Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning and Regina isn't in my arms, but I can feel her still laying next to me. I slowly open my eyes and see that she is awake. I also see that she has her T-shirt pulled up exposing her belly and she's rubbing it. I smile and speak softly. "Good morning sweetheart". She gives me a shy smile as she lowers her shirt, but I stop her. I lift up a bit a lean over and kiss her belly. I lay back on my side and lean on my elbow. "I love you Emma". She says as she leans in and kisses me. "I love you Gina. So whats up?"  "Nothing my love, I just woke up and was thinking about the baby".  "Is that what you were thinking about last night when we told my parents".  "Well sort of. I was thinking how much I would love to tell my father. He would be so excited". She says as the tears start to fall. I take hold of her hand. "I'm sorry sweetheart. You've told me how close you both were. I'm sure he'd be so happy for you my love". She give a sad nod. "Regina if you don't mind me asking, in all the months we've been together you've never brought up your mom, has she passed away also?"  I see her whole body tense up as she moves to sit with her back against the headboard. I mirror her position. "Gina, I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to".  "No. It's ok Emma. We should talk about it sooner or later". I nod and wait for her to start. "My mother is, as far as I know still alive. I have not spoken to her in over ten years, and the last time I saw her was at my daddy's funeral four years ago. Which I was surprised she went at all. She only married my father for his money. She made sure to tell me that I was basically an insurance policy for her, meaning with me around my father wouldn't leave her. She treated my father and me terribly and she could care less about either of us. I was always off with the nanny or one of the maids. One day when I was fifteen I came home from school just as she was getting in a car with another man. She didn't say anything just looked at me as they drove away. When I went in the house I saw daddy in his office holding papers in his hand. When I asked him what was going on he handed them to me. They were divorce papers. I came to find out later that she had been having an affair with someone who had more money. I stayed with my father and didn't see her again till my graduation three years later. Just as she was walking up to me my girlfriend at the time was giving me a kiss and my mother saw it and freaked out. She yelled my name, asked what the hell I was doing. I told her I was gay, and she said "Absolutely not. I will not have a homosexual daughter Regina".  I just laughed at her and said not to worry, she doesn't have a daughter anymore and walked away. I didn't see her again till the funeral and haven't seen her since".  "Shit Gina. I'm so sorry". I said while holding her in my arms. She shrugged and said "It's fine Emma. It is what it is. I had my father and that's all I needed". She laid her head on my shoulder and I held her for a while. About an hour later we went out to get some breakfast because most of the posts and pans were packed up to be donated. We went to the pancake house a few blocks away. I was surprised when Regina ate just about as much as I did. When she was done eating she pushed her plate away. "That was so delicious. I can't remember the last time I had a breakfast like that". I just smile at her. "What?" She says to me. "Nothing I swear. I just love watching you enjoy things the way you do".   "You know it's strange, I feel since I met you things look so different to me".   "I understand. It's the same for me. It must be love".  We just smile at each other. I pay the tab and we go back to my apartment. The rest of the weekend was mostly packing stuff I'm taking to Gina's and packing what's being donated. Sunday night arrives and it's time for Regina to go back to Storybrooke. "Are you sure you don't want me to take a few boxes with me?"  "I'm positive. I told you I have a moving truck coming tomorrow to take everything. It's just easier. That way it's only one trip and they unload everything where we want it". "I guess your right". I pick up her bag and walk her out to her car and put it in the backseat. I kiss her then we wrap our arms around each other. "One more night Gina. That's it". She looks up at me. "Yes my love just one more night".  We kiss again and she moves back and I open the door for her. She gets in and buckles her seatbelt. I stick my head in the window for another kiss and tell her to drive safely. "Oh Emma before I go, I left an envelope on the table. It's a donation to that woman's organization, could you please give it to them for me?"  "Of course sweetheart. Not a problem". We kiss one more time and she drives away.

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