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Kehlani pov

I've been watching a lot of prank videos lately and I kind of want to try some. Y/n a baby and don't like pranks and that makes me want to prank her 10x more.

I'm going to do a spider prank since y/n absolutely hates any and all types of bugs. She once saw a moth in the house and made me drive 10 minutes home just to kill it.

I drove to party city and hoped they had some Halloween supplies still. I couldn't find any big spiders so I bought at bag of dollar coin sized plastic spiders.

Y/n's out with her best friend for the day so I don't know when she plans on coming home. I know she's going to take a shower before bed so the spiders are going in the shower. It's wasย  7 o'clock by the time I got home and y/n said she was going to be home by 8 at the latest.

I made myself dinner before I got a text from y/n telling me she was on her way home. I quickly got the bag of spiders and emptied them into the shower. I scattered them all over the shower floor and threw the bag under the sink.

"Lani where are you?" I heard y/n voice boom through the second level of our house. I vastly walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone, making it look like I was doing something else. "In here babe." I yelled back. I heard y/n footsteps come closer to my location and her head pop into the room. "Hi baby." She said slipping her shoes off. "Did you have fun today?" I asked "Yeah but I need to shower."
Y/n said laughing. I held back a laugh as she walked into the bathroom.

I heard the sound of clothes dropping and the shower curtain being ripped back. "AHHHHHH KEHLANI ASHLEY GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" Y/n screamed. I decided I wanted to scare her more. I waked into the bathroom and y/n stood on the sink counter completely naked. I looked from her to the shower and faked gasped. "Woah there's so many." I said walking toward the tub grabbing a handful of them and throwing them at y/n.

She shrieked and fell off the counter straight onto her ass. I was on the ground laughing while y/n was holding her booty with an angry face. "Really Kehlani." She groaned "You're so easy y/n/n." She got up and grabbed a towel and walked to the guest bathroom to shower.

I cleaned up the spiders and was sitting on the bed drinking a glass of wine when y/n walked in. She glanced over at me and rolled her eyes hopping in bed next to me. I set my wine down and wrapped my arms around y/n only to have her push me off. "Why you pressed?" I asked laughing.

In response y/n turned off the light and crawled back into her spot, back facing towards me. I scooted closer to her only for her to move away. "Goodnight kehlani." She mumbled.
"Y/n you for real right now." "Yes and you just wait, your time will come very soon." "Awe shit"

Well I don't have school today cuz the water main in my town broke and the water hella dirty. But this week finna be shitty cuz i have 3848482 million tests and I can't wait for school to be done with already. Kehlani and shai are actually cute but they jus look too much alike. I saw this post on ig and it was a pic of them together and the caption was "some type of incest shit" and I screamed. I didn't find it hateful or anything it was jus hella tru and funny. Vote and comment โœŒ๐ŸฝโœŒ๐Ÿฝ

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