The Less I Know The Better Pt. 1

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A/N: This a request from madisonsmygirlfriend. I know it’s been a while since you requested it. but I hope you enjoy.

Y/N is sitting with Kendall on one of the couches in Kylie’s room while Kylie and Khloe are sitting on one of the other couches.

“You two would make such a cute couple.” Khloe muses out loud as she watches Kendall reposition herself so her head in on Y/N’s lap and Y/N’s hand immediately goes to massage her scalp.

“Shut up Khlo, Y/N and I are just friends.” Kendall says.

“We don’t have to be, you could always just finally agree to go out with me.” Y/N says, looking down at Kendall.

“Yeah right Y/N. I’m not going out with you.” Kendall says, thinking that Y/N is just harmlessly flirting with her like she always does.

“Why not? I’m good looking, I’m a singer and we’re best friends, they say best friends are the best people to date.” Y/N says, trying to persuade Kendall.

“Y/N shut-up.” Kendall says playfully as she swats Y/N’s arm, not noticing Y/N’s eyes fall for a second.

“This is like the tenth time you’re rejecting me.” Y/N says matter-of-factly. “You’re gonna have to say yes eventually Ken.” Kylie says.

“How about, I’ll say yes after you’ve asked me fifty times.” Kendall offers, still thinking the whole thing is a joke. “You’ve gotta pinky swear on that.” Y/N says seriously as she holds out her pinky finger.

“Fine.” Kendall groans, playfully rolling her eyes before entwining her pinky finger with Y/N’s.

“See, perfect couple.” Khloe says, not believing that Kendall still can’t see just how much Y/N likes her. “It’s sickening how perfect they are for each other.” Kylie says.

“We’re perfect best friends.” Kendall says with a happy smile. “We could be perfect more than best friends?” Y/N asks playfully, and Kendall just rolls her eyes.

“One day you’re gonna fall in love with me Kenny. It’s inevitable.” Y/N says. “Whatever you say Y/N.” Kendall says. “Now can we please change the subject?” Kendall asks, turning to face her sisters.


Y/N walks into Kendall’s kitchen, with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, to find Kris and Khloe cooking while Kylie and Kim are sitting on the bar stools by the island.

“Y/N!” Kylie screams, running up to hug her. “Hey Kyles.” Y/N says wrapping Kylie up in a bear hug.

“Something smells really good in here.” Y/N says as she walks up to the stove where Kris and Khloe are standing and cooking. “You know my cooking always smells amazing.” Khloe says as she hugs Y/N.

“Yeah, except for that one time you burnt the cinnamon rolls.” Y/N teases with a smirk as she hugs Kris. “That was one time and it was because I was busy.” Khloe says, trying to defend herself. “Sure Koko.” Y/N says with a teasing smirk before she goes to greet Kim.

“Are those flowers for me?” Kim asks, staring at the bouquet in Y/N’s hands. “No, sorry, they’re for Kenny. I’m asking her out again.” Y/N says with a small smile.

“Hasn’t she said no like eleven times?” Khloe asks carefully. “Yes, but twelfth time’s the charm.” Y/N says with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

“Where is she anyway?” Y/N asks, sitting down next to Kylie. “She’s outside.” Kris says. “But…” Kylie begins to say. “But what?” Y/N asks, interrupting her.

“She’s outside with someone.” Kylie says hesitantly. “Why do you sound so funny? Of course she’s outside with people.” Y/N says, confused at the shift in atmosphere in the room and Khloe and Kylie looking at her with sorrow in their eyes.

“Y/N, she brought her boyfriend.” Khloe says carefully. “Kendall doesn’t have a boyfriend.” Y/N scoffs before looking around at the faces of the other women which tell her a different story.

“She would’ve told me if she was seeing someone right?” Y/N asks, but it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself that Kendall would’ve told her.

“You know how she is Y/N. She didn’t tell any of us.” Kylie says, rubbing Y/N’s arm to comfort her. “Who is it?” Y/N asks cautiously. “Devin Booker, he plays for the Phoenix Suns.” Khloe says. “That guy?” Y/N asks. “Yeah, she seems really happy Y/N.” Kim says.

