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"THE PK FESTIVAL IS JUST ONE MONTH AWAY." Kinekshi announced to the class in his signature spot at the front, he slammed his hand on the poster of the board for the festival "Let's decide what to do for the festival."

Keiko never really minded the festival, she was never too excited about it but it wasn't something she hated, one person in the class spoke how they couldn't come because of after school clubs which some other people also spoke up about too. Kinekshi just smiled at the class "I see. What should we do?"

Keiko raised her hand "How about we put up a display? That way, not everyone has to be there."

"Yes Keiko! That's a good idea!" he gave her a nod "Let's make something together after school!" once again another person spoke up about having an after school club and Mera also raised her hand claiming she had to work after school which everyone instantly believed.

Someone ended up holding a weirdly shaped rock and suggested to put it up on display which the whole glass agreed to "Let's all bring interesting-looking rocks and display them!"

"Good idea! Then we can be free for both the day of and after school!" the whole class started to cheer at the idea and then turned to their class representative "Okay, Hairo. Let's do that!" 

He gave them a smile "So, our class will display interesting rocks found in the schoolyard, deal?" everyone agreed until Kinekshi's tone changed dramatically "No! We only get to take part in this festival three times during high school. Do you really want to waste it on something like that?"

Keiko watched Kinekshi place his hands on the desk, dramatically crying about passion 'He always gets so upset over these small events.' This seemed to get the rest of the class fired up because of him.

"All right! Let's give it our all! I have a suggestion for our display, too." Kinekshi said to the class "How about each person makes a thousand paper cranes?" everyone's faces went blank as he carried on talking "Wouldn't having 36,000 cranes on display be magnificent? Actually, let's make that 50,000. About 1,389 cranes per person. One month is plenty of time!"

"Kinekshi... I don't mean to be rude but why don't we just do something simple like a food stall? It would be easy for everyone else." she said giving him an awkward smile.

"Great idea! That would be more fun than holding an exhibition." someone in the class told her.

"I guess." Kinekshi pouted at her "I thought my idea was good though." everyone let out a sigh of relief until he turned around and wrote it on the board "Well, I'll write mine down for now." he then turned back to the class again "Any other ideas?"

Takahashi then raised his hand "I don't know if it would be okay, but... What about a maid cafe?" he looked down with his cheeks going red.

"Not a bad idea, but..." Kinekshi started until a giggle broke out from someone.

"Then how about this?" Yumehara started "A cross-dressing maid cafe! The guys will dress up instead!"

The girls in the class squealed loving the idea of boys in maid dresses, Takahashi then spoke up again "What? Do I have to shave my legs? No way! I've never worn a bra!" he started to over-exaggerate "Someone will have to let me borrow their makeup then!" 

Keiko cleared her throat "Takahashi, you do realize if you work in the cafe, you'd be in the back anyone so no one will see you." she pointed out making the class giggle at the blushing boy who stood there in defeat. 

"Any other suggestions?" Kinekshi asked, he then looked over to Teruhashi "Do you have any ideas, Teruhashi?"

"Well... How about we turn the room into a planetarium? There are those machines you can use at home, so..." she didn't get to finish as one boy in the class obviously loved her idea.

While the boys were praising her, Kinekshi started to sweat "That's not a bad idea, but won't the machine do all the work?" he said trying to speak over the class that's when he snapped once again "Are you really giving it your all?"

"Shut up. We'll go with her idea." One boy said which the rest agreed with.

"I oppose!" Mera shouted, holding her hand out "With Keiko suggesting a food stall. I propose a Korean barbecue stall! It's my favourite food!"

"Mera, you know it's not for us, right?" Keiko asked her, before she could answer Kinekshi spoke before.

"It also costs quite a lot..."

"Then how about we combine the two?" Mera suggested "A barbecue under the starry sky!"

"I see! Nice! Any other ideas?" everyone then shouted for him to write the idea on the board, he then scanned the class again until his eyes landed on the new member of the class "Kuboyasu, what about you?"

"What? Me?" he asked, confused. He then gave him a wink "How about a haunted house? We can all wear zombie makeup..."

"I love that idea Kuboyasu!" Keiko beamed at him turning around. Of course you would suck up to him.

