🏕 ⛺️ Camping 🏕 ⛺️

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It's almost 2am and yeahh I didn't proofread so we die like real men/women IDK I'm tired don't question it


You and your boyfriend arrived at the campsite earlier this afternoon because the whole three weeks, your boyfriend was basically on his phone along with his other electronics,same goes for you and you thought a day or two without electronics will do the both of you guys some good. The tent was already set up,it was one of those decent size ones that usually fit like five  people. Was it unnecessary for a tent that big just for two people? Yes, absolutely, but you guys like having room or extra space for whatever you guys brought. You guys bought two of those long pink fluffy pillows along with some blankets because let's be real there wasn't a reason to bring sleeping bags,you also brought first aid,a cooler where you had your food/drinks,along with mosquito spray and matches/Flashlights. You guys just came back from an hour walk to explore your surroundings like where the port a potties were or if you don't wanna use those there was also a small building where there was one bathroom,there was also a map where you guys were and an outline of the campsite. The two of you also took in some of nature,enjoying the sounds of wind rustling along with seeing monarchs and the sounds of birds chirping. You sat down, drinking some water,exhausted from the walk, and legs were slightly sore. Kenji was sweaty,"Damn,we're out of shape." He said, wiping some sweat from his face,opening his own bottle of water,chugging it. You agreed with him,looking at the sky as The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun,the burnt orange color made it even more beautiful with little to few clouds covering the sky as you enjoy the few moments of quietness. Kenji had decided to start making a fire in the fire pit along with finding some sticks for you guys to use for hotdogs and marshmallows. You got up to the cooler,opening it to get the zip lock bag with six hotdogs in it with some hotdogs bun along with taking out a bag of marshmallows then went back to the camp fire,sitting down next to Kenji who handed you a couple of sticks. You and Kenji placed the hotdogs onto the sticks and started to cook them,"Did you have fun today?" You asked him,resting your head on his shoulder. He watches the fire before saying yes,"i had fun but as much as I love you on cornbread sunday I don't think I wanna do an hour walk again or soon,I'm to out of shape for this crap." He said, kissing your head. You smiled and chuckled at him as you then got the hotdogs buns and put the hotdogs inside of them and kenji doing the same,and started to eat. You looked up at the sky once again,noticing it getting dark, and soon as you knew it, the sky was dark with tons of stars shining tonight.The darker the night, the brighter the stars you thought. If some of the clouds were to block some of the stars,the stars would still shine bright enough for you to see them. "The stars are pretty tonight." You commented with awe in your voice. Kenji then smiled as he admired you,"Not as pretty as you, Starlight." He speaks smoothly but also with love in his voice,making your heart skip a beat as your face becomes pink. You looked at him,"You're so lame for that one." You softly said, smiling as you give him a few kisses as he returns some as well. "If being lame gets me kisses, I could care less." Kenji said, continuing to eat,almost done with his second hotdog. You rolled your eyes playfully at him then snuggling next to him as you guys stargaze the night sky,his arm around your shoulder as your head still on his shoulder and his head on yours,kissing you passionately and gently, "I love you my shining star." He says.

"I love you too." You replied, giggling.
You also thought to yourself that you love this man with all your heart and realized a lot of people don’t like camping in the forest or at a campsite . Most people just like to stay at home and don't bother getting out of their comfort zone or whatever but if camping means being alone with Kenji and enjoying nature and what mother earth has to offer then you'll gladly go camping with him every week or whenever you can anyday.

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