C h a p t e r - N i n e t e e n

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"If we go down then we go down together."
- Paris -

Chapter - Nineteen :
Kicking ass in heels
Katherine Carter
"We need to get to Stark Tower. Ned try to warn Happy about the heist." Peter says into the com and grab my hair tie putting my curls in a pony tail.

As we run outside the school I see a man from the corner of my eyes and scream, "get down." I jump on Peter pushing him down and taking the hit.

Peter rolled on the floor while I flew and hit the bus before falling on a bunch of glass.

"Shit." I say and groan looking at my now bloody arms.

"Katherine?" Peter says from somewhere while I try to stand up only to fail. My eyes try to focus on one thing while the world spins and look around.

I touch my forehead and feel blood, then I feel something bothering me and look down at my elbow seeing large piece of glass pocking out.

I place my hands around it and take deep breaths before screaming in pain taking it out.

"Ahh!" I yell while seeing it come out after it's out I pant feeling tired from the hit I took.

"Katherine look out?" I look up and see him punch a car and I get caught in between the bus and the car.

"Fuck!" I yell in anger and push it out of the way. I wipe the blood off my lip before creating lightning and using them as ropes.

The guy with the fist was throwing punches at Peter while I charge at him hitting the floor with the rope once before swinging it at him. I notice Peter stopped shooting and the reason is because he has lost his web shooters.

"Come on get up." I yell at him as I watch him groan from the pain of 300 kilo-Joules which is almost enough to kill him.

"Katherine you will kill him." Peter says and I shake my head. I wipe more blood off my face and I watch his face change from a concerned person to angry.

"Look at you- fuck! I'm sorry-" He says and I shake my head.

"I told you this already I would take the hit for you." I say and I sense something behind me but when I turn around both Peter and I are too late.

Another ducking car is thrown at us and we both lay on the floor unable to get up.

My muscles felt like they were burning and my head was pounding reminding me of the time Harry and I got piss drinks I sit up and open my mouth in attempt to recover my hearing but then i see him get walk over laughing.

"You should have killed me." Is what I read from his lips and Peter grabs my hand pulling me closer to him as he tries to shield me from the hit he was about to take.

He stands over us and I close my eyes waiting but it never happened. He fell over and didn't get back up and behind him stood Ned with Peters web shooters.

"Oh my god that was cool." He says and I laugh.
"Get to those computers Ned." Peter say before grabbing his web shooters from his hand and grabs my edit webbing us to the front. We see flash and I wave my hand covering my face with my mask.

It probably looked weird because I was still in my dress but who cares.

"We need your car." Peter says in a different voice and flash looked stunned.

I roll my eyes not having the patience before grabbing his wrist and pulling him out along with his date.

I get in the driver seat ignoring what he was saying as I sped off with Peter next to me telling me where to go.

"You're hurt badly." He says and I tilt my head to the side trying to ease the ear pain. "I'll live." I reply and step on the accelerator petal harder making us go at 120 mph.

We arrive to where Ned told us he would be and we entered from the top making sure not to make any noise.

I signaled Peter to look around and I looked around too. There were s ton of computers and all of them had the same image of a plane.

Peter motions for me to come and I do after I grab a flash drive I saw. I put snap my finger and it disappears.

He webs us to the other side of the guiding and that's where we saw the vulture. His back was towards us and I let go of Peter.

He turns around and smiles, "oh hey Katherine and Pete I didn't hear you guys come in." He says and I scoff.

"It's over we've got you!" Peter yells.

"You know I've got to tell you two I really, really admire your grit." He says and I roll my eyes. We walk closer to him and he continues.

"I see why Liz likes you," He says putting on a jacket.
"I do, when you first came to the house I was like really? But I get it now."

"How could you do this to her?" Peter asks.

"To her? I'm not doing anything to her Pete im doing it for her." He says and I shake my head disagreeing but not saying anything.

"Hmm yeah." Peter says and webs his hand to the metal table but he doesn't even flinch.

