" I asked him. "You did not bring me all the way here in the middle of the celebration ceremony to such a beautiful place just to ask me a couple questions, did you?"
"What's wrong with wanting to spend more time with my girl?" Eli asked with a raised brow, before he laughed it off. "Though that wasn't the main reason why I brought you here."
"Then what is it?" I asked. "Your heart is literally jumping out of your chest."
He broke eye contact and looked to the side. Again, I felt his heartbeat rising again, his breathing a little unstable. He closed his eyes, seemingly trying to collect his thoughts, and when he opened them, he pulled back from the hug and held my hands in his.
He took in a deep breath, before he spoke again.
"Four years ago, I made a promise to a girl, that we will meet again," he whispered, before getting the courage to look me in the eye. "I'm just glad that I can fulfill it, because I hate breaking promises, especially the promises that I made with the people I love."
Looking up at him, his blue eyes that I have always loved sparkled underneath the shimmering trees.
"Ales, the way your eyes sparkle when they meet mine, the way you love and care for every single living soul that surrounds you, the way you have a mini heart attack whenever you have to lie to me and ended up lying horribly, the way you heroically saved Slugterra when I was absent, I..." he went speechless.
"I love you so much, Ales. You have no idea. I can't live another day without you by my side, without your laughter, your warmth, your affirmation and your precious love, without you. I sound so lovesick but I don't care because it is true. You are all I think about all day," he confessed, a charming smile pasted on his lips. "Alessia, will you be my girlfriend?"
A small gasp from my lips. What I heard was music to my ears, I wasn't sure if it was real. The way his palm warmed up my cold small hands, the way he looked down at me with so much joy, emotions and tenderness.
I could feel the ardent love we share within the both of us, and I knew exactly how to respond to him.
"Eli," I breathed, the corners of my lips raised, the ends of my eyes teary. "Of course I will."
His eyes lit up with joy. A small sigh he has been holding on for so long escaped his lips but it came out as a small laughter. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as he pulled me in for a tight hug, I could barely breathe.
There was no holding back. Tears flowed down my blushing cheeks like a river, wetting his shirt.
After so many years, we were finally together, 'officially' together.
He pulled away slightly just enough to see me. His watery eyes was locked with mine, before his gaze slowly lowered and landed on my lips.
"Just kiss me already," I chuckled, pulling him in for a kiss. He did not waste a second to lean down on me, and I felt his lips on mine. His strong arms held my waist firmly as I caressed his blushing cheeks.
We would have went on if it wasn't because of the sudden chirps of slugs. We pulled back slowly, surprised to see that both our faces were drenched in tears, before noticing our slugs were all standing on Lucky and Dalinda, whooping cutely. I laughed with my red cheeks, before turning back to look at him, at my boyfriend, my man.
"You have no idea, Ales," he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear. "You have no idea how long I've tried to do this. I've been wanting to say this for so long, but I just never found the perfect chance or the perfect place. Today, I found this place, and its perfect."
"I love how you put so much thought into this," I chuckled. "I really appreciate it, Eli."
He smiled before he brushed his nose against mine again, something I'll soon realise he loves to do.
"Don't call me Eli, babe," he laughed. "I would think that you're mad at me."
I would laugh at that but what he called me... I couldn't process it.
It's actually happening!
I'm his girlfriend!
I bit my lower lip as everything in me was fangirling over this breathtaking man right in front of me, and it was as if he understood what was going on inside me, he just laughed at me.
He ruffled my hair, spawning even more butterflies in my stomach.
"You're adorable," he smiled down at me. "Oh, I almost forgot."
Eli pulled away from me to call for Lucky, and the mechabeast ran up to his owner. My jaw dropped to the ground when I saw the elegant bouquet of flowers inside a side bag hanging at the edge of Lucky's saddle. It was almost as big as Dalinda's head, consisting of red, pink and white roses. It costs an arm and a leg to get a bouquet like this on the Surface, trust me I've always wanted to get one myself but I could never afford it.
In Slugterra, flowers are even more rare. I can't imagine how much the bouquet costs.
"How did I not see that on the way here?" I questioned life.
"Sorry," he giggled as he gently
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