C h a p t e r - T w e l v e

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Chapter Twelve :
Road Trip
Katherine Carter

"I don't remember signing up for this trip." I mumble and throw my bag into the back of the bus. "It will look good on your college application and you are an important asset for the team Miss Carter." The teacher says and I nod.

"I am important." I say and grab my phone from my pocket seeing a message from Harry.

From Harold🤢
Be safe on your trip <3 call me if anything happens I can get over their in a jiffy. (I could use my dads jet) k bye love you

I quickly reply love you too and put my phone back.
"Bestie trip?" Michelle asks and I nod.

"A goddess and a mortal." I say and we do our handshake.

"Hello ladies." Flash says and I roll my eyes.

"Hi flash." I say with a sigh and he smirks.

"Where's your little boyfriend." He asks.

I roll my eyes and reply, "which one?" His smirk fades as he looks at me with a surprised grin.

"No I'm joking he quit the team." I say and my eyes widen a little when I see him running to the bus.

"Or so I thought..." I mumble.

"Hey! Is it to late if I join now?" Peter asks out of breathe and the teachers smile becomes a grin.

"The more the merrier." He says and he looks at me.

"Can i talk to you privately?" He asks and i slowly nod.

"What do you want?" I ask and put my weight on my right leg.

"I'm sorry Kather- what happened to your cheeks?" He asks reaching to touch them and I move my cheek to the other side so he wouldn't touch me.

"Nothing." I say and his face falls for a second before turning serious.

"The van started moving to Oregon and I'm coming because Washington is close." He says and I scoff.

"Thanks for telling me!" I say and uncross my arms.

"I'm sorry but you weren't answering my messages." He explains and I give him a confused look.

Then I laugh when I remember what I've done, "My bad I blocked you." I say and chuckle a little more.

"What why- nevermind I shouldn't ask or I'm gonna get stuck by lightning." He says and I nod.

"Exactly. Now we have bad guys to catch. So maybe I'll tolerate you for a day, two, if you're lucky three."
I say counting my fingers. Once I get to my third I flick him off.

"Please Katherine don't be mad!" He begs and I roll my eyes the hardest I have ever rolled my eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I am not your average girl. I cannot just "not be mad"! And I will not be your second choice what the hell do i look like the number fucking two!? If you don't like me the way I like you it's cool go get your ...." I yell and furiously climb on the bus.

"Katherine !" He said and I ignored him sitting in the back of the bus with my earphones on.

"Please talk to me it's killing me when you don't." He says and I almost gave in until I remembered who I was.

"I have that affect on people. You aren't the first and you aren't the last." I respond and go back to scrolling on Instagram.

"I think I'm gonna model in the future." I say to no one and the driver starts the bus.

"I can't wait to be ignored!" Peter says with a sarcastic tone and I roll my eyes not replying.

"Alright guys we are arriving I want you to be on your best behavior because this is important." The teacher said and my eyes slowly flutter open from my small nap.

"Shit." I mumble and see my phone on the floor.

Once we get to the hotel we check in and of course I got the best room, after we settled down and practiced more.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night." I say once I see Peter and Ned retreat back into their rooms.
"Goodnight Katherine." Liz says and I discreetly roll my eyes.
"Goodnight." I respond and once I'm out of sight I sprint to their room.

"Ned I need your to hack into a multi million dollar suit and turn off the training wheels." I hear and I open the door.

"What the hell?" I say and grab the soda can out of Peters hand taking a sip out of it.

"Who's a baby?" I joke and Ned laughs.

"Peter." He says and I see Peter with a mad face.
"Alright anywhere so where is this van?" I ask and Ned clears his throat.

"So the van is heading to Oregon and i will track it on this laptop while you guys follow it and they should lead you guys to their lair." Ned explains and I nod.

"Cool we will wait for everyone to go to sleep which won't be long the decathlon is tomorrow so we should get back before than." Peter says and I take another sip of the soda.

"Rest. I'll come back in an hour." I mumble and head to the door, opening it and walking out making sure no one saw me.

I then head to my room and open my bag to see my clothes. Sometimes I just do things normally without using powers because I get tired of being me.

The great goddess Katherine who helps save the world. I get tired of that I just want to be Katherine sometimes.

A teenage girl who gets pimples but I can't even get that because of who I am.

Grabbing the suit I put it on and make sure to put my hair up not wanting it to get in the way. I try to cover the scars in my face with makeup and then check the time.

30 more mins. I grab a water and head downstairs making sure no one saw me and I went to the garage seeing fancy cars from the people who work at the hotel.

"Peter we are taking the BMW." I mumble to myself and I hear a noise behind me.

I quickly bring out my bow aiming st where the noise came from.

"So we are taking the BMW cool." Peter says hanging upside down with his web from the ceiling.

"Yup." I say and pop the 'p'.


"You have training wheels on your suit?" I ask and try to contain laugh.

"Yes!" He repeats for the 3rd time and I laugh.

"Wow what a loser." I say and look through the lenses of a binocular. Lame I know but I can't exactly press my temple and watch my eyes zoom in like a camera.

"Keep your eyes on them. Hey suit lady activate night vision." Peter says and I look away from the binoculars giving him a weird look.

"Suit lady?" I ask and he slowly nods.
"Mr. Stark put a lot of thing in my suit like suit lady please give her some examples..." I give him a weird look and was about to look away until I heard the voice of a women.

"My creator tony stark put different types of webs, interrogation mode, and instant kill." She says and I slowly nod again.

"Instant kill mode." I repeat and go back to looking through the binoculars as Peter shrugs.

"May come in handy." He says and I roll my eyes and wave my finger tips his way giving him a shock of electricity.

"I was kidding geesh." He says I smile faintly.

"We need to get closer." I mumble and snap my fingers making the binoculars disappear. Then I start to climb down but stop when the van starts moving.

"Where did we leave the cat?" I ask out loud

"Oh we left it in the...oh I don't remember." Peter says and I roll my eyes at my stupidity.

"From the looks of it they are in the middle of a heist." Peter says.

"How would you know that?" I ask and he points to himself.

"It's my beautiful suit." He says proudly and my eyes slightly widen.

"Oh now you're going to lead on your suit?" I ask and regret it immediately.

My hands rush to cover my mouth in attempt to stop anything else from coming out but it was too late. I had to open my big ass mouth.

"Sorry." I say repeatedly and his facial expression changes.

"Let's get on with the mission." I mumble and turn around not looking at him again because it would hurt me to see the pain I caused him.

"The van is moving." He says and I nod jumping off of the pole.

I land with a thud and seconds later Peter is next to me fixing his mask. We both ran to the road and saw the van going down the street.

I looked around and saw no one saying "I'll cover the sky you- " but I'm cut off when the sound of a machine interrupted.

We both looked up and saw the vulture.

"Mother I need to know what he's saying." I say into the earpiece.

"Connecting you to his conversation..." she says and we hide.

"Look there's another trailer coming." Peter says and I look to the way he's pointing and see it.

"Oh shit."

I mumble and look at Peter.

"We are going to have to fight because that truck is from Stark Industries."

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