Chapter 6

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Thank god it's finally morning. I've been tossing and turning all night. I guess I was to excited to sleep. I kept thinking about seeing Regina again. It's only 7:30 so I still have plenty of time so I go in and take a shower. When I get out, I dry off and get dressed into my jeans and a simple gray Henley shirt, then send Regina a text. "Good morning. I hope it's not to early to send this text. I was just wondering if you need me to bring anything". A few minutes later I received a text back "No thank you dear. Just bring yourself".  "Ok then. See you at 9". I want to get her flowers before I go, so I googled flower shops in my area, and there is actually one across the street. Sweet. It's almost 8:30 so I grab my stuff and head out. Standing outside I look around and find the flower shop is just three buildings down. I go in and look at the assortments. I choose a really nice red and white roses Bouquet in a pretty red vase. I pay for them and walk over to my truck and get in. I put her address into my navigation system and drive over to her house. I pull up in front of a huge White House with black shutters. "Damn this place is nice". I grab the flowers and walk up to her door and knock. She opens the door and she's as beautiful as ever. She's wearing black yoga pants and a Storybrooke T-shirt. "Good morning Emma. Please come in".  "Thank you Regina. Here, these are for you". "Oh Emma they're beautiful. Thank you so much". I follow her into the kitchen and she places the roses on the counter top next to all the food. "Wow. Regina. You really didn't have to go through so much trouble". I say looking at the spread she put out for breakfast. It looks like a professional buffet. It has everything eggs, bacon,sausage, home fries, pancakes, fruit, toast and oatmeal. "It was nothing dear. Please grab a plate and take whatever you'd like". I nod and do as she says. I take a little of everything and sit at a spot that she set with a fork, knife and spoon. She fills her plate and sits next to me. "Those roses are really beautiful Emma. Thank you again". "Your welcome. You have a really nice home here. It's big". "Thank you. I've lived here my whole life. After my father passed away he left it to me".  "I'm sorry for your loss". "Thank you. I was very close with my father. He was an amazing man. Everyone loved him. He was the mayor here when I was a kid".  "Wow. That's cool. So you are following in his footsteps". "Not purposely. When my father was to sick to run again, the only one who was running for mayor was a complete imbecile named Sydney Glass and there was no way I was going to let him take over and destroy everything my father worked so hard for, so I ran against him and I won by a landslide".    "Wow. That's really great. How long have you been mayor?"  "6 years now. I actually love it. The town is great and it's nice to be able to do good things for the community". "That's wonderful Regina. I'm sure your father would be proud". She smiles, then asks me, "So how do you like being a cop?"  "I love it. It's all I've ever wanted to do. My dad just retired after 30 years on the job. That's actually how I met him. He arrested me when I was 13 for shoplifting, and it wasn't even the first time for me. I was always in trouble. When I was in the foster system. Bouncing around sucked so I ran away all the time. Then one day after I was brought in again, he sat me down and had a long talk with me about the two places my life could end up. I could be something or I could be nothing. I guess he saw right though me because I didn't want to do all the bad things I was doing. I was just trying to get by. Two days later I was back at the group home when my social worker came in and said pack up Emma, we got you a new place. I hated every time I had to go into a new place because they usually sucked. But this time I ended up with the cop and his wife. David and Mary Margaret Nolan. For the first time in my life I had a stable home". "Wow Emma that's an incredible story". "Yeah. I owe a lot to them". We've been talking the whole time that the hours just flew by. I helped her clean up the kitchen then we go into the living room and continue talking. I'd love to spend all day with her, but I don't want her to get sick me. I tell her I should get going, but before I do I say to her. "So Regina would you like to go out on a date with me tonight?"  "Tonight, I think I may be free so yes I'd love to". "Great I'll pick you up at 8".  She walks me to the front door and we share a few kisses and I head back to the B&B.

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