"Peter somethings not right." I whisper and he looks at me. Before turning back to look at the vulture.

He sighs and says, "Peter you're young you don't understand how the world works. Both of you don't."

"Yeah but I understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong." Peter respond pointing at him and I raise an eyebrow. Oop Captain America needs to step his game up.

"How do you think your buddy stark paired for the tower hm? Or any of his little toys. Those people Oete those people up there the rich and the powerful they do whatever they want. Guys like us," he motions to him and Peter.

"Like you and me they don't care about us. We build their roads and fight all their wars. They don't care about us we have to pick up after them, we have to eat their table scarps. That's how it is I know you know what I'm talking about."

"Why are you telling us this?" I ask while making a knife appear behind my back.

"Cause I want you guys to understand, and I needed time to get her airborne." He says pulling out a remote and pressing the button.

"Get down." He yells and I drop to the floor as I see his wings break through the walls and Peter jumps over them.  I get up and bring out the my lightning "rope" about to hit the wing when it crashes above me breaking a concrete pole.

Peter jumps above it trying to avoid getting hit while I try to keep my eyes steady ignoring the pounding in my head.

I swing the rope and hit the edge of the wing.

"I'm sorry guys." Vulture says and I look at him confused.

"I-it hasn't even touched us yet d-dick head." I say and he laughs. "I should call you a medic you look like your dying."

"I can't die I'm a fucking god." I yell and hit the floor with the rope. It cracks underneath him and he runs to a different sides

"The wings aren't suppose to hit you." He says I look up. "The ceiling Peter get out." I yell and I run to him and try to push him out of the way but the rocks fall on both of us knocking us unconscious.

Peter Parker

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

The sound of water hitting the ground and my face wake me up and as my eyes flutter open and I notice that I can't move.

"Shit." I say and grunt trying to get up. I start panicking feeling like I can't breathe and my ribs are being crushed.

"Ahh!" I cry and take my mask off struggling to do that too.

"Help!" I yell and cry feeling the pain start becoming unbearable.

Is this how I die?

"Okay okay." I mumble and out my arms out. I count in my head and use my strength to get up but only grunts come and and tears. My breathing quickens as I try to fall for help again.

"Heeelllppp! Hey please I'm down here!" I yell in hope of someone coming but no one does.

"I'm down here I'm stuck! I'm stuck I can't move..." I cry and I close my eyes.

"KATHERINE!" I yell when I come to a realization that she tried to push me out of the sus only to get caught too.

"Katherine!" I yell again trying to get up only thinking about getting to her but can't move. My eyes scan around me and my heart stops.

Her hand was sticking out from under a pile of concrete.

"No no no." I mumble and forget who she is for a second.

I look to where I put my mask and look at my reflection. Starring at it more I hear Mr. Starks voice in my head.

If you're nothing without this suit than you shouldn't have it.

I take a deep breath and mumble, "Come on Peter do it for Katherine."

I take another deep breathe before saying, "Come on Spider-Man. Come on Spider-Man! Uuhhhh! Come on Spider-Man!!"

I lift the bricks with all of my strength along with thinking of the two girls in my life who are the world to me. "Ahhh!" I yell and finally push them off of me and toss them aside. Panting I run to where Katherine is and out my hands under the biggest one.

I yell and throw it off before tossing a few smaller ones and finding her there.


I picked her up and placed her on the clear floor.

Crying I push the hair out of her face.

"Come on baby wake up." I cry and try to shake her away.
" I can't do this without you please come on."

The tears start to make it hard to see and I wipe them away.

"Come on please open your eyes so I can see the fucking ocean when I look into them." I mumble and trace figures on her cheeks.

Not getting a respond from her I yell and burry my fave into her neck.

"Come on baby...wake up..."

"Holy fuck that was hot." My Head shoots up and I look at her.

"Oh my- you're awake." I say smiling and kissing her.
Our lips move in sync for a few seconds and I pull back.

"What happened?" She asks and rubs her head.

"I'll explain later but right now we have a plane to catch." I say and help her up.

