TODAY WAS FREEZING. Keiko was wrapped up in a matching pair of a woolly white scarf and hat, the tip of her nose was pink along with her flushed cheeks from the exposure of the ice cold outside, what was amazing about her scarf and hat was that they were extra thick.
She was sat in class when she saw her friends Kaidou, Saiki and Nendou walk in, even the school was cold, there were no heaters and the classrooms felt like they were in the North Pole.
Both her and Aren huddled up together on a desk, his head was hiding under his blazer, both of the two had there faces covered the keep as warm as possible, they saw that Kaidou was walking past and they called out his name.
"Who the hell are you too?" he screeched, noticing the two hiding figures.
They both lifted their heads, Aren had a glare on his face "It's us." the two huddled closer to keep warmer.
"It's so cold today... I wish I stayed at home." Keiko complained, "And the stupid heater is broken."
Kaidou let out a complained groan as Aren glanced at him "It's totally busted. It's been blowing out cold air."
"Then turn it off!"
"It's connected to the other classrooms, so we can't turn it off."
Aren then suggested for Kaidou to go to the only heater in the room, that source being Kinekshi, working out, sweat was dripping off his body and he was wearing clothes like summer, heat was radiating off him.
Kaidou sprinting over while Aren and Keiko shuffled together over towards him, still embracing each other. (*Cough* Saiki wished that was him *cough*)
Kinekshi was about to take a break but the class motivated for him to go on, they couldn't loose that heat.
Nendou suggested they skipped school but Aren and Kaidou protested that they had to stay because the famous alumnus and entertainer, Peanuts Ueda was coming in at fifth period.
The three then covered themselves too the point where they were random sports club clothes over their uniform.
Keiko and Saiki watched the three in disappointment, the girl moved closer to her friend "I'd rather go home than meet some stupid entertainer..."
"Finally, someone who is on the same page as me."
Keiko looked up at him "You don't seem too cold, Sai. Do you not get cold easily?"
He glanced down at her and lifted his scarf too adjust it "Not really, it's cold. But not unbearable."
She snickered and leaned into his chest "You are strange sometimes. Always different from everyone else you are." she then realized what she said and snapped her head up "I didn't mean that as an insult. I like it." she confirmed.
He gave her a small smile "I know."
After school one day, the teacher had asked Saiki, Keiko, Aren, Kaidou and Nendou to take worksheets to Saiko's house as he had been absent recently, he was most of the time absent so he didn't have to deal with the poor peasants at school.
"Unbelievable." Aren started "Why do I have to help that stuck-up nouveau rich kid?" he complained.
Keiko held her bag "Maybe we should just leave the paperwork on his front door and run." she suggested.
"He's a troublesome bastard." Kaidou said.
Nendou, who didn't really seem to care about going to Saiko's house went off topic "Is it true that there's a good ramen restaurant around here?" he asked.
Everyone seemed to ignore him as they approached Saiko's flaunting looking house, Aren smirked "Wow, would you take a look at that. Now that's a rich person's house."
When standing in front of it, it was a lot bigger than it was walking up to it, all, minus Saiki shouted "It's huge!"
"That is one huge Ramen shop!" Nendou added, the other four turned giving him a poker face until the large gates opened revealing Saiko surrounded by many guards.
He laughed smugly "What are you doing here?" he then noticed Keiko stood with him, his eyes widened ever so slightly and started to style his hair "And Keiko! What are you doing here?" he asked with a sly grin which made Saiki roll his eyes.
When she didn't answer him he turned to the group of boys "Did you come to borrow some money? You poor bastards."
Aren's veins popped out and he clenched his fists "You skipped school, so we came here to deliver these worksheets." he spat out in hatred, it was needless to say that Aren despised Saiko, for many reasons at that. "By the way, weren't you supposed to be in Dubai?" he asked.
"I just flew back this afternoon on my private jet." did he mention it was a private jet by the way?
"I didn't hear anything about you flying back!" Aren shouted, clearly not wanting to see his rich snobby face.
Nendou who was dazed, pointed at Saiko and smiled "Oh! This must be the transfer student's house! This house is awesome! You should invite us in."
Saiko scanned his eyes across the group but lingered on Keiko's form, maybe this was a way he will impress her.
Saiko decided to invite them in and gave a boastful tour on all the rich objects he had bought "It's the only time you losers will ever have contact with this world."
"Awesome! This place you live in is awesome!" Nendou announced.
"Really? It's not all that great." Aren laughed "Sure, it's big but the parking garage at the pachinko parlor in our neighborhood is bigger." this was his way to wind up Saiko which seemed to be working as his teeth were clenching "After seeing that, everything just seems rather small." Aren proceeded to make more insulting comments about Saiko's house and he also compared the price of a statue the same number of bacteria on a toothbrush.
Keiko had heard it all before, she used to be friends with the guy so she had already heard enough about his constant bragging, she pulled a nail file out of her bag and tidied her nails, Saiko wanted to see her reaction of all his expenses but the colour in him drained when he saw she was standing there filing her nails without a care in the world.
Kaidou then noticed the statues and thought they could be switched to life, he was disappointed when he realized they were just normal stone statues.
Saiko then dragged the group inside as they looked around at the beauty inside his mansion, Nendou seemed to enjoy it the most.
Keiko was standing in front of a painting inspecting it, it was a bunch of random shapes and it was hurting her eyes, Saiko leaned up against the wall in front of her "Admired by these expensive paintings? I bought the originals." he bragged.
Keiko didn't face him and stared at the painting "I hate it." she said and then walked away.
Saiko's face went pale and he shouted for his guards "Get rid of this hideous painting, now. Destroy it and make sure it is never seen in this house again!" he ordered.
Saiko had had enough of Aren, Kaidou and Nendou making stupid comments about his paintings so he dragged them away and showed them his pet tiger, "This is my pet, Hanatora." he presented.
"Your pet looks very angry." Keiko said.
"It's about the same as having a giant house cat." Aren said, there was always a way for him to insult Saiko.
It turned out the tiger wasn't all that scary as it let Nendou and Keiko stroke it like it was a normal cat.
"Look!" Saiko called for their attention "I bought this diamond at an auction for 3.5 billion yen. Keiko, I can turn this into a necklace for you." he said.
"The colour's ugly." she said, she didn't want to be drawn in, she didn't need him to try and impress her with money, she just wanted him to be polite to her friends, not brag to them about how rich he was.
"Oh, what a beautiful marble." Nendou said.
"Put it in the eye of the statue outside, and a secret passageway opens up!" Kaidou theorized.
"Kaidou I don't think that's how it works." Keiko said.
As Saiko's failed to present his amazing items, Nendou interrupted him "Oh, look at the time. We better get going."
They group started to walk away as poor Saiko stood there in shock, how unimpressed could a group be? He felt so humiliated AND in front of Keiko, she must think he's pathetic.
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