♡He wants your attention ♡

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blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blahblah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You were chatting up a storm with your best friend,you have been talking about everything and anything, you've been talking for about like five hours,it seems like you could go another four hours.

Kenji has been patient. He is also surprised at how much patience he has, but it's running thin. He misses you,he wants to hold you.  You keep talking and talking, and that friend of yours is taking all of your attention away from him.

He pouts,getting up as your back was towards him,blabbing away, and he sneaks up behind you. He gently wraps his arms around you,placing his lips on your neck and starts placing kisses on you.

At first you were surprised by the sudden touch of his arms but then kept talking but after a few seconds,he started kissing your neck,it was starting to become distracting, the kisses started to get longer and longer and longer. It didn't help he was also whispering sweet nothings to you. You tried your best to concentrate on the phone call along with trying not to make any noises. You tried shrugging Kenji off, but it didn't work he stayed. Just placing kisses all over you,he even kissed your lips a few times,being annoying as possible by making loud kissing sounds. He kisses your sensitive spots,almost making you drop your phone. Biting your lip, you finally decide to say goodbye to your friend,quickly hanging up.

"Happy?" You let out a breathy moan,slowly turning around,pecking your lover's lips.

He grins as his eyes shine with mischief,"Very much."

You gave him another kiss then another,which ended up leading to tons of kisses.

He takes hold of your hand,gently guiding you to the couch while his lips still attach to you. Purposely tripping over the sofa ,landing on it as giggles escape both of your lips,smiles on both of your faces as you guys kiss again.

"You.Have.My.Attention.Now." You said in between kisses.

"Good." He chuckles, kissing back softly.

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