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KEIKO'S CLASS ALL DECIDED TO GO DO KARAOKE TOGETHER, everyone took turns however Keiko and her friends had not sung yet. She sat next to Saiki who was also sitting next to Kaidou who had leaned over to the both of them "What will you two sing?" Saiki didn't answer and continued to look down at whatever he's reading.

"I'm not sure." Keiko replied "Maybe I could do a duet with someone, I don't really like singing alone. It's quite embarrassing." Saiki then sat up and walked off as Kaidou replied.

"Do you think your not good at singing or something?" he asked, ever since the incident of how the two nearly got robbed by delinquents, they became closer friends and would hang out more often.

Keiko gave him a look "I don't usually sing in front of people often, singing with someone would probably make me feel a bit more confident."

"It's finally happening!" someone shouted out, everyone turned to see that Teruhashi was at the booth with a microphone in her hand "The class idol is going to sing!"

"I feel sort of shy." she said cutely, giving a small wink to the class. The music started to play and she held the microphone up to her lips, she then started to sing about how she was the perfect pretty girl or something and she ended up getting a score 98.

"Keiko's up next!" Kinekshi shouted, he then pulled her up by the arm and brought her to the front and handed her a microphone.

She gave the class a weird look "Can I sing with someone, please? I don't like singing alone." she said, she scanned the crowd and saw Kuboyasu sitting there, she gave a sly grin "Kuboyasu, pleaseeeee can you sing with me?" she asked.

The class then started to hype him up, he tried to give her a tough look indicating he wasn't going to give in until she gave him puppy-dog eyes, he sighed and pushed up his glasses now walking to the front, he was handed a mic and turned to her "So... What are we singing?" he asked.

"Have you ever watched Attack on Titan?" she asked.

"Yeah, I finished season 3 recently." he told her.

"Perfect! We're singing red swan." she smiled brightly.

The music started playing and the two decided to sing a line each (I'll just add a few lines, dw I'm not doing the entire song) "Like the scarlet night veiling the dark." Keiko started the first line of the song.

"You can hide your fear." Kuboyasu sung next, the two didn't really seem too confident at first but soon started to get into it, about halfway through the song they were already singing like they were at a concert and the rest of the students were cheering them on "Into the starry night megami no you ni dakishimete eien wo!" Kuboyasu sung.

"We'll fly away, we'll find a way!" Keiko poured her heart out into that line, the two then sang the final lines together and by the end of the song they had their shoulders wrapped around each other in joy as the rest of the students clapped and cheered for them.


Keiko and her parents sat at the table for dinner until the phone rang, her mother got up and answered the phone after she muttered "Who could that be..." she held the phone to her ear as Keiko and Daisuke curiously listened in.

"Hello? Oh hello Kurumi, how are you? Yes we are wonderful, just about to eat dinner. You're visiting your parents next week? You wan't Keiko to come visit as well? Well if it's only for a few days I don't see why not, and since that girl always goes on about Kusuo I'm sure she would be delight. Yes, okay I'll speak to you later, bye now." Mashiro put the phone down and turned to Keiko "How do you feel about going on a little trip with the Saikis? she asked.


Keiko was sat on a train, plain, train again and finally a bus next to Saiki  "We made it!" Kuniharu announced, they all got out the nus wearing warm and thick coats "The air is so fresh here!" he stretched his arms.

"It has been a while." Kurumi smiled, she then turned to Keiko "Have you ever been here before dear?"

Keiko wrapped her scarf around her "I can't say I have, but those mountains are a beautiful sight." it was quite cold in the countryside but Keiko didn't mind as long as she was with Saiki.

Keiko was so distracted by the view she hadn't realized Saiki had teleported back home to fetch some gloves, he teleported back next to his parents who had to keep quiet about his powers since Keiko nor his grandparents knew about his powers.

"All that travel for nothing!" Keiko heard Kuniharu shout.

