I step out of the elevator and start walking down the hallway. I see Belle and Ruby crying and holding each other. I panic and run over. "What happened. Is Gina ok?" Ruby speaks first. "We were in her room and this machine started going off and making a load noise and all the nurses and doctors ran in". "Oh my god no. Ruby please tell me she's ok". "Yes she's ok Emma. The doctor said one of her leads came off that was monitoring her heart and that was making all the noise. It was just so scary. We just needed a minute". I hugged them both "Thank you both for being here for us. I don't know what I'd do right now". Belle asks "Hows the baby Emma?" "He's doing great the doctor said he's going to be fine". Just then Regina's doctor walks over. "Hello Emma. I heard you saw your little boy. Congratulations". "Thank you. How is Regina?" I was just about to check up on her. Would you like to join me?" I nod and we all follow her in. I see my parents sitting at her bedside and that makes me smile. The doctor checks Reginas chart and looks at the monitor history. "Ok. Well all this looks really good. Her stats are continuing to come up, there has been no more bleeding which is very good. If this continues I see no reason why she shouldn't make a full recovery". "Thank you so much doctor". She nods and leaves the room. My parents got up and came over and hugged me. "Emma that was so wonderful to hear. How's the baby doing?" "He's doing great mom. The doctor said he is going to be fine". "Thats great Emma. Why don't we all give you some time alone with Regina". I nod as they all step out. I go over and sit in the chair next to her bed. I take her hand and bring it up to my lips and kiss it. "Oh baby. Please wake up soon. I need to see your beautiful brown eyes. Our little boy is here and I think he looks like you. He has your dark hair". I stop speaking and just look at her and say a little prayer. A little while later I start to feel Regina squeeze my hand gently and I look up at her face. Her eyes are starting to flutter open. She looks around till her eyes land on me. She tries to talk but nothing comes out. I push the button to call the nurse. "It's ok baby. Don't try to speak. The doctor said you are going to be ok". A tear falls from her eyes and she tries to say the word baby. "He's ok sweetheart. They checked him all out and said he was going to fine". She nods and cries more and I lean in and hug her. The nurse comes in and says "Look who's awake. Let me page your doctor to let her know so she can check you out". A few minutes later the doctor comes in and asks Regina how she feels. She just shrugs. The doctor checks her vitals again and also examined her vaginal area. "Well like I said before, you seem to be starting the healing process nicely. You had us scared there Regina, but you should be just fine". "Thank you". Regina says in a dry raspy voice. The nurse brought in some ice chips for her to help with the dry throat. "Do you think you are up for some visitors sweetheart? Ruby, Belle and my parents have been here all night. I'm sure they'd love to see that you are awake". She nods and I kiss her lips and go get them. They all come in and we talk for a bit before everyone leaves to let Regina get some rest. I gave my parents my house keys so they can stay there instead of the B&B. When Regina drifts off to sleep and I just sit by her side and hold her hand. The nurse comes in to check on Regina and change her IV, so I ask if there is a way I can call and check on my son. Once she's done she shows me the the phone and dials an extension she speaks to someone then hands the phone to me, and writes the extension down on the paper near the phone. They tell me he's fine and that he's sleeping. I walk back over to Regina and slowly lay down next to her. I kiss her temple and say "Thank you for not leaving me. I love you so much". Then I gently wrap my arm around her and fall asleep.
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