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Names, Nicknames, Birthdays and Zodiac
Full Birth Name: Afro of Hell
Full Birth Name Meaning: Afro- A popular natural hairstyle originated and in my he black culture.
Of Hell- his Father is Angel of Death and her Mother is ruler/Goddess of Hell
Who named her this: her parents
Alternative Name: Prince Afro
Nicknames: Fro, Froyo, Froboy
Who named her this: Kaylia
Birthday: October 29
Age: 7
Fairy Sign: Salamander
Earth Zodiac: ♏️

Traits of Voice:
Accent (if any): none
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: All
Style of speaking: slang
Volume of voice: high-pitched

Physical Appearence:As a Child and Preteen(Inspired by Michael Jackson)
Height: 3'4
Weight: 95 lbs
Eye colour: dark brown
Skin colour: chocolate brown(has vitiligo)
Shape of face: round diamond
Distinguishing features: smile and hair
Build of body:n/a
Hair colour: Jet Black
Hair style: Afro or sometimes Jheri curl
Tattoos: a set of horns(had since birth)
Typical clothing: red and black(Michael's Thriller outfit)

Is seen by others as: The Strong Slient Type

As a Baby:

Home World Details:
Place of Origin: Hell
Home World Element: Fire
Flora of the World: Gum Trees
Fauna of the World: Cross breaded animals(not man made)
History of the World: Where all the bad spirits go to suffer more.
Royalty, Communist, Government or Other: Royalty
Thriving Planet or Surviving planet: Thriving

Family and Status
Specialist's Career: n/a
Fairy's Status: dead
Father's Name: Tyson
Father's Career: Angel of Death
Father's Status: Alive
Mother's Name: Julia
Mother's Career: Goddess/Ruler of Hell
Mother's Status: Alive
Brother's Name: none
Brother's Career: none
Sister's Name: Kaylia
Sister's Career: Guardian Fairy and Student at Alfea

True Personality: very sweet, fun-loving, caring, doesn't have one mean bone in his body even if his mom tries to force it. Very creative and talented.
Interests: dance, singing, and being himself.
Hobbies: Doing everything his mom tells him to do and Talking to Kaylia everyday.
Pet Peeves: People who stop walking right in front of them. Things are out of order and messy.
Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert: Introvert
Aspirations: be himself without shame or guilt
Fears: never being able to be himself.

Favourite Food: buffalo wings
Favourite Drink: hot tea
Favourite Memory: when he was too young to be pressured.
Favourite Music Genre: R&B, Pop, Soul, Rock, Dance, Disco, Funk, New Jack Swing
Favourite Book Genre: Horror
Favourite Song: Who's Lovin' You by Michael Johnson
Favourite Movie Genre: Horror
Favourite Celebrity: Michael Johnson
Favourite Animal: Tima(Tiger and Puma hybrid)
Favourite Colour: Red and Black
Favourite Flower: Queen of the Night Tulip
Favourite Spell:-

School Attending: None
Previous Schools: None

Source of Power: Hell
Special Objects: shoes(Michael Jackson)
Relationships: Julia(Mom), Kaylia(Sister)
Sexuality: straight
Gender Identity: Male
Sex: Male
Views on gender expression and sexuality: supporter and unbiased
Love Interest:-

Childhood(living it): very difficult
Personality disorders: too young to tell.

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