Chapter 55

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"Behana, hope I didn't disturb the maharani of Matsya?" Sudeshna craned her neck from the documents she was reading, " Bhrata, from when did you started becoming so formal" Sudeshna closed the documents and welcomed her brother with a smile. "Since your putra vadhu, had started taking control of the palace and also your family" Sudeshna sighed, she knew her brother didn't like Vedangi, but the citizens, servants in the palace and everyone else in the family including herself did! "Bhrata, she is a good girl. She looks after the greviance department as well as law and order department nicely. Though she sometimes gets confused and doesn't express much, she is trying her best" Sudeshna tried to explain keechak. "Behana, don't tell me, she's an ideal putra vadhu, because she does all her duties as Yuvrani " Keechak said, trying to understand her expressions.

"No one is ideal bhrata, we are humans, we have our own flaws. And she's grown up in love of two mothers, two elder bhabhis! She can't all the responsibility on her shoulders immediately. But, I would soon mould her in the way I want to " Sudeshna replied genuinely. Keechak's expression changed, he gritted his teeth, but maintained composure, "So are you really thinking, your first grand child, the heir of the kingdom would be born from a suta lady!" He said rolling his eyes. "Bhrata! She is Shvet's wife! Yuvrani of this kingdom" Sudeshna exclaimed. "But she is a Suta. And she is trying to steal your position in the family as well as kingdom. You know these suta people!" Keechak tried to manipulate her.

Some memories ran in Sudeshna's head, how she had heard her children call her their second mother, how Shvet had started to spend less time with her, how Vedangi tried to make her children happy by cooking their favourite dishes. "No bhrata! I am not a young girl to be manipulated by you anymore. She genuinely loves my family, please don't try to manipulate me" Sudeshna said, her voice shaky. "Huh! Look how she had manipulated you and all family members against me . Think yourself" keechak shrugged and left the chamber.

Sudeshna sat on her bed frustrated, confused between what is right and what is wrong. The brother who has raised her since childhood or the children she had gave birth and cared for.
Vedangi sat on her bed tired and started removing her Jwellery. Shvet was sitting on a swing in the balcony painting something in lamp's brightness. "Nath" she wraps her arms around his neck, smiling. "You came! I thought you would sleep with documents as you are with them whole day" Shvet shrugged a glint of pain in his eyes. " I am sorry na" she tried to hug him from behind but he stood up and kept the incomplete painting in his cupboard. As Vedangi saw the painting her eyes almost watered, he had drawn she engrossed in some work and he waiting to spend time with her.

It has been a month since she was not able to spend proper time with him as Sudeshna had gave the responsibility of law and order department on her shoulders. "Sleep, you must be tired" he gestured her to lie as she lied on the bed. Vedangi bit her lower lip to control her tears as she lied on the bed, wiping her tears. Shvet quickly wiped his own tears with the duvet and hugged Vedangi from behind, " I love you" he murmured in her ears, making her smile. " I love you too" she too mumbled before embracing him.

" If you had kept it on the table, why is it not there?" vedangi almost screamed as her hands were busy searching for something, in her cupboard. " I sware I kept it on the table only" Aradhika answered with trembling voice, she too searching for something on Vedangi's work table. "I had told you right they were important documents, matashree is asking for them, what should I answer her now?" She threw her hands in frustration and sat on a nearby chair. "I am checking in your inner chambers" Aradhika ran, Vedangi rose on her feet and opened Shvet's cupboard, just in case, she kept the documents there by mistake.

Her eyebrows knotted as she saw the documents behind Shvet's jwellery boxes. She would have ignored it thinking that some servant would have kept it here by mistake, but Shvet's behaviour from past many days, made her doubt that he did it deliberately. She remembered last night, when she came back to their chamber, he was doing something near the cupboard. When asked he quickly closed the cupboard and replied with nothing. Vedangi clasped the documents tightly in her fists in frustration as the mask of her calmness and patience fell off.
Shvet entered his chamber after the dinner with a sad smile on his face. He lit the lamps near the balcony and opened his cupboard to spend his time painting till Vedangi comes back. As he closed the door of his cupboard he saw Vedangi sitting on her work desk glaring at him. "Oohh! You came early today" he broke into a smile. Keeping the colours aside and walking towards her. "You hid my documents in your cupboard, why?" She asked, her eyes fixed on his. Shvet paused in his steps, he smiled awkwardly at her sitting on the nearby couch, fidgeting with his angavastra.

"I am asking why did you hide my documents? It would have been a disaster for me today, if I wouldn't have found it, how could you behave so irresponsibly though being the Yuvraj!" Vedangi banged her hands on the table angrily. "Yes I did, okay! Because I deserve some of your time being your husband. You know I sometimes feel alone and need you to comfort me, but you are always engrossed in work, trying to prove everyone how good kulvadhu you are. Forgetting that you have a husband" Shvet replied gritting his teeth, tears flowing from his eyes.

"I knew you did it deliberately, to keep me away from my work, but now I understand. You are jealous of me! Yes Yuvraj you are jealous of me, that I am getting more responsibilities and attention from the kingdom and palace where you grew up" she clapped sarcastically. "Enough Yuvrani! Enough of God knows what you are speaking. My mother has taught me values I can never ever be jealous of my wife. I was just trying to get what belongs to me, the love I deserve from you. But alas! I think I don't even deserve the love from my wife, whatever!" Shvet said and laid on the bed, facing his back towards Vedangi.

Vedangi stood there partly angry and partly feeling guilty. She really spoke too much, she wouldn't have called him jealous, but what he did was equally wrong. Wiping her tears she lied on the bed trying to keep all these thoughts aside. They lie besides each other, longing to be in each other's arms. Few minutes passed, no one took the initiative, finally Shvet gave up and wrapped his arms around her. "I am sorry" both murmured to each other, weeping. No fights or quarrels, misunderstandings can build a wall between them, this is what they thought.
I am so so sorry for the super late update! Your writer was engrossed in reading her favourite books.
Hope you liked reading this part, let me know through your comments, they are much important for me ✨.

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