She turned around and saw he was talking to Saiki "What do you mean for nothing?" she asked.

Kuniharu jumped and tried to think of an excuse "Oh- Well you see- there are some really beautiful flowers here- but-" he was then cut off by his wife who said they should just head to her parents house.


"Hello! I'm home!" Kurumi said to her mother who had opened the door.

"Welcome back!" she smiled delightfully "Kusuo! You got so big." she noticed.

She then noticed the green haired girl "Oh, and you must be Keiko!" she grinned "Look how beautiful you are, I'm so glad you could come, Kurumi mentioned Kusuo became close friends with a girl and I just couldn't wait to meet you!" 

The tip of Keiko's nose turned red "Aha thank you Mrs Saiki, and thank you for having me, it's lovely to be invited." she smiled receiving a 'what a polite girl' from her.

Kuniharu then spoke up "Hello. You look young as always." Keiko noticed how the elderly woman looked to be in a 40's, she guessed that Saiki's mothers side had amazing genetics.

Kurumi's mother then turned around and called out for her husband "Honey! Kuniharu and his family are here! They've also brought a special guest who just so happens to be Kusuo's friend!" she opened the door and everyone looked in to see an old man with a grumpy look on his face siting by the table and reading a newspaper. 

He looked up and gave him a bland look "Good grief. Quiet. Let me read my paper." he said, Keiko let out a quiet giggle 'Wow, he reminds me a lot like Saiki' Hey don't compare me to him.

Kurumi smiled and went up next to her father greeting him but he only replied with a "You don't have to come for no reason."

"You never change. Look. It's Kusuo. You haven't seen him for a long time. Also, this is Kusuo's lovely friend Keiko, I insisted she came with us because I thought it would be nice for her to meet you both."

"Lovely to meet you, sir." Keiko said.

He didn't even look up from his paper and let out a huff "He got big and I still don't know why you would waste time bringing someone else as well, at least she's got manners."

Saiki leaned over to her "He's like this. Don't take it personally." he told her.

Kuniharu then was next to greet him "Long time no see!"

Saiki's grandfather then jumped up noticing the man "Who are you? Get out!" Kuniharu sweat dropped as Saiki's grandmother spoke again.

"Your grandfather was actually looking forward to seeing you and when I told him that Keiko was also coming he's was extremely happy that Kusuo had made such a lovely friend."

"Don't be foolish." he replied, he then got up and slid the door open "I'm going to the other room. Call me when dinner is ready." he then slammed the door shut.

Saiki then led Keiko to the table and she sat down next to him "He is still so stern as always." Kurumi said with an awkward smile.

"Should we not have come?" Kuniharu asked his mother in law.

"Of course not! Visit whenever you want!" she offered "Don't worry about him."

"Maybe he's a bit uncomfortable that I walked into his house, since I'm basically a stranger." Keiko placed her hands on the table, feeling awkward being around somebody else's family.

Kurumi placed her hand on Keiko's "Nonsense. He's always like that, you've done nothing wrong Keiko."

However on the other side of the wall, no one but Saiki knew how his grandfather really acts.

Saiki's grandmother had mentioned Saiki's height, noticing how much he's grown over the years, 'Kurumi. You finally came.' he father thought in delight on the other side 'If Kumi hadn't said that, I would not have left the room. I want to chat more!'

"How long has it been?" Saiki's grandmother asked referring to the last time they visited and the reply was about two years ago 'It has been two years, and one hundred and twelve days!' Saiki's grandfather then pulled out a picture of him 'Kusuo got so big! I am so touched!'

"Wow, I couldn't stay away from my grandparents so long, I'm glad I don't live too far away from them." Keiko said 'Oh, and Keiko. When I found out Saiki had a friend I was so excited to meet her and she's wonderful I hope I can see her with Kusuo more often!'

