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IN A FEW DAYS IT WAS SAIKI'S BIRTHDAY, the group had planned a surprise birthday for him. They just needed to make sure they weren't suspicious about it, although Nendou and Yumehara had failed slightly.

Saiki was sitting next to Keiko at the desk who was peacefully reading a book, he got up and grabbed his back before glancing back at her "You coming?" he asked slinging his bag over his shoulder.

She didn't move her head from the book "No thanks Sai, I'm staying after school to join the cooking club." she said, Saiki gave her an unnoticeable smirk You're a terrible liar, there is no cooking club today. He knew what her secret little plan was but he let her have her moment, he left the classroom and went out the school.

Keiko waited for a moment before jumping off her desk and pulled the rest of the group into the class, they all walked towards the window to watch Saiki's retreating figure leaving the school "Gosh!" Kaidou started "That idiot, Nendou had me worried." 

"That was close." Aren replied "He almost ruined the whole plan."

"You too, Chiyo." Teruhashi said to Yumehara.

"I was careless. I'll be more careful next time."

Keiko from next to Aren crossed her arms "At least he's gone now. So we don't have to worry about him."

"Where is Nendou?" Kinkeshi noticed that Nendou was no where in sight.

"I sent him home." Kaidou told him "He can't follow this plan with his stupidity."

"It's better this way." Mera said.

"We've been preparing for a week." Kaidou then unfolded a scroll "Failure is unacceptable. Our strategy meeting starts now." everyone circled around the paper with large smiles "The Saiki Birthday Surprise Strategy. Tomorrow's the day."

The group sat around the table while Kaidou broke out the plan "After class ends, Aren and I will get Saiki. I invite him over to my house. We don't mention his birthday. When we get to the house... I'll get some drinks. Aren brings Saiki to the room. At the right moment, Aren pulls the cracker. That's the signal. And I appear with the cake. Perfect!" 

Teruhashi smiled "I wonder what his face will look like."

"I bet it will look like this." Yumehara then pulled a face where she grabbed her cheeks and made them go red, she had a look of joy in her eyes.

"No, he will be so surprised that he will do this." Aren then pulled a shocked look.

"No, like this!" Kinkeshi then just pulled a face where he looked constipated.

"Maybe he will do this instead." Chisato smiled then proceeded to make her glasses lens breaks.

Keiko then looked across the group "Everyone... I think we need to remember that Saiki doesn't really like these sort of things, it might make him feel uncomfortable. But, deep down he might appreciate it."

Kaidou then smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder "You're right, Keiko. This day is for Saiki, so we are going to make it how he would like it."

"Kaidou, I'm impressed that you figured out Saiki's birthday."

"I ran into his mother in town the other day, so I asked her." Kaidou replied "I've planned his birthday party, well actually I can't take all the credit, Keiko offered to help me with it too." he then smiled brightly "Saiki thinks we don't know. He will definitely be surprised." It was strange that Keiko never knew Saiki's birthday until Kaidou told her, Sai never really opened up much about his life even with the small things but something tells her that this birthday surprise will be a complete disaster.

"By the way, did everybody get a present?" Kaidou asked, everyone all replied with a yes which was a relief, they all started to discuss what they got him. Keiko seems to have an issue where she can't stop spoiling Saiki so she got him a vintage tea cup, she knew how he liked tea so she got him his very own china cup for it with a plate that matched with it.

The group even managed to contact people who Saiki knew to send voice notes saying happy birthday for him, they really wanted this day to be perfect for him, Kaidou even wrote a letter for him which made everyone burst into tears of joy.


Turns out Saiki left school early the next day so Kaidou switched to 'plan beta' which everyone seemed lost about "I'll explain again. First, we ring Saiki's doorbell. When he comes out, we all pull the crackers. The Emotional Saiki Plan."

"What if someone else answers?" Aren asked after that it went silent.

Kaidou then went up to the doorbell "We will explain and make them let us in." everyone waited anxiously for the door to open, as soon as it opened and they saw a mop of pink they blew the party poppers and shouted "Happy birthday, Saiki!" what really surprised Keiko was that Saiki looked surprised himself.

"What? What is this?" he asked.

"Today's your birthday, right?" Teruhashi asked.

"Yes, but... What? You came to celebrate my birthday?" he asked smiling, his cheeks turning red.

"That's right!" little did the group know that it wasn't the Saiki the group thought it was, it was Kuniharu, Kusuo's father. Nendou soon turned up after with a watermelon for some reason. 


Everyone sat at the table and Kaidou and Keiko seemed to notice his parents weren't hear however, Kaidou spoke first from next to her "By the way, Saiki, are your parents home?" he asked.

