Chapter 42

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Vedangi nervously fidgeted with her fingers as, snigdha and durva were engaged in making her ready, for the main wedding rituals. She gulped, to help her dry throat, her fingers clutching her lehanga tightly. Maitreyi placed the veil on her hair, tied in intricate hairstyle, " Done " She said. Vedangi jolted, breaking her trance, she took a look at herself, no one can deny that vedangi was looking ten times pretty that any nymph.

Vedangi's lips curved into a smile, her nervousness vanishing. " Thank you to you all " She mumbled, her gaze still stuck on the mirror. " The raj purohit has called tai out " Lakshmana announced, making everyone smile. Chakradhar and satyasen stood outside the room holding a veil, to take all the girls to wedding Hall, without sunrays harming them. Vedangi's heart was causing a havoc inside her rib cage,
" Listen dhanu! " Snigdha turned her.
" Wedding happens only once, slay your wedding " She said, raising her eyebrows and winking, making the others giggle and tease. Vedangi flashed a confident smile and hugged snigdha.
Counches blew , flowers were showered and everyone's attention turned towards the door. The bride entered, a netted dupatta held by her sisters, covering her face, her head held straight and gaze lowered, with a shy smile, walking as if royalty flowed in her veins. The only heard was of tinkling anklets as everyone was awestruck. Satyasen and chakradhar being her mama, had held a veil on her, lakshmana and maiyreyi walking besides her, covering her pretty face with a netted veil and snigdha walking behind her.

She walked gracefully, till the raised platform, where a cloth was held, on the other side shvet was standing. Shon helped her to climb on the platform, her eager eyes waiting to see shvet. " The mother and father of bride, you should go inside, parents aren't allowed to watch their daughter's wedding " The raj purohit said. Vrushali's heart skipped a beat, she caressed vedangi's face lovingly, she along with karna and supriya then walked inside the palace.

Raj purohit started reciting the mangalashtakam, " Swasti shri gananayakam gajamukham moreshwaram siddhidam.... " After each verse the crowd would shower rice coated with Vermillion and turmeric on them. The last verse began, " Sadev lagna sudin tadeva tarabalam chandra balam tadeva.. " Vedangi and shvet now began eager to see each other. The purohit recited the last few words, " Shubh mangal sawadhaan....... " The partition was removed and their eyes met, their shy smiles now replaced by wide grins.

Shvet moved forward to put the flower garland around vedangi's neck, but chitrasen and banasen moved forward and lifted vedangi, making everyone burst in laughter. Shvet tip toed and tried to place the garland, but was unable to. Shankh and samb winked and lifted shvet too, making him match vedangi's height. With much efforts, he was able to place the Garland around vedangi's neck, after that vedangi too placed the garland around shevet's neck, not without samb and shankh trying to raise him more high.

Flowers were showered and the crowd hailed, as both of them were placed down back. Supriya and vrushali held each other's hand in happiness, as they head the hailings.
Bhanu came and called them back to the wedding Hall. The bride and the groom were made to sit on small tables, shvet filled her hairline with Vermillion and then tied mangalsutra around her neck. Finally! They became each other's, after facing many hurdles, they proved their love to the world.

" It's time for kanyadaan " The raj purohit announced, karna came forward, his hands trembling while vedangi's hand was placed on his and shvet's under him. Vedangi's gotra was burnt in the yagya and she was now ready to accept shvet's gotra as her own. Among all the charities karna had done, he felt as if he was letting go a part of his own heart, though he was not literally giving his daughter in daan, but letting go his rights on her.

Vedangi felt blessed, on her one side was the one who had gave her life and on other side was the one who was going to be with her for next life. After the kanyadaan, it was time for time for saat pheras. Shvet held vedangi's hand and they took seven rounds around the yagya, promising each other to be there for each other during hardships and happiness, treating each other equally and completing their duties for each other.

" Your wedding is complete now, you are his saubhagyavati from now onwards " The raj purohit announced. Shvet and vedangi's eyes met, no one can separate them now, they belonged to each other. They blessings of all the elders and then walked to God's room, where they offered prasad to God and took blessings, for their happy married life together.
After the lunch and all other formalities was done, it was time for the most heart wrenching ritual
' bidai ' . Vedangi dressed again neatly and come near the main door, her steps had became heavy. Her eyes was trying to accumulate all that was possible, she have to leave her family and her home now. Though everyone was smiling, she could see the tears they were trying to hide.

Maitreyi came to her with a plate full of rice, vedangi's lips trembled, how could she repay the love her family had showered on her, by showering rice garins on them. Snigdha clutched her hand, assuring her, vedangi held handful of rice grains in both her fists and threw them backwards, five times tears falling from her eyes. After she was done, bhanu, vrushali, supriya and durva surrounded her, hugging her and crying.

She then hugged, karna, shon, radha maa and suyodhan. Karna was reluctant to leave her hand, he had protected her since she was born, he clutched her hand tightly, shon kept a hand on his shoulder and then karna let go of vedangi's hand. Vedangi ruffled her brothers's hair and told them to take care of themselves and take care of her parents. With heavy steps, she walked towards the decorated palanquin, waiting for her.

She turned back, having a final look at her home, before leaving for her new home, everyone was looking at her flashing wide smiles, which made her vision blur as tears rolled down her eyes again. She sat in her palanquin, sniffling her tears and wiping them, lakshmana sat in another palanquin besides her, as she was going to accompany vedangi for a couple of days.

The palanquin and chariots hurried towards matsya, karna and vrushali felt a pang in their heart. Karna came on his tears, his heart thudding and tears not stopping from his eyes, " My vashu " A sigh escaped his lips as, her palanquin crossed the gates of anga.
Hey, my lovely readers! The next is here.
Excited for her new journey as matsya yuvrani?
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