55| Dinner

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"Done!" I exclaimed with a wide smile, looking down at the tray of fries on the kitchen top before me. Every single fry was in the exact same size, fried to the perfect golden brown colour.

My new slug, Naja, that was perching on my shoulder, chuckled adorably at my success. He was the ghouled Pieper slug that was healed during the war.

Yes, it's a he.

"Great job!" Will turned around to smile at me, allowing his gaze to leave his pieces of steaks for just a second. I placed the tray on the table for them to cool and took off my kitchen gloves, before walking towards him.

"Smells so nice... and looks good too!" I praised as I could feel saliva forming in my mouth. The pieces of steaks in his large pan were extremely appealing.

"What about these?" Junjie asked from the other side of the kitchen. I turned around and my eyes met his beautiful brown ones. I chuckled, before jogging to him.

Looking down at his pan, I inhaled the incredible smell emitted from his dish. He was pan-frying some dumplings for us.

"This is torture for my stomach," I said as my stomach growled. Junjie laughed before he picked one of the dumplings up with a pair of chopstick and took a bite, eating half of it.

"How does it taste?" I asked him. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Try it yourself," he said as he brought the other half piece in front of mouth with his chopsticks. My stomach couldn't handle the temptation and I ate it in one bite. Marvelous flavours burst in my mouth as I chewed it.

I almost moaned from his dumplings. It was that good.

"It's awesome," I said, smiling from ear to ear.

I am certainly going to eat every single piece of dumplings in this small ass pan later.

"I can tell," he said with a small smirk.

He knows his food is good.

"By the way," I mumbled after swallowing the food in my mouth. "You doing okay?"

Junjie let out a soft sigh, his gaze fixed on the dumplings as he flipped them.

"Yeah, a lot better than yesterday. Don't worry about me, Ales. Growing up I was trained to control my emotions and now I feel alright," he said, finally looking at me with a smile. "My master is at a much better place now. I couldn't be any happier."

I reached out an arm for his waist, giving him a side hug, and he returned it with an arm around my shoulders. His other hand was occupied with his cooking.

There was a small silence in the kitchen and I looked up at him to try and read him. He had on a straight face, but it was obvious that he was forcing it. As if he could tell that I was trying to study him, he leaned into me and whispered into my ear.

"He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" he asked before he quickly pulled away from me and casually flipped the dumplings in his pan.

"What?" I asked, before turning around to see Eli by the kitchen door. His hand was resting on the handle of his blaster, firmly gripping it as he glared daggers at our direction, but when he saw me looking at him, he quickly smiled and released his grip on his blaster.

I didn't even notice Eli was there this entire time.

Junjie and his mastery level Slugfu is truly bizarre.

"Yeah. You're dead," I mumbled underneath my breath so that only Junjie and I can hear, and we shared a laugh. At the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw Eli rolled his eyes at us when he saw us laughing.

"Hey Ales," Eli suddenly called out for me as he walked into the kitchen and towards us.

"Watch me make chinese noodles."

"What?" Will Shane gasped as he turned to look at Eli as if he just saw a ghost.

"I'm making chinese soup noodles," Eli exclaimed proudly.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"Don't burn down the kitchen, son. Go chill in the living room with the others."

Junjie and I burst into laughter as Eli stood frozen in the middle of the kitchen, embarrassed.

"D-Dad! I can make noodles!" Eli said, looking at his dad with a sad pout.

"Okay then. Go on," Will said as he leaned onto the table top and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

A slug chirped as Eli's Speedstinger, Stunts, hopped onto his shoulder. Eli smirked at him, and they nodded at each other. Eli pulled out his blaster and Stunts loaded himself in. He aimed his blaster at a pot of boiling water, before he examined his surroundings, his gaze forming a path for the slug.

Junjie finished taking out his dumplings from the hot pan and turned off the stove, eager to watch Eli's cooking show. I stood beside him, my gaze refused to leave my smoking hot boyfriend.

I watched as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, before he shifted his aim to the ceiling and opened fire.

