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Once upon a time. There was a God named Roman and a Goddess named Julia-. Pause, everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo was in his early twenties and Juliet was only 14 and they were rival families. They met at a party and wanted to get married as soon as they seen each other. Of course both families said no and Juliet's cousin went to kill Romeo but instead killed Romeo's cousin. Romeo skipped town to plan out his vengeance against Juliet's cousin. Juliet's cousin tells Juliet: Romeo is dead and Juliet kills herself to be with him. Romeo comes back to find Juliet dead and her secret admirer Paris there. Romeo and Paris get into a fight and Romeo kills Paris. By the time everyone gets there, there are three dead bodies: Paris, Juliet, and Romeo. Romeo was found with a empty bottle of poison in his hand next to Juliet.

That's my mom and dad's story but there's is slightly different. I was the product of their relationship, they didn't commit suicide, It didn't happen all in one day, and they still didn't love each other in the end. You see, a little while after I was born, they fell out of love. My mom took me and I lived with her three days out of the week. Then the following three days I lived with my dad. And the last day was the only time I was allowed to go somewhere else other than Heaven and Hell. Everytime I was with my mother or my father, I was always pressured into trying to be like them. I was told how I had be. What I had to wear, how I had to speak. I had shout to be heard and then they just shook it off. My father only wanted the brains and my mother only wanted the body. They never cared about what I wanted or how I wanted to be so I started to act out. Only showed the "crazy side" of me so that they could get the hint I don't want to be them. Finally they got the hint and for the first time in 15 years, they agreed on something.

"Kaylia, you are going to Magix to train as the Fairy/ Witch of Heaven and Hell," My parents told me in unison.

"Now you listen to me Kaylia. You will not listen to your mother and go to Alfea to train as a Fairy."

"Now you listen to me Kaylia. You will not listen to your father and go to Cloudtower to train as a Witch. Do you understand?"

Do you understand?" My father asks me while staring deep into my soul.

"Yes Father."

"Yes Mother," I tell her just as my little brother Afro runs in and gives me a hug.

Ariadne runs in and gives me a puck.

"AFRO!/ARIADNE! What did I tell you about being nice?!/mean?!-"

"-Mother/Father," I say their names warningly and they walk off.

"You promise you're gonna call me everyday and every night?"

"Yes Afro."

"And you promise you won't forget about me?"

"Yes Ariadne."

"And you promise that you'll come back for me?" Afro and Ariadne both ask me while looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

I squat down to their level and look directly in their eyes.

"I promise that I'll come and take you with me the second you pick that phone and ask if you can come with me ok?"


"Now I've got to go but I love you."

"I love you too."

"Bye Mom/Dad! I hate/love you!"

"I hate/love you too!"

Goodbye Heaven and Hell and Hello Magix.

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