Chapter 12

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The silence of the still night was disturbed by the sound of sobbing from the room of princess of anga.
" Sakha, why is this all happening with my family, why is everyone's face always gloomy, why is no one laughing and giggling in my home " She sat on her bed hugging her knees.

She felt an arm around her shoulder, she was about to scream, but someone closed her mouth also. Very cleverly she bit the palm that had closed her mouth and she heard a familiar scream. She turned back to find her elder brothers vrishaen and chitrasen behind her and she sighed in relief.

" What are you both doing here? " She said stretching her eyebrows. " We heard you sobbing, so decided to play with you, but you... " Chitrasen looked at her with mock anger, vrishasen and vedangi chuckled. " But why we're you sobbing, did dvipat fight with you again " Vrishasen asked sitting besides her. Vedangi nodded in a no, " Our home, why is everyone not behaving like earlier, why is everyone angry with each other? " She asked innocently, her eyes filled with tears.

Vrishasen sighed, " Dhana, when you make mistakes, aai scoldes you? " Vedangi nodded in agreement. " You and dvipat fight with each other, does it means you both don't love each other, no right? " Vedangi again nodded. " Same is happening in our home, pitashree had a big mistake and for that aai is angry on him. " Vrishasen explained her. " And you know, every family has small fights amongst themselves " Chitrasen said sitting beside her.

" Would everything be like earlier? " She asked looking at them confused.
" Why not, everything would be okay like earlier " Chitrasen said with a smile. Vedangi laid on the lap of vrishasen and went to sleep.
Everyone was having breakfast together, suddenly vrushali felt uneasy and she went to puke out, after she came supriya gave her water to drink. " Are you okay" She enquired. " Actually I am feeling bit uneasy, from 2-3 days " Vrushali sat holding her head in her hands.

" You want something tai? " Durva asked patting her shoulders. " Just... Just give me some tamrinds " Vrushali said impishly. Supriya knotted her eyebrows with a gentle smile. Supriya held her wrist and asked her something through eyes, " I also think so " Vrushali replied blushing. " Then go and take rest, I would send vaidya to your room " Supriya said smiling and vrushali nodded.

After vrushali left karna asked supriya, " You told her to take rest and now you are smiling, tell me what's it" . Supriya smiled to herself again,
" Take vaidya to her chamber " And she felt, leaving everyone in confusion.
" What! " Karna almost screamed in happiness. Hearing his scream everyone came into vrushali's chamber, Karna ran to hug vrushali, but she stopped her, giving a hard glare to him. " Dada, why did you scream " Shon asked with concern.
Karna hugged him tightly, " I am going to be a father once more shon " His face shown brightly.

Everyone's face had a wide grin, they congratulated each other, sweets were made for dinner. But...... But vrushali was still angry on Karna, she even didn't look at him after she got the news, that she is pregnant. Supriya and durva tried many times to console her to talk to him, but she stayed adamant.

" You know what priya, if I would melt, he would never understand his fault. And you think it isn't hurting me to ignore him! But I am his wife, his ardhangini, I know him since his childhood. We need to be strict to him" Vrushali said holding supriya's hands, supriya nodded in agreement.
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Vrushali laid unconscious on the bed, supriya sitting besides her. Durva carefully lifted the new born baby, and gave it to karna. The baby boy suddenly started crying. Everyone tried to swing him in arms, vrushali even tried to feed him, but he was crying continuously. Worried supriya took him in her arms and tapped his head few times. To everyone's surprise the baby looked at her smiling.

" Priya, look he is too fond of you " Vrushali said giggling. " Priya, you only decide a good name for him " Karna kept his hand on supriya's shoulder. Supriya held him in her arms and kissed his forehead.
" Vrishketu , my putra " She smiled looking at everyone.

" Such a beautiful name aai! " Vedangi exclaimed. " No doubt he is going to be the most favourite of all of us " Chitrasen said with wide smile.
" Won't you start talking to me now also? " Karna held vrushali's hand with pain in his eyes, she looked elsewhere. " Vrusha..... Whom do you have except you! " . " Your mitra duryodhan " Her eyes had pain and anger too. " You, radha maa and mitra are lights of my life vrushali!! " He gripped her hand.

" You remember, you had always been there for me since my childhood. You came with me to anga, you accepted supriya as your sister! My vrusha won't you forgive me now " His words melt her heart. " Finally " Came an echo of three voices. " What we're you three doing here? " Vrushali asked chitrasen, vedangi and vrishasen who were looking at them. " They all then shared a group hug with karna and vrushali.
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