"My parents?" Saiki asked confused "They don't live here." Keiko raised her brows suspiciously, she was literally with Kurumi the other day here.

"Really?" Kaidou asked.

"My mother lives in the family home, and my father is no longer with us." he said, Keiko's jaw dropped she was the most shocked since her family became quite close with the Saiki's.

"Your dad died?" Nendou asked, Keiko was too shocked to say anything, this can't be a joke, right? Saiki would never say anything like that. Everyone hung their heads low as they apologized for the loss. 

"It's fine. It was a long time ago." he said.

Keiko snapped her head up "Saiki. I saw your father five days ago. What do you mean 'a long time ago'?" she asked in pure shock, she didn't know what to take from this.

Saiki's eyes widened "Wait how would you have seen my dad five days ago when he died-" he seemed to cut himself off and then said "Kusuo?"

"Kusuo?" Aren inquired.

"Shit..." Saiki muttered he then raised his thumbs up "I need to take a shit. Be right back." he quickly rushed at the room and the group sat there shell shocked, especially the green haired girl, she was so baffled that she couldn't even form a proper sentence.

A few minutes later he opened the door and he had an overly serious look on his face "Good grief. Sorry for the wait. Good grief!" he saw that everyone was sitting there with their heads hung low "What's wrong?" he asked.

"We're really sorry for acting so happy when your father has passed away." Kaidou said.

"He's not dead!" everyone's faces then turned to confusion as they looked up at Saiki.

"He's not?" Keiko asked and raised a brow.

Saiki then smiled brightly "It was a joke. To pay you back for the surprise." Keiko's face dropped even further while Aren's face turned serious.

"You shouldn't joke about that." he said.

Kinekshi's face also went serious "I agree. It's not right to joke about such things." Saiki then got scolded by Aren and Kinkeshi.

Teruhashi and Yumehara tried changing the subject by showing the cake they made for Saiki but it was a horrific sight to see that the Saiki face cake got smashed, Keiko had heard and seen enough today. Her skin went ghostly white along with her eyes sitting there with her jaw open not being able to say anything to anyone.

Magically the cake managed to go back to normal and was now presented with Saiki's lovely face the cake seemed to make Saiki speak in the thir person.

Mera and Aren had also made a video letter for Saiki but the camera broke, everyone could only stand in silence but once again the camera could magically work and it was now playing the tape of people saying happy birthday to him. This seemed to cheer everyone up as they got to now celebrate Saiki's birthday, Keiko was still suspicious of why Saiki was acting so strange today.


It was late at night and Keiko was sat in her bedroom reading a manga on her phone, she was in her comfy pajamas and had a movie on which was playing in the background, what she didn't expect was to hear something hit against her window.

She glanced up from her phone and walked up to her window, she opened her blind as soon as a tiny pebble hit against the window, she opened it and looked down to see Saiki standing underneath holding a basket and a baby blue blanket.

"Sai? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I have something for you, do you have any spare time?" he asked.

"Give me two minutes." she said, she left the window and got a jacket out, she sneaked down the stairs and left through the back door. She went round to see Saiki standing there and waiting for her "What an earth are you doing here so late?" she asked.

He held up the basket "Thanks for the teacup. I decided to buy the full set and share it with you for the first time, the set can just be for us."

Her cheeks went red even though it wasn't visible due to the dark night "I'd love too..." 

he grabbed her arm and pulled her along "I know where to go, come along."


The two sat on a field together on top of the blanket, Saiki pulled out the tea set which he took care off carefully, the tea he poured earlier was still hot so it was perfect for their date- did I say date? I meant a little friendly tea date together.

"Why where you being so weird today, Sai? Was it the party? Did you not like it?" she asked delicately holding the teacup.

"I'm sorry Keiko." he said "But it's not actually my birthday today, my birthday is on the 16th of August." he told her.

"What?! Why didn't you say anything?" she asked.

"You all planned this out well. I couldn't ruin that for any of you, it was wrong not to say anything but all that planning would of went to waste." he said, it seemed Keiko wasn't replying so he looked up at the sky and noticed that the two 'soulmate' stars where there which Keiko pointed out on the Okinawa trip.

Keiko placed her cup down and leaned forwards closer to Saiki's face, her soft lips then connected with Saiki's cheek, she moved back to see Saiki staring at her in shock "You are sweet Saiki..." she muttered looking away with a small smile.

It was silent again until she felt a warm hand place itself on top of hers, Saiki grabbed the back of her hand with his, she looked up at him to see he was still looking at the sky. She moved closer once again and their legs brushed against each other. "Thank you, for today." he told her, squeezing her hand tighter.

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