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A GIRL WITH GREEN HAIR was born on August 31st, no one knew why her hair was such a green colour, it was quite an unusual sight. She was given the name Keiko Mochizuki, her name Keiko meant 'lucky child' as her mother strongly believed that her green locks which were as green as the summer green grass were a sign of luck, it turned out her mother was correct.

Throughout her childhood, Keiko was as lucky as a four-leaf clover. She would pass all her tests when many times it was from random guesses that just so happened to be correct, she would sometimes find 2000 yen bills in the middle of the street, this could be at random times of any random day. One time when she got into a car crash when she was 7, the girl only came out with a few scrapes and bruises, nothing fatal had hit her, she was just a lucky child.

Now at 16 her luck still shone brightly, her shine was as bright as the sun glistening over the waves of an ocean, she was not aware of the extraordinary power she held and saw herself as normal, everyone else around her noticed her luck but thought she was just 'lucky' except one student who had psychic powers, he knew that she had superpowers that gave her luck she just didn't know she was using them. It was strange for Saiki to know someone else who has powers, although she may not have powers like him and he wasn't usually one for wanting to socialize with people, he thought What would it like to be friends with someone who also has powers?

Saiki has known Keiko since their first year at PK Academy, she seemed like a normal girl with normal thoughts but her luck is what made her stand out the most, he understood why her hair was so green. He wouldn't say he wanted to be around her, but he was interested in her, How can she not realize how powerful she actually his, is her luck a normal thing for her? Whenever I read her thoughts she doesn't seem aware, but I would look insane if I went up to her and said "Hey, did you know you have superpowers and so do I? Let's be friends!" Saiki was far from stupid to do that.

Saiki wasn't sure why he would sometimes think about her, maybe it was because she had powers? Or maybe it's because she's quiet and introverted like him? If he had to pick someone to be friends with it would most likely be her (Even those chances were low). Not someone like Nendou who's a moron or Kaidou who believes in an evil organization called 'the Dark Reunion' Saiki had no time for that nonsense.

Saiki looked at the back of Keiko's head in class, she sat right in front of him, she had the end of her pen in her mouth, chewing on it in a bored manner.
Her free hand leaned against her chin, she sat at her desk in a bored many without a care in the world 'No matter what I do, all I think about is you' is the same line that is repeatedly being said in her head, Saiki knew she wasn't thinking of anyone in particular as the line came from a song which she obviously heard earlier and was now stuck in her head.

You are a peculiar girl, Keiko Mochizuki. 


Keiko walked into the school library in hopes of looking for the book The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the sea, as she stepped towards the section where it could be located, she noticed the fuzzy strawberry coloured hair of a boy in her class called Kusuo Saiki who sat behind her. She's never really had a full conversation with Saiki, only a few greetings and that was the most, from what she observed she noticed he was quiet and didn't really speak often, sometimes it felt like when he spoke, the words weren't even coming out of his mouth. 'I wonder what Saiki is reading?' she thought as if it mattered, it was just a common thought that naturally comes out when you see someone reading.

Saiki mentally sighed I'm not even reading it I already know what happens, I'm just trying to get away from Nendou until the end of school. I'm glad it's only Mochizuki who came in, she most likely won't try and bother me.

Keiko cornered to the section she wanted to be in and spotted the book she was looking for instantly right in front of her, "Heh... That was lucky." she whispered, not speaking loudly as she didn't want to disturb the peace in the silent library, it was so quiet it was if no one was actually in there. Saiki rolled his eyes but kept them on the page in front of him of course because everything is always a coincidence for you he thought sarcastically but with no bitter thoughts towards her.

Saiki would usually curse people in his head, but when it came to Keiko he never really had much of an opinion on her as she would always respect his boundaries unlike Nendou who would ask Saiki if he wanted to go out for ramen daily, Kaidou who tries to convince him he has superpowers and finally Teruhashi who always expected an 'oh wow' from him.

Keiko picked up the book from the shelf, softly running her fingers through the cover, admiring the famous ocean wave which is used in a lot of art, she held the book under her arm and turned to face where Saiki was sitting 'Maybe I could ask Saiki if I can sit, it's nice to be in the presence of someone else' Saiki rolled his eyes, why sit near me? There are other tables and seats in the library. He would rather much be alone right now.

Keiko bit her lip and awkwardly shuffled 'He seems to be busy, I wouldn't want to disturb him' she shook her head and walked to the table behind Saiki and sat parallel towards him, his eyes slightly widened, not expecting someone to finally see from his point of view.

She opened her book and started to read the first chapter, as she got into it she started thinking about her classes which lead her to think of homework. Crap! She completely forgot if there was any homework and started to panic internally, her left leg continuously bounced as she looked over to the back of Saiki's head wondering whether she should ask him or not.

Saiki's head was hurting from all the rushing thoughts that were racing through her mind, he couldn't just randomly tell her there was homework without her asking, he thought if he turns around letting her know she's got his attention from staring at him, she might ask them. He sighed and turned around, his purple eyes that were concealed by his green glasses connected with her hazel ones, he raised a brow as he saw her eyes widen.

"Saiki, I'm sorry to bother you, but is there any homework for our class? I completely forgot." she quietly asked, now avoiding eye contact from his piercing look. He observed her green locks which moved down to cover a part of her face from moving her head too much.

"No, not any that I know of." He told her while shaking his head. She let out a sigh of relief placing a hand over her chest.

"Thank god." she let out a small laugh "I was worried for a second, I really should pay more attention next time." Saiki gave her one last look before turning around and moving his eyes down to the page Even if there was any, you would've gotten away with it anyway. You really don't need to worry about those sort of things Mochizuki.

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