Kaidou, for the first time had now spoke out "You don't seem to realize how terrifying zombies are."

"Zombies aren't scary. They're too slow." Someone told him.

"That's true. But if there's an army of them, you can't run away. By the time you're cornered by them, you'll realize that they are not just plain marchers but vicious attackers!"

The class seemed to be confused with what he just said and ended up calling it lame, people then started to argue about what they should do "Everyone, calm down!" Kinekshi yelled out to the class.

Everyone was too busy arguing they didn't notice the window miraculously open by itself, soon something shot through the window and crashed into the class, smoke burst through and everyone turned to whatever was thrown violently into the class "What was that?" Kaidou screeched.

"it's a... A meteorite!" Someone shouted, everyone then surrounded it until someone suggested they put it in display, ignoring the face that they all could of died from this.

"Class three will display a meteorite and interesting rocks found in the schoolyard!" Kinekshi shouted now going back to the first idea.


Keiko was scanning through the courtyard with Koboyasu who was looking for rocks along with her "Found anything yet?" she asked him. 

He picked up a weirdly shaped rock that had a hole in the centre, although it was small it looked like something worthy of display, he smiled down at it and then turned around "Yeah I think I found something- YOU FOUND THOSE LYING AROUND IN THE COURTYARD?!" he gaped as he saw that Keiko was holding two rocks that couldn't possible be by coincidence, one rock was shaped as a face of an unrecognizable man, the face looked so realistic that it looked sculptured. The second rock another one was shaped like a ladybug, it had circles and the shapes of their bodies that would naturally go there.

She glanced down at the rocks "Heh, I guess I was just lucky." she then looked forwards and her eyes widened "Wow, look at that rock!" she exclaimed, now sprinting over to it, Koboyasu looked around and his eyes went as wide as they could go along with his jaw dropping, Keiko had managed to find a much larger rock which was what it looked like to be three moon shapes all piled on each other at different angles.

"Kuboyasu, could you come help me pick this?" she asked, he noticed that she was already carrying her lucky rocks already so he dropped his now useless one and walked over. The former delinquent picked up the rock with ease, "wow, you're so strong." Keiko said.

That's when his eyes widened 'Oh god! I shouldn't of made that look so easy! She's now going to know about my past and how I was a delinquent!' he cried to himself, She wont find out your entire past based on your strength, she'll most likely think you work out. 

"A-Ah well you know... I work out a lot!" Kuboyasu went for the quickest answer he could think of.

"That makes sense." she smiled "Have you found any works?"

Kuboyasu glanced back to were his pathetic rock laid, he turned around and shook his head "No, nothing compared to your foundings."

"We can tell Kinekshi, we found them together, then." she said, the two then went back into the school and into their class, "Kinekshi, me and Kuboyasu found some rocks for the display!" she beamed.

"Wow Keiko, these are amazing. You found them in the courtyard?" the athlete asked surprised.

"it was mainly her who found them." Kuboyasu said awkwardly, "I might just look for one by myself." 


Time has passed by quickly and it was now the day of the festival "Okay! Has everyone arranged their rocks?" Kinekshi asked everyone.

Kaidou went up first and let out an arrogant smirk, his jacket seemed to be over his shoulder like a cape, when he gets home he instantly puts on the cape Keiko got him for Christmas and makes sure it stays in perfect condition "My rock isn't just an ordinary rock. It's one that seals in evil with magical powers." he said holding up a black rock that was shaped like crystal shards.

"Mine is better." Nendou said holding up a Jizo statue that was obviously stolen.

Yumehara held up hers "Look, mine is shaped like a heart! Isn't it cute?" she asked.

"Wow, you're right!" Teruhashi replied.

"Wow, yours is nice too, Kokomi!" The girls smiled noticing that rose shaped rock.

Everyone then turned to Keiko who pulled in her very large moon rock "I found this large three moon rock, I also placed a ladybug and face rock I found as well on it." she said pointing towards the objects that were in the centres on the crescent moons. She didn't notice how everyone except Saiki was giving her an astonished look at the masterpieces she found.

She then smiled towards Kuboyasu until her face dropped when she stared it his rock which had a strong red stain on it "That's a nice rock Kuboyasu..." she said quietly.