I web us there despite the pain in both of our bodies and see the vulture at the top of s building waiting for something. I look up and see the Stark tower. Something was flying out of it, that must be the plane that he was trying to steal from.

"Cmon." I say and she slings her arms around my neck as I get us up there. The vulture gets up and before he can take off I web his foot without him knowing and he flys up.

"We made need the wings." I whisper in her ear and she nods. "I'll be ready." She says and I smile.

"Atta girl."

We get to the plane thanks to our Uber and while Katherine holds onto me I crawl on the plane finding it hard due to the wind.

We watch as he places a device on the the side and then it he goes in.

It was similar to the one he had used on the truck except this one stopped the wind from getting in creating a seal. Cool

"We need to land this plane." She says running her head and I nod. "I'll take care of the vulture you land this." I tell her and she walks away and into a door.

I turn around to look at the boxes only
To be tapped and then punched. I fall to the ground groaning.

"This is going to be hard." I mumble.

Katherine Carter

"Alright." I say while looking st all the buttons and press a red one.

Emergency lights turn on making it hard to see. Dammit.

I huff sitting on the chair ignoring my pain and try to drive it as if it were a car.

The lights start flickering and immediately the camera on the little screen turns on as I see the Vulture and Peter fighting.

"2 engines are down."

"Shit shit shit." I get to where we came in from and carefully climb outside. My hands were mimicking Peters powers and right now I didn't have time to question them.

I Yelp when the plane all of a sudden start going down as I grab onto the wing.

"Peter grab the other wing!" I yell and he runs to the wing  letting the Vulture go somewhere.

"Turn turn turn!" He yells and I use my strength to pull the wing down while he brings it up.

"Fuck fuck!" I yell when I see a building nearby.
My wings come out and I push the plane up making sure it doesn't hit it.

I look ahead and see the beach, "We have to land it there!" I yell. Okay Katherine you go this.

I close my eyes and breathe embracing for impact and hoping Peter would be okay because I wouldn't. I was going to take the weight of the plane in a mater of seconds.

I close my eyes for a few seconds feeling the wind, but here a voice in my head.
Come on my daughter a plane is nothing.
You are the greatest being alive Katherine.
Now open your eyes...

I opened my eyes and fixed the plane on my shoulders. "Katherine no!" Peter yells and Shake my head feeling the band for a second before the plane followed and I screamed in pain as all of the weight came onto me. I slowed the plane down by planting my feet in the sand only to be pushed some more before the plane stopped only a few feet away from a house.

I let go out and I stumbled before falling on the sand suddenly finding it comfy. "Mmm." I moan as I get comfortable.

"Hey Katherine..." Peter whispers moving the hair out of my face. "Stay down I'll take care of him." He says and I nod. "I kinda want some water." I mumble. "Maybe a wheelchair too."

"I got you love just wait for me please and stay awake." He says before kissing my forehead and runs off to finish the fight with the Vulture.

"Stay awake love." I repeat to husked once I feel my eyelids get heavy.

"You need to listen to me it's going to explode!" I hear Peter yell and my eyes shot open.

I struggle to get up and run to where they are. I see the Vulture carrying a box with his wings almost gone now and Peter trying to web him but failing as his shooters are empty.

I run to Peter and cover him with a force field just in time when it exposes along with the devices he was carrying.

"No." Peter says and rushes past me to save the man from the fire. After using the little energy left of me I did on the floor in a ring of Fire and close my eyes feeling sleepy.

"Goodnight Peter." I mumble and let the darkness consume me.


No point of view

Katherine. The girl of Peters dreams were in his arms, her body limp and eyes closed due to her falling asleep but was she really? No she wasn't asleep she was unconscious from the amount of power she had used as it was her first real right against a villain who tried to kill her. Peter carried her home after taking care of the Vulture matter and left a really nice note for Happy and Stark.

He thought the fight was over he could finally go home and rest knowing that everything would be okay but what he didn't know was that he was about to witness his love break down in front of him.

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