Chapter 18

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Vedangi's pov :

One year, it had been a year, since my family left for digvijay. We were getting news about them winning many kingdoms. Madra, ayodhya, Kuntibhoj, magadh, bang, vidarbha and many more kingdoms were won by Baba . Now, it was the last part of their journey, within few days Or weeks, they were going to be back in hastinapur. I stood in the corridor, holding the railing of balcony and staring at the sky, lost in my own thoughts. My link of thoughts was diverted, when a man called me, he was asking about duryodhan kaka, I told him that, he would be in his chamber.

I was about to leave, when something clicked in my mind, I stopped the man and asked, " Is the news something about digvijay yatra, is everyone fine? " He smiled and I was left in confusion. " You must be definitely, angraj's putri meenakshi, I've heard him and sarsenapati shatrupanth(shon) talking about you. I smiled and nodded in a yes, " The news " I insisted. " It's happy news , angraj had completed the last part of his digvijay successfully. He may come back tomorrow morning or afternoon" I was happily shocked, I thanked the man and ran to our chamber, to inform everyone about this.

Vrushali aai, supriya aai, durva aai everyone was more than happy knowing about this. Vrushali aai and supriya aai clasped each other's hand tightly, which was their signature response to express happiness. We all were still swallowing the happiness, when duryodhan kaka came with the same news. Happiness was clearly visible in his eyes, " So if we all know that they all are going to come tomorrow, why are we standing here! " Bhanu kaki exclaimed.

" You are the yuvrani, right " Duryodhan kaka said rolling his eyes and bhanu kaki frowned. " Let's start the preparations then " Supriya aai held vrushali aai and bhanu kaki's wrist in her either hand and walked out of the chamber.

The whole day we were busy in decorating the palace, preparing sweets, collecting nice fragrant flowers and so on. The whole street that led to palace was decorated beautifully. The night seemed too long and surya dev was not ready to rise early.
My sleep broke because of the hustle and bustle in our chamber, I got up did my daily prayers and then went to help everyone. Vrushali aai was nowhere to be seen, after asking durva maa told that , she had went for some important work and would return before time. Me and lakshmana then went to draw rangoli in front of the main gate, main door of the palace and then at the door of our chamber. Supriya aai and durva maa had prepared the aarti thali ready to welcome their husband and sons, but where is vrushali maa?.

A guard came and announced that, the army had reached the threshold of hastinapur, we all rushed to the door and did wait for them. And they came......

The whole city was showering flower petals on the rath which was foremost. A mere sight of them and tears made their way through supriya maa's eyes, oh sakha Ganesha, when would she stop crying on auspicious occasions. As the sight became more clear, I saw satyasen mama riding the rath and behind him stood my hero my father, standing with pride , his earrings shined brightly in the sunrays. His eyes we're fixed towards the fluttering flag of the kurus, that stood proudly at the centre of the palace.

Behind him was shon kaka, I moved my gaze towards durva kaki, her face was adorned with a wide grin and she was looking at kaka a happy tear rolled down her eyes and she wiped it with her finger. Chakradhar kaka was the saarthi of shon kaka's rath. Behind him were my seven brothers, looking proudly at baba . Poor ketu, he was struggling to see the procession, but was unable to, I lifted him in my arms. He smiled widely and clapped his hands in excitement.

From nowhere, vrushali aai came and stood behind us, she was panting heavily, we felt relief. She drank some water and stood at the threshold of our chamber, holding the aarti thali in her hand. Supriya aai and durva maa stood behind her, me, singdha tai and maitreyi tai stood behind them.
The procession then reached the gates of the palace, duryodhan kaka and ashwatthama kaka hugged baba. Maharani and maharaj also congratulated him. Bhanu kaki moved forward to do their aarti, but baba stopped her.

" I am sorry yuvrani, but my wives are waiting at the threshold to welcome him " He said politely, bhanu kaki slightly nodded as she knew baby's love for my mothers. Baba came walking towards us, all eyes we're shedding happy tears and we didn't wish to wipe them. As baba and kaka came and stood in front us, " Surprise " Aai said aloud and signalled someone to come. As our gaze moved towards her, our hearts were filled with Escatasy, baba and shon kaka ran towards her and hugged her, she was about to trip down but someone held her, looking at the second person our happiness multiplied.

They were radha ajji and adhirath baba, my grand parents. We all children ran towards them and touched their feet, all my brothers got the blessing of ' sukhi raho ' only I was blessed with ' putravati bhava ' , this made me frown a bit, but the happiness on everyone's face was priceless. " Let me first welcome my children " She took the aarti thali from aai's hand and looped around baba, shon kaka, satyasen mama, chakradhar kaka respectively and then finally for my brothers.

Radha ajji then hugged all of us , everyone . " This is my complete family " Vrushali aai murmured across my ear as a tear of happiness slipped from her eye, I've seen her crying. Radha ajji kept of caressing our hair and also kissed our foreheads.

After a whole year, we had dinner together, which was filled with shatrunjay dada and shon kaka telling their experience about the digvijay. That night everyone slept with satisfaction and happiness.

Ajji - grandmother.
Hey, my lovely readers, the next part is here, filled with family moments of the family of anga.
Hope you all liked this chapter.
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They are much important for me ❤.

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