“I should probably go greet.” Y/N says with a deep sigh.

“You can have these Kim, I don’t want to make a bad impression.” Y/N says handing Kim the flowers before walking outside to greet.

When she gets outside, Y/N immediately spots Kendall, but she stops when she sees the model’s hand being held by Devin as they talk to Corey, Tristan and Kourtney. She takes a deep breath and pulls herself together before walking to the group.

As Y/N walks up to the group she hears her name being called by Stormi and True as the little girls run up to her. Kendall immediately turns around when she hears Y/N’s name and she can’t help but giggle when she sees the two little girls tackle Y/N with hugs.

“Hello cuties.” Y/N says, kissing both girls’ foreheads. “Carry us please?” Stormi asks with a sweet smile. “Carry both of you?” Y/N asks, looking at both girls who nod their heads and Y/N laughs at how they look like little bobbleheads.

“Ok fine, up.” Y/N says and she picks both girls up, one resting on each side of her hips. As she’s picking them up she doesn’t see Kendall leading Devin to her.

“I would hug you but it looks like you have your arms full.” Kendall jokes and Y/N’s head shoots up, having not seen Kendall coming over to her. “Sorry, they wanted to be carried.” Y/N says sheepishly as Devin stands to the side awkwardly.

“You know, you shouldn’t keep saying yes to them.” Kendall says, amused at how Y/N can’t say no to any of the kids. “I like carrying them.” Y/N says.

“So who’s this?” Y/N asks, noticing how awkward Devin looks. “Oh, this is my boyfriend Devin.” Kendall says with a smile. “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N, the best friend. I would shake your hand, but my arms are full.” Y/N says, lifting her arms with the little girls to emphasise her words.

“Don’t worry about it and it’s nice to meet you too. Kendall’s told me a lot about you.” Devin says politely and Y/N hates the fact that he seems like a nice guy. “She’s barely told me anything about you.” Y/N says without thinking. “I know, we wanted to keep it low key, so we knew exactly what we wanted before any introductions.” Devin explains.

“You don’t need to explain bro.” Y/N says with a forced small smile. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I should probably greet everyone else.” Y/N says before walking off to greet the others around the backyard.

“She seems nice.” Devin says as they watch Y/N’s retreating form. “She’s very nice, just very protective over me so don’t fuck up or she’ll kill you.” Kendall says sweetly.

“You’re kidding right?” Devin asks, not liking the smile on Kendall’s face. “No. She’ll probably give you the ‘I’ll kill you’ speech when she can get you alone.” Kendall says.

“Come on, don’t look so scared, you’ll be fine.” Kendall says, giggling when she sees the fear in Devin’s eyes. “Come on.” She says again, dragging him back over to Corey, Kourtney and Tristan.

A few hours later all the adults, except Y/N and Kendall, are sitting outside around Kendall’s fire pit. Y/N and Kendall are in the kitchen refilling their wine glasses.

“So what’s your honest opinion of him?” Kendall asks Y/N as she leans against the island. “You don’t need my opinion Kenny.” Y/N says softly, taking a sip of her wine. “I know, but I value your opinion.” Kendall says, eager to hear what Y/N thought of Devin.

She was desperate to know if her best friend approves of her boyfriend.

“He seems like a good guy Kenny and it seems like he really makes you happy. A bonus is that he looked really scared when I pulled him away and gave him my famous ‘I’ll kill you’ speech.” Y/N answers truthfully, chuckling when she remembers how scared Devin looked when she spoke to him.

She wanted to hate the guy for stealing the woman she loved but she couldn’t. He genuinely seemed like a good guy and it looked like he made Kendall extremely happy, the sort of happy Y/N hadn’t seen Kendall be in a very long time.

“You really like him?” Kendall asks excitedly. “I do Kenny.” Y/N answers, feeling her heart break a little when Kendall’s smile grows wider and the model hugs her, thanking her for approving of her boyfriend.

“We should go outside.” Y/N says after Kendall lets go of her. “Yeah.” Kendall says and follows Y/N to the group outside.