Stunts megamorphed and ricocheted off the ceiling, hitting a package of noodles in midair. He crashed into the handle of the knife, causing it to fly towards the bag and cut it open, almost slicing Junjie's cheek in the process. The noodles were released and they fell perfectly into the pot of boiling water.

Two bok choy flew across the kitchen and was dumped into the pot, causing water to splash. Stunts then hit a bowl of meatballs and they flew into the pot after bouncing off the wall behind it.

Stunts finished by sending the top of the pot flying across the room and crashed onto the pot, shutting it tight.

"Perfect," Eli smirked victoriously as he looked at me.

"You forgot to add salt, you didn't wash the bok choy, the meatballs should go in first before the vegetables, and I was going to use those flopping meatballs and water," Junjie complained.

It took all the willpower in me to not let out a cackle laugh.


"Dinner's ready!" Will announced and the group of leaders headed towards our new table from different places in the Shane hideout.

After the war, a very well-known company, known as Bonsa, donated us a luxurious handmade wooden dining table, carved out of only the best wood in Slugterra. It was a long rectangular table, one that you would see in the movies where the royalties have their meals on either ends of a long ass table with food piling up in the middle of the table.

This table was not as long, but it was big enough to accommodate everyone.

All slingers took a seat, checking out the food being presented in front of them on the table. I took my seat, where I had intentionally put the dumplings near to.

With Joo-Joo perching on his shoulder, Junjie took a seat next to me and he stretched his back, probably tired after frying nearly fifty dumplings. May I add, he handmade these dumplings himself from scratch.

Eli walked over to me and sat on my right, immediately placing a possessive firm grip on my thigh.

My body shivered slightly from his touch. I looked up from the dumplings and stared at Eli. His loving blue eyes stared through my body, before he leaned in and planted a small kiss on my cheek.

"Don't get too close to the other men in the hideout or I will duel them," he whispered in my ear in a husky voice before pulling away and acted like nothing happened. His hand still on my lap.

I blushed as my gaze fell on my feet underneath the table.

"Hey Ales!" Tad called out for me and I looked up to see him jogging towards me. He sat in the seat in front of me with a wide grin.

"I have great news!" Tad exclaimed with Pieper perching on his shoulder.

"What is it?" Trixie asked before I could say anything with literal hearts protruding from her eyes as she took a seat next to him. Mia then joined us as she sat on the other side of Tad, which was also in front of Junjie. The rest of the leaders, Twist, Dana, Millard and Will, then joined us, sitting around the table.

Tad made eye contact with Pieper as he smiled widely. Pieper then hopped onto the table and chirped at me, pointing at her belly.

"Pieper's pregnant!" Tad announced, and my eyes widened at the news. "With Naja!"

"WHAT?" I smiled from ear to ear and Pieper yelped in joy. Naja then came out of nowhere, running towards Pieper as fast as his little feet can and crashed her into a bear hug.

"That's so cute!" Mia exclaimed as she looked adorably at the two slugs on the table.

"I know!" Tad smiled at Mia, before he turned to me. "We can raise a baby slug together!"

"Hell yeah!" I smiled at him, fist-bumped the air, before I felt the grip on my lap tightened.

"What did I just say?" I heard Eli mumbled underneath his breath.

He did not sound happy, but gosh he's hot.

But hey, I do like raising baby slugs.

Naja and Pieper then left the table to join the other slugs, where there was already another small table set up for them. There were countless slug tables placed beside ours, enough to accommodate everyone's slugs. The new couple took their seats facing each other, and that was when I noticed almost all of the slugs were sitting in pairs, facing each other along the lengthy rectangular tables.

Oh and yes, for some mysterious reasons, the number of pregnant slugs in the hideout was increasing exponentially.

I'm guessing the slugs are happy about the victory and since their leaders, Burpy and Phoenix, already have a baby, why shouldn't they, right?

That's a good thing. We have lost so many slugs to the war, and it is their duty to produce more offspring to rebalance the energy in Slugterra.

"Is everybody here?" Will Shane asked, bringing me out of my train of thoughts as I saw him settling down in the seat next to Eli.

