what to do?!

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Screams and cries for help could be heard from all the directions,so many innocent people,animals and plants were prepared to be sacrificed in the pire.
Sakuni on the other side was performing ritual to begain the sacrifice.
He was smiling wickedly.
The soldiers and Asuras ,he had left after the seize of Gandhar were behind him all ready to do their part.

Karna reached the place and tried to assess the situation from far, remaining out of sight , karna's first priority was to save the people and animals.
He had to free them ,while fighting the soldiers and Asuras.
Karna had already asked his advasi friends near the borders of Hastinapur to hide these people for the time being as they would not be able to go back to their kingdoms for now.

Karna would teach a lesson to those evil kings later,first he needed to deal with sakuni and keep these people safe.

He charged towards the Asuras in his Aditya avatar and and fought them ,crushing them one by one, once beaten by Aditya ,none of them were able to get up again.
He freed the animals and they went running towards the greenery, and then he busied himself with freeing the people,if any one even tried to come near them or stop him,Aditya would stop him and beat him to the pulp.

Sakuni was panicking and shouting randomly to kill Aditya but that was far from possible.

He started to pick up the plants and throw them in the pire ,sadly while protecting the animals and people's life ,Aditya and prakash were not able to save the plants , Aditya felt sorry as every living and natural thing was worth saving.

As the people were running  towards Hastinapur borders,some Asuras started to chase them ,while many soldiers and remaining Asuras kept Aditya engaged.
Before Aditya could reach to save them, Arjun arrived with prakash and protected them.

Aditya understood that prakash has brought Arjun there and he felt relieved as well as anxious at the same time,if that was possible.

Relieved because now the people were safe,he had already told his plan to prakash and knew that now prakash would be able to escort the people to safety to the adivasi village.

And anxious because he didn't wanted anything to happen to Arjun ,he had full faith in Arjun's abilities but he was an elder brother and could not help worrying about his little brother.

With prakash on his way to safety ,Aditya and arjun fought side by side.

Arjun felt very happy fight along side with his idol but he was confused as to why his bhrata karna was not here and where did he went, suddenly someone attacked him and nicked his arm with a knife ,he yelped in pain and saw the face of his attacker ,it was sakuni.

Aditya heard Arjun's scream and looked towards his bleeding hand ,he also saw sakuni readying himself for a second attack ,Aditya immediately screamed,

"Arjun, lookout ,be careful." And went towards him to protect him,he stopped the second slash from sakuni and hurt sakuni instead.

"Are you alright?" He then asked Arjun.

"Yes ,I am fine ,it is just a small cut." Replied Arjun,but he was looking at aditya's face bewildered,he had just realised that Aditya, the great saviour of mankind, his idol is none other than his eldest brother karna.

They both fought and went away after ensuring people's safety , towards Hastinapur.

Sakuni was looking at the ground with a wicked glint in his eyes, while the soldiers and Asuras were panicking and shouting in frustration.

He picked the blood stained sand and moved towards the burning pire.

"What are you doing, sakuni,have you gone mad because of failure?" Said one Asura.

"You stupid ogre, do you know whose blood is this?"said sakuni.

"This is a dev putra's blood, that Arjun's blood and it is more powerful than the blood of all those people we were going to sacrifice,I should have had this idea initially ,but nevermind ,now Arjun himself is going to help us fulfill our desire." Said sakuni laughing maniacally.

He dropped the blood sand in the pire and it burned with a blaze.

The gateway to abyss started to open and one by one all the Asuras started to come out , free from their prison , followed by kakasura in last.

All of them were laughing wickedly ,ready to destroy whole aryavrata.

After making sure the people were safe and leaving prakash with them, Arjun and karna started their journey towards Hastinapur.
Karna tore his Angavastra and with some herbs gathered from the jungle , bound Arjun's injury while lovingly scolding him for getting hurt in the first place .

Arjun was smiling and looking towards his older brother lovingly,he was astonished and pleasantly surprised to found out that his idol was his own brother. He was also very happy to know that karna was a knowledge,wise and brave warrior.

"I will do as you say, jyestha bhrata karna." Said Arjun.

Karna stopped in his work and looked towards Arjun in surprise and then he smiled.

"Remember to keep my secret from rest of the family."said Arjun.

"As you wish." Said Arjun and they went towards Hastinapur.


In hastinapur royal court.

"What is the meaning of all this ,maharaj?" Said one minister.

"What do you want to say,say it clearly?" Said vidur.

"Please read this letter circulating in the court today." Replied the minister ,handing over the letter to vidur.

After reading the letter ,vidur's popped open and his face went blank.

"What does the Letter say, vidur?" asked Bhishma.

"It says that rajmata Kunti has an illegitimate child and that son is none other than your servent karna.......tell us is it true?......how could the royal family allow such a sin to happen."said the minister.

"We demand an explanation?" Shouted the minister's supporters.

"How dare you call our jyeshtha Bharata a sin, I will teach you all a lesson!!"
shouted Bheem with Duryodhana and dushashan agreeing with him.

"Fine ,if he is not a sin then prove otherwise."


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