“Hey, I thought you two were fucking. I was about to come in to catch it on camera.” Khloe teases and Kendall rolls her eyes, especially when she sees Devin’s face contort in confusion.

“They’re just joking. Y/N is just my friend. My sisters just like to tease us because Y/N’s a flirt and encourages their idiotic behaviour.” Kendall explains when she goes to sit next to Devin.

“Yeah, it’s harmless.” Y/N says, backing Kendall up. “Although, I certainly wouldn’t be oppos…” Y/N says but is interrupted by Kendall throwing a pillow at her.

“Kendall Nicole Jenner, did you just throw a fucking pillow at me?” Y/N asks slowly, slightly shocked at Kendall’s actions.

“Yes I did because you were about to sprout some bullshit.” Kendall says with a smug smirk, knowing Y/N would never do anything serious to harm her. “You’re lucky we have guests and I’m well behaved around them.” Y/N says, going to sit next to Kylie.

“While we’re on the topic of sex…” Khloe starts saying. “We’re not.” Kourtney says, interrupting her younger sister. “We were asshole, now shut up and let me ask my question.” Khloe says, scowling at Kourtney before turning back to Kendall and Devin.

“Have you two been fucking?” Khloe asks bluntly.

“Khloe!” Kris, Kim and Kourtney exclaim, shocked at Khloe’s words. “What? It’s a valid question, they’ve been together for a few months now and I wanna know.” Khloe says, defending herself.

“Don’t you wanna know Y/N?” Khloe asks, turning to face Y/N. “No, I actually think the less I know the better.” Y/N answers, not wanting to hear about the woman she loves sleeping with someone else.


Later that night Y/N is sitting at a bar nursing a beer and thinking about what happened earlier in the day when a beautiful woman comes and sits next to her and orders herself a drink.

“Y/N Y/L/N? I can’t believe it.” the woman says, turning to face Y/N. Y/N is brought out of her thoughts and turns to face the woman. Her eyes wander over the woman’s body, before lingering on her piercing blue eyes. “Fuck me. Paris fucking Jackson, what are you doing here?” Y/N asks with a smile at seeing the familiar face.

“I needed a drink. I would ask you what you’re doing here but by the way you’re nursing that beer and that really sad look on your face, it looks like you’re nursing a heartbreak.” Paris says, reading Y/N’s body language, narrowing her eyes when she sees the woman flinch at the mention of a heartbreak.

“I’m still that easy to read huh?” Y/N asks, taking a sip of her beer. “I’m just good at reading people.” Paris says with a shrug, grabbing her drink after the bartender brings it over.

“So who broke your heart?” Paris asks bluntly. “Who else?” Y/N says with a sad smile.

“Kendall?” Paris asks, recalling the last time she found Y/N drinking at a bar, heartbroken that Kendall was in love with that basketball player Ben Simmons.

“Yeah, she introduced me to her new boyfriend today.” Y/N says with a heavy sigh. “I wanna hate him, I really do but he seems like a good guy and he makes her happy, happier than I ever could.” Y/N mumbles sadly before taking a long sip of her beer, finishing it.

Paris lifts her hand and signals the bartender to bring Y/N another beer.

“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?” Paris asks. “I’ve tried.  Do you know how many times I’ve asked her out or told her how good of a match we’ll be?” Y/N asks, a little frustrated and annoyed at Paris’ question.

“Y/N, how seriously does she take you, because from what I remember she always thinks you’re fucking around with her. We all know you’re a natural flirt and sometimes you flirt with everyone and that’s why she doesn’t take you seriously.” Paris explains.

“Maybe you need to sit her down and talk to her about your feelings and you need to be serious about it also.” she continues.

“I can’t do that now. She’s with Devin.” Y/N says. “If not now, when?” Paris asks. “I don’t know.” Y/N says just above a whisper, her eyes filled with despair.

“Are you going to continue lecturing me about this or are we going to drink?” Y/N asks, a few moments later, taking a sip of her new beer.

“If you say lecture, I’m leaving and I’ll find another place to get shitfaced.” Y/N says seriously. “Fine, I’ll stop lecturing.” Paris says after a few beats of silence.

“Awesome.” Y/N says before calling the bartender to get them tequila shots.