I looked around the table. Twist was sitting beside Junjie, with Dana across him. Millard was beside Twist and Kord beside Dana. Pronto sat at the other end of the table, facing Will Shane himself.

"Yup, everyone's here dad," Eli said after he did a mental headcount.

"Alright then. Dig in!" Will announced, and everyone took the cue to fight over the food, especially the dumplings. I wasn't used to using chopsticks so I struggled to pick one up. I groaned as the dumpling fell off my chopsticks, my belly becoming very impatient, and Junjie noticed it.

He is an expert when it comes to eating with chopsticks. He picked up three dumplings at once and placed it on my plate for me. My eyes widened as I looked at him. He smiled before softly nodding his head.

"Thanks Jun," I thanked him, giggling as I gave up on picking them up the proper way and ended up poking them with one chopstick. I consumed one of the dumplings, feeling the flavours once again burst in my mouth as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"This is too good," I mumbled, poking the second one and ate it in one bite.

"Ales! Try some of these," Eli said, his hand finally released my poor thigh.

I looked over to him and saw him struggling to pick up the noodles he made to a bowl with chopsticks. He pulled the noodles to an unnecessary height, and when he tried to place them in his bowl, they fell back to the soup, splashing hot liquid at Eli.

I laughed silently as Eli winced softly from the splash before quickly wiped away the liquid on his arms.

"Let me help you-" Junjie kindly offered and was already reaching out his chopsticks to the noodles when Eli stopped him.

"I don't need your help," he said sternly, still attempting to get the noodles. The rest saw what was going on and started to secretly laugh at him.

"Eli, if you're trying to impress Ales by doing what Junjie's best at, don't. You're embarrassing yourself," Mia said and Eli's face turned tomato red as everyone started laughing at him.

I chuckled softly before I took my chopsticks and miraculously managed to pick up some of the noodles he cooked into my own bowl. I pulled a few strands of noodles in my spoon and took a bite with some soup.

Even after adding salt, it's still tasteless.

"It's good!" I said, munching on the food while wearing a smile.

"Really?" Eli questioned me in surprise, before he took my bowl and used a fork to ate some of his noodles. His expression darkened as he chew onto the food. He swallowed it, before pressing his lips to a straight line.

"I'm eating all of this," he said and pulled the pot of noodles near him, embarrassed to let another soul try his noodles.

I chuckled at him, before looking up, silently examining what everyone was doing. The slingers in the Shane hideout enjoyed not only the various food prepared for them, but also each other's company. We were all brought together because of the war, and hence the conversations we had were all related to steps to take to save Slugterra. Tonight was the first time where everyone actually got to know each other to a personal level.

They shared jokes and secrets about themselves, and it had been a very long time since I laughed until my stomach hurts so badly.

Could you believe that Millard was once a criminal?

And that Junjie was once a very rebellious kid until he accidentally hurt his friend and was punished by his master?

The most shocking one to me was the fact that Dana finds Doctor Blakk hot, which gave Tad all kinds of goosebumps.

I swear I love these people so much.

They are like family to me.

"I need to use the bathroom," I said as I felt my stomach started to grumble. I excused myself from the rest and climbed up the stairs to my room. After I was done with the bathroom, I opened the door, just to be invited by a pair of cold ocean blue eyes staring down at me.

"Eli?" I almost whispered, his name slipped out of my mouth. My heart was jumping out of my chest by the way he was looking down at me. I could tell that he was angry, but I wasn't afraid of him. I trust him.

He took a step forward. A hand reached out behind me to close the bathroom door before he shoved me to it, pinning me against the door. My eyes widened, breathing hitched as he leaned in, our noses touched. His eyes still staring down at me like I was his prey.

"Ales," he muttered, his lips getting dangerously close to mine. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Doing what?" I asked, feeling blush surfaced to my cheeks and the temperature in me rose. "That is what I should be asking you."

"Are you doing this on purpose?" he questioned as he tilted his head to the side. "Making me jealous? If you are, you are doing it quite well and I am losing my patience."

I gulped at how his voice became deep. I gasped softly when I felt a hand snaked around my waist before holding a firm grip around it.

