"Aai...Aai... Look what I've found " Vedangi came running to vrushali and supriya, holding something in her hand. " Don't run... Slowly... You would fall " Supriya said kneeling down and holding vedangi's shoulders. Vedangi gave a big grin. " Look what I found in our garden! " Vedangi exclaimed.
" What? " Vrushali sat beside them both.
Vedangi extended an idol of Lord ganesha in front of them. " You found it in our graden? Who would have left it there? " Vrushali asked taking the idol in his hand. " Aai.. He himself would have came to meet me and stay with me " . Supriya cupped vedangi's face with her hands and smiled lovingly at her. " Supriya aai, what would I call him? "
" You yourself decide, would you call him your brother? " Vrushali interrupted. " Noo... I have so many brothers " Vedangi said with a pout.
" Then.... Father? " Supriya asked further. " Noo... Baba's place in my heart is irreplaceable " Confused vedangi answered. " Then? " Vrushali and supriya said in union. " Sakha" Vedangi said slowly, a her lips slowly curved into a smile and her flace bloomed.
Vrushali and supriya nodded and looked at her with smiles. " Sakha Ganesha " She hugged the idol . " Let's keep him in your chamber tai! " Dvipat exclaimed from behind. Vedangi and dvipat ran to her room and placed the Ganesha idol on a table. Dvipat ran to the garden and brought some red flowers and they both placed those flowers in front of Ganesha idol.
" Henceforth, you are my best sakha, I would tell you everything and won't hide anything from you. But you should also help me in every problem , done? " Vedangi promised her new sakha.
" You know sakha, I became seven years old today, aai had prepared my favorite food for me today , I received a gift from my sakhi from hastinapur, I haven't met her since four years, but her name is lakshmana, I want to meet her " Vedangi said laying her head on the table where the idol of Ganesha was placed.
" And your sakha fulfilled your wish " Vrishasen came from behind her.
" What? " Vedangi asked in confusion.
" Means.... Tomorrow, yuvraj and bhanu kaki are coming to anga with both their kids" Vrishasen said in excitement. " Really " Vedangi started jumping in happiness and hugged vrishasen. She moved towards her sakha " Thank you so much sakha " She bowed down to the idol.
Vrushali, supriya , karna and vrishasen stood at the main door of the palace, waiting for the Royal family from hastinapur. Soon, they heard Neighing of horses, the Royal family had arrived. Bhanumati and duryodhan climbed down from their rath . Both their kids jumped and ran towards the elders . Lakshmana ran towards vrishasen and lakshman ran towards karna.
" Where is jiji? " Lakshmana asked immediately. " Let us welcome you all and then you can meet your jiji " Vrushali said, doing the aarti of duryodhan and bhanumati. Vrushali then took lakshmana and bhanumati to vedangi's chamber. Vedangi was playing with some birds near the window. Lakshmana ran and closed her eyes from behind.
Vedangi initially stumbled, but when she touched the hands covering her eyes, she immediately guessed that it was her lakshi. " Lakshi! " Vedangi turned back and immediately hugged lakshmana. They both were meeting the first time after the naming ceremony of lakshmana.
" Jiji, I am angry on you " Lakshmana frowned and sat in one corner.
" Why my dear " Vedangi said cupping her face. " I always send you letters through mata, although I don't write them. But, you... You never send me letters " Lakshmana said with more frown. Vedangi held her ears and sat besides her. " I am sorry, lakshi, I would send you letters now, pakka " Vedangi said with puppy face.
Lakshmana smiled and they both again hugged each other. Vrushali and bhanumati, we're watching this all from a distance and they chuckled seeing the antics of their daughters and their friendship blooming.
" Vrushali, I wish their friendship would be the same forever " Bhanu said holding vrushali's hand. " Why not sakhi, their friendship would stay the same always " . " Look na, they both are so different from each other. Lakshmana is so talkative and meenu is so silent always, just like sakha " Bhanumati continued and vrushali chuckled.
" Lakshi, why do you call me jiji, I am your friend right? " . " But jiji, you are four years elder to me " Lakshmana answered. " So what lakshi, baba is also elder to duryodhan kaka, but kaka call him mitra, because they both are friends, even bhanu kaki calls, aai as sakhi " Vedangi explained.
" All right, I would call you sakhi meenakshi from today " Lakshmana said with a wide grin. " What is this jiji, you are busy with your sister and didn't even notice, I am standing here" Lakshman said from behind. " You don't love me jiji " Lakshman said making puppy face.
" No my dear brother, I love you so much " Vedangi pulled his cheeks and lakshman grinned.
Lakshman, lakshmana, vedangi and all the kids enjoyed their vacation to the fullest, they made memories together and made a bond among themselves. Even the elders enjoyed the vacation forgetting every tension.
And then finally, it was time for the family of hastinapur to return back.
Vedangi and lakshmana hugged each other with tears and promised to meet again soon. Vedangi touched the feet of duryodhan and bhanumati, and lakshmana did the same to karna, vrushali and supriya. The three sakhis shared a group hug and separated.
As the Royal Family climbed their rath, the family of anga stood at the threshold, waving at them all. Indeed they all were a family, who shared happiness and sorrows and would be there for each during any circumstance.
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