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(I couldn't think of anything else then Harry Potter.So they all go to Hogwarts in this AU.)

Ben was studying in the library and he wanted to see who he was tutoring. "Hi,Pincus."a familiar voice said.Ben looked up and it Kenji.Kenji Kon.The Slytherin everyone wanted.Ben didn't like Kenji like like.He liked Kenji as a friend or ally. "Hi,Kenji!What are you doing here?"Ben asked. "I am here my tutoring."Kenji said red faced and embarrassed. "But I am a fourth year.Why would you,A sixth year need tutoring from me?"Ben said suspiciously. "Because your taking classes that seventh years take...And I need help on the torturing curse..."Kenji said.Ben thought about earlier that year.He blushed.

-earlier that year-

Ben had no idea how he got into quidditch,He just caught the snitch in his first time going to a game and he was now the seeker for Gryffindor.They were playing against Slytherin and he was looking for the snitch.The snitch was really hard to find and catch.Almost everyone on the quidditch team was male.But he was like a girl,So every male was always flirting with him.Ben thought love was a waste of time.So he rejected everyone that asked him to be their boyfriend.

He saw something golden pass by and Kenji went chasing it.Ben chased it as well and he had a fast broom.He caught up to Kenji,And looked at him.The Slytherin looked back at the small Gryffindor and he smirked. "This is my opponent seeker?Wow,They said it would be funny and I didn't believe them but I guess-"Kenji caught off by him almost crashing into one of the stands.Ben flew off and Kenji was mad. "Kenji ain't going down that easily..."Kenji said and flew off.

Ben almost grabbed it when one of the other Slytherins pulled out their wand and pointed it at Bens' broom.Kenji saw it and looked scared,That was cheating. "No way!That's cheating!Ben look out!"Kenji said pushing the boy and his broom then his broom got cursed.The broom stopped working and fell.Kenji had landed safely by the Slytherin making him healed from any pain.Ben caught the snitch and Gryffindor won.

"Good game,Pincus."Kenji whispered to Ben at the end. "Can't wait for round two~"Kenji said dirtily.Ben blushed at that and he knew what Kenji meant.They shook hands and heard a camera click. "So sweet!A Slytherin and a Gryffindor!Perfect for the Daily Prophet!"some lady said.Ben blushed and Kenji turned red. 'Never in a million years will he love me,Not even like me.He only saved me because he knew it was cheating.But Slytherin and Gryffindor hate each other and as far as I a know no Slytherin or Gryffindor has done that for them...'Ben thought. 'Never.I would never love that smart,Kind,innocent,small,perfect Gryffindor...'Kenji thought feeling his heart melt at the sight of the brunette.

The next morning Ben woke up as normal as any other day.And when he got down to the great hall and it was a Saturday so he wore what he wears everyday.Ben had different clothes,Each for every season.But they were all the same color.And sometimes there would be some light green in his outfit.He wore a pale light brown leggings,With a baby blue sweater,and a fanny pack around his waist.He wore dark brown shoes too.Ben smiled at Darius and Darius looked shocked. "Ben...I really don't know why but your famous now..."Darius handed a Ben the newspaper and Ben blushed hard at the cover.

Slytherin and Gryffindor makes in love!Is this forbidden?

"SHE NEVER LISTENS THAT DIRTY LITTLE LYING BITCH!"Ben almost yelled high enough for the school to hear him,But only the whole great hall heard him.Ben sat back down burying his face into his sweater.Kenji just looked down and turned red.Darius patted a Ben on his back so that way Ben felt a little comfort. "This is going to be on the front for days isn't it?"Ben asked burning. "Yup."Darius said.


Ben just shrugged it off and smiled. "Well we could start now.And move up from there!"Ben said,With that tone of voice that made Kenjis' heart skip a beat.Kenji didn't know why but Ben made him feel a unknown feeling.Ben made him feel sad and then happy.Ben made him feel jealous and made him feel calm.He just wanted to pick Ben up and kiss him.He liked Ben.He loved him.And he knew the Gryffindor players liked him as well.He felt rage when he found that out.Ben was his,He would make sure of it.

"Hey Ben.So I got a question.Would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?"Kenji got straight to the point.Ben felt a blush creep onto his face. 'Go to the dance with him?!No way!I would never go on a date with him..'Ben thought for a moment. "Sure..."Ben said red faced. "Perfect see you at 8."Kenji said. 'Ok that's over-'Bens' thought was cut off by the sentence Kenji said.


Ben shot up and blushed hard.He couldn't love a Slytherin!Especially that Slytherin(I got the Especially word first time correctly)Ben thought about him and Kenji being together.His heart melted at the thought of being Kenjis'.He wanted Kenji to kiss him.To hug him.To keep him safe.He wanted Kenji to love him.He was somehow now in the boys' trance.Ben thought about it again. 'It isn't so bad.I would have someone to love me and have a child with..."Ben blushed at the child part.His parents told him to be careful in any part of town because they gave him surgery when he was younger so he could get pregnant in case they never had a daughter so that the family bloodline would live on.(They are now the Pincus-Kon so that it would make sense.)Ben smiled at Kenji leaving.

Ben knew he loved Kenji.

(So I can't listen to music now because my mom makes me take them off so I would hear her but for some reason I always turn it down and yet I can't hear a thing.I think I need to just not listen to music at all while I work.Also when it is 6 more days until season two of Camp Cretaceous I will be posting the characters theme song in my opinion.)

((P.S. icanchoosemyownlife what is a chain :>))

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