"I am not, Eli," I answered him. My voice sounded calm but my heart was jumping out of my body.

"I am not doing anything!" I defended.

"Yeah, and you're raising a slug with Tad."

"But that's not cheating. I will never cheat on you, Eli."

He went silent, and he let out a soft sigh.

"Ales, I'm sorry. This is my first relationship and I know now that I still have a lot to learn," he said. "If you're not comfortable with anything I do, don't hesitate to tell me, please? I want to learn to be better. To be a better boyfriend for you. If I get too protective or controlling, just tell me."

I bit my lower lip and blushed.

"I will," I whispered. He smiled and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"And since when are you my boyfriend?" I questioned him with a smirk, enjoying the shock on his face.

"You dare ask that question," Eli said, returning the smirk.

"Well to be fair you never asked me to be your girlfriend," I said, raising an eyebrow at him. "And I never said yes."

He huffed as he backed away from me.

"You've become bold," he commented. "I like that-"


We both turned to the door of our room when I heard Twist called out for me. We exited the room and leaned against the railings to look down. Twist was beaming as Loki and Mago perched on his shoulders.

"We're pregnant too!"

My eyes widened at that and I heard a few people in the hideout gasped.

"No! I mean, our slugs are pregnant! Sorry Eli," he corrected himself, making everyone burst into laughter, except for Eli.

"I can't be any happier!" I yelled. "We're coming down."

I grabbed Eli's hand and pulled him to the stairs.

"Eli, you don't ever have to worry about other guys getting to me, alright? My eyes are fixed on you and only you. You are the only person I want to be with, to spend the rest of my life with, and nothing can change that. I promise," I whispered to him as we walked down the stairs.

He looked at me with the most charming smile, his eyes sparkling. As we reached the end of the stairs, I planted a small kiss on his cheek before I ran back to my seat.

Took him awhile to wake up from his shock, and when he did, he quickly made his way back next to me while the others exchanged secret glances.

Just as Eli and I sat down, Stunts and Nerf hopped onto the table and to us with smiles from ear to ear.

"Please tell me you're pregnant," Eli pleaded. The pair laughed before nodding their heads.

"Finally!" Eli exclaimed, almost with tears at the corners of his eyes. I chuckled at his reaction, everyone laughed softly at him too, before everyone quietened down when the doorbell rang.

The bell echoed through the hideout, silencing all conversations and chirps as all eyes were locked on the entrance door.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Will asked everyone at the table with a look of concern.

"Not that I know of," Eli replied, turning to me, which I responded with a shrug.

"I'll go get it," Pronto volunteered as he jumped down from his chair and made a beeline to the door.

Before this, we would usually stop him from approaching the door because we never know who can be at the other side, but now that all the so called 'bad guys' are locked up in Stalagmite 17, it's much safer.

Plus, who in their right minds will come to do harm to all the most outstanding slingers in Slugterra.

Pronto opened the door and we could hear him talking to a person. After a few seconds, Pronto closed the door and returned to his seat, with a letter in hand.

"What is it, Pronto?" Trixie asked as Pronto sat down on his chair.

"A letter from the King of Sling! An invitation for all of us to attend a grand celebration dinner that is taking place tomorrow at Gateway Cavern," Pronto announced proudly.

"Tomorrow?" Trixie exclaimed.

"That's too short notice! I have nothing to wear!" Mia said with a small frown.

"Not to worry, my allies," Pronto smirked at us. "We'll just have to be at Gateway Cavern after lunch. The King of Sling has assigned topnotch fashion designers and makeup artists for us. Basically everything is covered, because we are the VIPs."

"Really?" I asked, the corners of my lips raised without myself knowing because I was never the VIP of anything. "What an honour."

"Says the one who literally led us to save Slugterra," Dana added, making everyone laugh as I blushed.

"Eat," I growled at Dana, almost throwing a piece of fry at her across the table but didn't because Eli's dad was there.

ANOTHER ART FROM Aida_Phoenix !! This one is of the war and it's Pieper and Naja :D

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