The chariots and palanquins of angdesh halted in front of the gates of matsya, as the Royal family waited to welcome them. The dasis peeped from window to get a, look of their yuvrani's family. Maharani sudeshna lopped the aarti thali three times around them and welcomed them as it was the first time they were visiting matsya. " Maa, baba, priyaai! " Happy tears rolled down vedangi's eyes as she and shvet bent down to take their blessings.
Vrushali held her shoulders and pulled her in a hug, tears flowing from their eyes. " Let me also meet my vashu " Supriya said joining the hug and kissing vedangi's cheeks. " So someone forgot us! " Chitrasen, karna and maitreyi rolled their eyes. Shvet and vedangi took their blessings and she hugged maitreyi with all love.
" Where is lakshmana, sinu vahini and everyone else? " Vedangi questioned.
" Bhargavi, you may question them later too, first take them to the guest room and let them rest" Sudeshna said, a small smile tugging her face.
" You call her bhargavi, maharani? That's great, none of us call her by that name " Maitreyi smiled and sudeshna nodded in a yes. " Yes we all call her bhargavi bhabhi, that sounds cute " Uttara replied. ( as of now, uttara is just 14-15 years old child)
" Huh, now tell why only you all came, where is everyone else? " Vedangi questioned her mother as she finished serving them refreshments. " Meenu, snigdha is six months pregnant now, she needs rest, so she stayed back . Durva and radha maa stayed back to take care of her.. " Before vrushali could finish vedangi questioned again. " And lakshmana, why didn't she came? " , " Because she had been to special kanya kul as the elders of kuru are planning her swayamvar " Maitreyi answered.
" What! Lakshmana's swayamvar " Vedangi squealed, " I can't believe our little lakshu is about to get married ".
" Aree aree yuvrani control, she isn't getting married tomorrow, there are some months left for it " Chitrasen teased her, vedangi passed a sheepish smile. " We hope you are comfortable here matashri, pitashri, bhratashree and bhabhishree " Shvet entered and touched everyone's feet and stood besides his wife. " We all are comfortable here Jamai ji, hope my daughter is getting adjusted to your home " Karna answered smiling.
" Pitashri, this isn't only my home it's ours, it belongs to your daughter as much it belongs to me. And your daughter she had engulfed this whole kingdom in her loving embrace " Shvet answered, making Karna and vrushali exchange glances and pass satisfactory smiles, their daughter was finally leading a happy life.
Karna and maharaj virat were sitting together discussing something, maybe political matters, when a dasi announced the arrival of vedangi.
" Baba, pitashri, I've bought this rose sharbat for you, I'm done serving everyone, only you both are remaining " She began pouring the sharbat in two separate glasses and handed them both. Maharaj virat gestured her to sit on the couch in front of them.
" Baba, I hope everyone is fine in anga? " She initiated the conversation.
" Everything is fine vashu, just the palace is missing the giggles of the princess " Karna said and vedangi smiled shyly, " Baba you know the swords in matsya are different from that of anga and hastinapur " Vedangi said like a little girl, Karna somehow missed the period when his daughter was in her teen years, her nonstop chattering, her clumsiness and in all everything.
Now his daughter had grown up into yuvrani of a kingdom, she now wears green bangles in her wrists, she continuous giggles are replaced by shy smiles, her simple saree is replaced by lehanga and veil. Her talks about nothing are replaced by short responsible sentences. His trance broke by vedangi's voice, " What happened baba? " Before he could fathom a reply, a dasi entered informing vedangi that some commoners had came to meet her.
" Let me tell you angraj, your daughter is the head of grevience department of our kingdom, she is giving her best to solve problems of our kingdom " Maharaj virat appreciated, a wave of happiness filled with pride ran through karna face. Listening our daughter's heartfelt appreciation from her in - laws , makes parents the most happy and proud. What more can parents ask for, other than their daughter living happily in her home! " And also she is learning to take care of this entire palace, I should angraj you daughter is always ready to learn new things " Karna gently rocked his daughter's head.
" Thank you for holding my head high putri, I am proud of you " His eyes shone in happiness, making her eyes glisten. " If it doesn't matter, can we both also come with you, to attend those citizens? " Maharaj virat asked, making vedangi pull back her tears,
" Why would it matter pitashri! It's your kingdom " Vedangi smiled raising on her feet.
As they walked through the corridors leading to the Hall, where vedangi would attend the greviances, karna saw her changing for an obedient, humble daughter to a fierce, righteous future queen of the kingdom. As they entered the Hall, vedangi accepted everyone's greetings with a humble smile, she sat on her couch her hand maidens behind her. " Tell me mahodaya, what's your problem? " She began.
" Yuvrani, my family lives near yamuna's banks, as yamuna mai flooded last week and that led destroyed my home, please help me yuvrani " The woman standing in front of her said, joining hands. " Your house would be reconstructed devi, I would have a conversation with head of construction department, rajkumaar shankh. Till then you and your family may live in the refugee camp, you would get your house back within a week. " Vedangi assured her, making the woman thank her.
" Everything noted Aradhika? " Vedangi asked her chief maid, who nodded positively. " Refugee camp, how does it work? " Karna slowly whispered to Maharaj virat. " It's a small settlement with basic amenities for people who have to stay away from their homes, for any reasons. It was shvet's idea to start this " Maharaj virat replied. " I would try to establish something like this in anga too, only if you permit " Both kings broke into laughter.
" I am done with my work, may I take your leave? " Vedangi said her palms joined, Virat and karna nodded in a yes as vedangi hurried towards the chamber, where her mothers and bhabhi was.
Hey, my lovely readers, the next part is here.
So so sorry for being late again, but I was stuck in festivities.
Hope you liked reading this part, let me know through your comments, they are much important for meπ.
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