“Fuck.” Y/N groans hoarsely as she slowly wakes up with a pounding headache and a dry mouth. She attempts to open her eyes but immediately closes them when she sees just how bright her room is.

Before she can try going back to sleep and hopefully wake up one her hangover has passed, Y/N hears another voice groan.

“What the…?” Y/N whispers, before daring to turn around and find out who else is in her bed. She can’t remember much from the night before but she’s sure she’d remember bringing someone home.

When she turns around Y/N is shocked to see a groaning Paris, massaging her temple in an effort to soothe her headache.

The most shocking part, however, isn’t that Paris is in her bed but that she’s naked and Y/N can spot a few bruises that look suspiciously like hickeys.

“Stop staring.” Paris mumbles, slowly opening her eyes to look at Y/N.

“What the fuck happened?” Y/N asks, squinting her eyes.

“We’re both naked in your bed, take a wild guess.” Paris says sarcastically. “Oh fuck.” Y/N groans, closing her eyes and burrowing further into her bed after realising that her suspicions were confirmed.

“Is it really that bad if we slept together?” Paris asks cautiously as she feels her insecurities start to rise.

“No, no, no. I just need to wrap my head around it all. You’re one my best friends Paris and we just had a drunken hook up. I need to process it.” Y/N grumbles, looking up at Paris through squinted eyes.

“Do you regret it?” Paris asks in a small voice. “What? Paris no! I don’t regret it.” Y/N says, quickly pulling herself up to sit next to the other woman, wrapping her arms around her.

She couldn’t bear to hear the fragility in Paris’ voice. The same Paris who always seemed so sure of herself and comfortable with who she is.

“My only regret is being too shitfaced to remember it.” Y/N says with a wink, trying to lift the other woman’s mood. Paris rolls her eyes and gives Y/N a ‘seriously’ look but Y/N just smiles, especially when she sees the corners of Paris’ mouth quirk up.

“So what happens now?” Paris asks, gesturing between the two of them.

“I’m not in a position to offer a serious relationship but from what the ache in my body is telling me, I would like to do that again and this time I wanna be sober so I remember it.” Y/N says with a teasing smirk.

“You want us to fuck again?” Paris asks.

“Yes. I seem to remember you telling me that you’re hopelessly pining over Isabella Hadid while she chases the remnants of her and Abel’s failed relationship. I am here to offer sexual satisfaction whilst I pine over Kendall Jenner who is once again in a relationship with a basketball player.” Y/N says with a cocky smile.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Paris asks, somewhat confused.

“We’re both pining over other people, but we also have needs that we could fulfil for each other.” Y/N says. “Needs being sex?” Paris asks, just to clarify. “Yes. Good and safe sex.” Y/N confirms.

“So we would be friends with benefits?” Paris asks. “Yes, but right now I would like for us to be friends that go back to sleep. My head is killing me from all this thinking.” Y/N says as she wraps her arms around Paris’ waist and brings her down with her so they can cuddle.

“But…” Paris tries to say, wanting to have a clearer picture of what Y/N is proposing. “Later.” Y/N mumbles into Paris’ neck before closing her eyes and trying to drift off to sleep.

Paris eventually closes her eyes, ready to also drift off to sleep after seeing no further discussion happening when she hears Y/N’s breathing even out.

One Month Later

Bella, Kendall, Kylie and Hailey are standing at Y/N’s front door, waiting for someone to answer, after having rung the bell.

“Do you really think she’s going to answer?” Hailey asks, looking at the other three women. “She has to. It’s been a month and she’s barely said a word to anyone or even sent a text.” Gigi says, reminding the girls of why they were standing outside Y/N’s house.

“She’s gonna answer Hails. It’s me, I’m her best friend, she won’t leave us out here.” as those words leave Kendall’s mouth the door opens and their jaws drop when they see Paris opening the door with dishevelled hair, wearing nothing but one of Y/N’s oversized sweatshirts.

“Paris?” Bella asks, not believing what she’s seeing and hoping that whatever she’s assuming isn’t true.

A/N: The long awaited Part 3 of Tired should be up within the week.

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