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Conner walked slowly to Luke and sat down front of him. "Hi there, Little guy." He softly said. Luke looked up and him and smiled. Using Conner as his crutch, Luke got to his feet and stood in front of Conner, chewing on his finger. "No no no. Let's not chew on our finger, That's not good." Conner gently move the boys hand from his mouth and grabbed a washcloth to wipe the boys hand off. "My name Is Conner." He talked softly to the boy, letting him play with the strings on his sweatshirt. Not knowing what else to do, Conner made a silly face. Luke laughed loud, poking Conner's cheeks. Conner laughed as well. He carefully got up, and Luke reached for him, making a Sound that sounded slightly similar to Conner's name.

Conner smiled brightly and Picked him up. "Ya know, you are just too cute, Luke. I just love it. You are the cutest thing." He softly said as he carried the little dude into the living room.

"No no no, Best Friend, you can't play that one that will get you nowhere! Here, let me show you!" Arnold was trying to teach Kevin how to play some video game on the Wii that Kev and Conner had bought simply for Netflix and Maybe Super Mario Cart.

Naba was watching. But when she heard Conner's voice and Her son's laugh her attentions turned. "Our Five year olds are playing Video games." She laughed a little. Conner chuckled. "You've been here for five minutes and Arnold's already on the Wii. That's a record Naba." He joked, making her laugh. "It certainly is. I am surprised it took that long." She laughed. Conner nodded in agreement. "How much time did it take last time again?"

"He was on it before we said 'hello, we are here'." Naba replied, giggling. Unlike most wives.. Naba loved that Arnold played video games and such. That means he was still in touch with his kid side and Naba really liked that because she thought her Son needed a happy and fun childhood. She figured that sense her's wasn't so great and she had to grow up very fast at a young age, that she would make sure Luke was a child for as long as he could be. Now she wasn't going to allow him to do stupid things or break the rules or get in trouble. But she was going to allow him to have as much fun as he could have. She wanted him to he a happy child. And by god she was going to make sure he was.

Luke laid his head on Conner's shoulder, listening to them talk. Kevin laughed a little. "Yeah, Okay Arn. I give up. You have fun, Okay?" He laughed a little. He turned his attention to his fiance and when he saw him holding Luke... It was just to cute for him. It was like a puppy and a kitten. Yeah. He found Little Luke super cute. And I mean he obviously found Conner adorable. And he loved seeing them together cause it was four times as cute. He smiled softly.

"What is this? Are you trying too kill me? This is too cute." Kevin mumbled, wrapping his arms around his Conner's waist from behind. "I love you." He whispered, burring his face in con's neck. Conner smiled softly. "I love you too." He softly said.

Naba looked at them and smiled... "Lord, Have a baby." She laughed.

"What?" They both said.

Naba just laughed. "You guys are the picture perfect family, okay? Look.." Naba got of her phone to take a picture. Luke had started talking to Conner, or just mumbling more or less, and Conner talked to the little guy, Playing with his little fingers. Kevin planted a kiss on Conner's cheek and that's when she snapped the picture. It was perfect.

"Look!" He showed it to them and conner took her phone and sent the picture to himself.

Kevin looked at the picture and smiled softly. "I want a baby." He mumbled as Naba took Luke into her arms. Conner spun on his heels and wrapped his arms Kevin. "What if you have to go back?" He softly asked. "I'm never going back." Kevin replied. "Let's do it Conny. Let's have a kid."

Conner looked up at him and grinned wide. "Really? You really really want too?"

"Yes!" Kevin nodded, laughing a little. "Yes I really want to!"

"Okay! Let's have a baby!" Conner laughed.

Kevin grinned and Pulled Conner close to him, picking him up and spinning his in a circle. "I love you."

"I love you more."

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