Date part 2

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Third person pov

Weiss was turned around with a surprises look on her face, well in all honesty she was not surprised it was Yang after all and Blake would agree to this because they are dating. Ruby noticed Weiss turned around with confusion on her face but then Weiss noticed Ruby but thankfully the movie was starting. 

"Uh! Ruby look the movie is starting." Weiss said hoping Ruby would turn back around and she did.

They were about fifteen minutes in and nothing scary has really happened in Weiss' opinion, she was good with this kind of stuff. On the other hand Ruby was shaking then there was a jump scare and she did a small yelp. Weiss took notice and grabbed her hand still looking at the screen. She then heard a small chuckle from behind her which she already knew was Yang but then ignored it.

Later during the movie Ruby dug her head in Weiss' shoulder because the movie started to get creepier and scarier. And again Weiss heard another chuckle from behind her that belonged to Yang, she just rolled her eyes and continued watching.

Weiss' pov

Finally the movie was over, but on our was our Ruby bumped into Blake in her costume... this is just great.

"Oh sorry sir! I need to watch where I'm going sometimes." Ruby smiled and scratched the back of her head. Did she really not notice that was Blake?!

"That was weird. Who would wear that?" Ruby asked.

I chucked and said, " I know right, let's go back to the dorms. And with that we left.

Once we got back to the dorms and got ready for bed, Ruby kissed me on the cheek."um goodnight see you in the morning!" She said very quickly running and crawling under her covers. I just chucked and went to bed.

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