His grandfather was so happy to see them all here, he then wanted to hear Kusuo say something instead, Kuniharu spoke instead "But this place is really relaxing." 'You have no right to talk, you insect!' his father in law scrapped the walls at the sound of his voice.

"How long can you stay?" Saiki's grandmother asked "Until tomorrow?"

"That's right!" Kurumi replied 'Stay here! Live here!' "We might stay here for two or three days." she also added.

"That will be nice." that's when a sound came from the other room where Saiki's grandfather was. "What?"

"Sorry. I thought were only staying for one night. I have work." Kuniharu said.

"Okay. We'll leave tomorrow. You can't take a day off from work, after all." Kurumi said to her husband.

"I can, but aren't we bothering you?" That's when Saiki's grandfather walked in as stiff as a board.

"I only came to get the newspaper." he said in a grumpy tone.

"We are thinking of staying here for two or three days. Is that okay?" his daughter asked.

He gave a huff once again "Do whatever you want." before going back to the other room.

Saiki's grandmother then turned to Keiko and Saiki "With sleeping arrangements, you and Keiko can share a room, there are spare blankets and pillows, I hope you both don't mind." she said.

"Not at all." Keiko replied.

Kurumi then pulled out a bag "I bought this for you. Let's have it." she smiled giving her mother the bag which revealed to have castella inside "Father loves this, right?"

"That's right. You have a good memory." it was then set out Kuniharu was then sent to bring it in to his father in law, who thought it was going to be Saiki.

"Get out of here!" A venomous voice shouted from the other room towards Kuniharu, he then walked out the room still holding the castella and was sobbing.

"All I did was bring him some castella." he cried, Saiki then got up and grabbed the plate off him and walked into the room, it was silent the entire time and Saiki came back with empty hands meaning he didn't get shouted at.

"Do you think he's okay in there alone?" Keiko asked quietly.

"Ku, why don't you two go in there and give him some company, he might need it." Kurumi suggested.

The two got up and brought their castella's into the room, Saiki's grandfather seemed surprised that the two of them came in to join him, a few moments later they were all quietly sat at the table. 


Keiko laid in bed wide awake that night, her mattress was right next to Saiki's, she turned over to see he was facing the other way and she could only guess he was asleep 'Why are you so nervous about sleeping next to a boy? It's only for a few nights, Keiko!' she scolded herself, she didn't know that Saiki was actually awake and was reading her thoughts, he sighed internally and turned around facing her as she was looking up at the ceiling.

She then turned around again to see that Saiki was wide awake and was looking at her "Ah!" she gasped, nearly falling off the mattress "Saiki!" she whispered-shouted "I'm sorry, were you asleep and I was breathing too loudly?" she asked.

"No, I could already tell you weren't asleep because you keep on moving too much."

"I'm sorry, if I'm being honest I've never slept in the same room as a boy before. I know it sounds childish but my fathers always made me believe it's weird to have a sleepover with a guy and share the same room as him, he obviously is talking about there intentions. But I trust you Sai, I know that you would never try anything."

"I understand. If you feel uncomfortable, I can sleep in another room if you'd like."

"No!" she sat up "No of course you don't have to move, I'm fine with sharing a room with you. But, I'm glad I could come with you on this trip, sorry if I'm like a burden to you."

His head moved closer to hears and her eyes widened for a second.

"I don't see you as a burden and you've kept me company the whole way there anyway." He then shuffled his head onto the pillow "Try and get some sleep, you don't want to be tired the entire trip."

"O-okay, goodnight Saiki." she said, her head was now on her pillow and she watched the way how his chest slowly rose as he let out small breaths, she noticed that his glasses were off, obviously. You can't sleep with your glasses on, in fact, Keiko has never seen Saiki's eye colour since they are always covered by his green glasses. When she was sure he was asleep, she shuffled a bit closer to him and brushed her arm against his, feeling more relaxed as she knew he wasn't going anywhere, she closed her eyes and soon drifted off into slumber.

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