He gave her a happy smile with pink cheeks "I found it hidden behind the school!" he said although the rock looked like it was used as a murder weapon.

"All right! This turned out pretty good. it's all thanks to your hard work searching for rocks!" everyone looked down to see that Kinekshi's rock was shaped like a tennis racket. "I heard the class with the best exhibit will win a prize. Let's do our best to get it!" he then pulled everyone into a circle as they all huddled together, Keiko was pushed in between Saiki and Kuboyasu and had to hold onto both of their shoulders "Let's make the PK festival a success!" Kinekshi cheered.

Keiko went along with Saiki, Nendou, Kaidou and Kuboyasu going around the exhibits that were made from the other classes they saw a haunted house cafe and saw some guys from another school go in, Kuboyasu stepped forwards and gave the group a menacing look "I think I will go in that one as well. I actually really like scary stuff. This once looks scarier." he then walked off into the cafe as the other four stood there.

"Do you think we should follow him?" Keiko asked, that's when they heard screaming coming from the cafe.

"Probably not." Saiki told her.

Nendou seemed amazed "Listen to those screams! Just how scary is it?"

Kaidou went towards the curtain and opened it, peeping in "Well, should we go in here too then?" the four looked through and observed around the darkness.

"It's pitch-black. I can't see anything." Nendou said, the four walked in and Keiko conjoined her arm with Saiki who didn't seem to oppose.

"Wow, It's quite scary in here." Keiko said, clinging onto Saiki a little tighter.

Kaidou pushed Nendou forwards "Hey, go already."

"What? You came in here first!" Nendou argued.

Kaidou then was pushed in front "Fine. I'll lead you cowards towards the light. Follow me." Kaidou took one step forwards and felt something grab his leg making him let out a high pitched scream, he then saw a hand hanging which made him scream again and could feel something blowing on the back of his neck and finally he looked at the exit sign which made him scream again.

He jumped onto Nendou's shoulders and grabbed both his and Saiki's heads in fear, he was breathing heavily "Let's keep moving toward the light!" he said now going to the door they came through.

Nendou turned to him "Why are you screaming in a weird voice? We're going ahead." Nendou said before walking forwards with the other two following him.

"Wait! Don't leave me behind!" Kaidou cried.

"Is this the right way?" Nendou asked himself, someone then jumped out at Nendou making a scary noise "Hey." Nendou said, scaring the actor who had now passed out.

"Maybe Nendou can protect us from being scared." Keiko said.

"Even I would faint if I saw your face so up close in a dark place like this!" Kaidou told him.

Nendou looked down at him in surprise "Oh, you think so?"

"What do we do? If someone else comes..." Kaidou then paused when he heard the voice of a girl who was screaming about how dark it was, "This is bad. We need to hide him." he said motioning towards the passed out body. "Look, let's handle this ourselves." he said opening the curtain to reveal a box of a few props and costumes.

They all dressed up and turned to corner to the voice of the girl only to see a woman who looked exactly like Nendou, Kaidou passed out and Nendou gave her a blank look "Oh, mum."

They all went out the haunted cafe and Kaidou was placed on a bench, they soon met up with Saiki and Keiko's parents who were also there "I'm just stopping by during my break." Nendou's mother told him.

"We ran into Nendou's mum and Mochizuki's parents and became friends!" Kurumi exclaimed excitedly as she clung onto her husbands arm.

"So Keiko, Is this the Saiki you've been telling us about, It's nice to finally meet you young man." Mashiro said warmly to him, shaking his hand.

"Keiko doesn't shut up about you." Daisuke added also shaking his hand.


"Oh our Kusuo doesn't stop talking about Mochizuki either, you'd think the two were dating!" Kunihara said brightly. That's a lie, you just want us to date.

Nendou's mother crossed her arms "Now that I've seen what your class is doing, I'm going home. Good luck with the haunted house.

"What? We're not doing a haunted house." Nendou told her "Our class is doing the schoolyard rock display."

Saiki ended up going to the bathroom only to have Nendou follow him, they seemed to be taking too long to Saiki's dad went to check if they were alright, soon the sound of something was breaking so Nendou's mother rushed in only to see a carving of her son.

The statue of Nendou ended up being the reason that class three one the exhibit award.


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