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*Denki POV*

We were finally at the house. The home of Shouta and Hizashi. I felt like I was intruding, something that I am sure was wrong and I could get punished for. I looked back to the two adults behind me, and neither showed any trace of anger or annoyance.

Hizashi showed happiness, maybe a little bit of concern, but I couldn't tell. I could also see a little excitment. Shouta was hard to read, but I think I saw some concern hidden behind his mask.

I didn't know what to think of their emotions. I continued deeper in the house, hearing footsteps follow me. I looked around seeing the current room with furniture scattered around the floor, and a black square mounted on the wall. I noticed a door way to the left corner, walking through I see cooking supplies and a table.

Confused, I again looked back to the two men who stared at me back. One smiling, the other having a blank look.

"The room we just past is called the living room/family room. This is the kitchen where we usually cook and eat." Shouta explained, Zashi day- dreaming. I nodded and continued walking.

I walked through another doorway on the right wall, revealing a hallway with many closed door and one that is cracked. Hizashi slid past me and led me through the walkway.

"First door on the left is Shinsous room across from it, on the right, is Mirios. Second door on the right next to Mirios is the room you'll be staying in, across, on the left, being mine and Shoutas room. Then the last door at the end is the bathroom." Zashi pointed to each door while he talked. I nodded along trying my best not to get distracted.

I dont why it's so hard for me to focus, when others are talking so long. Whenever people talk too/so long it hard to pay attention for the same amount of time.

"Why dont we give you some time to settle in your room and after your ready come to the living room and we can find something productive to do?"  Shouta suggested, me looking to him.

"Alright" I responded. Hizashi reminded me where my room was, and I walked through.

I saw a bed, which was made to be ready to sleep in. Next to it on both sides were two tables with one having a lamp the other having a couple of books. The wall to my right had a dresser. It looked to be pretty homey so I decided to sit on the bed and drift my eyes around a bit more.

*Zashi POV*

I followed Shouta back to the living room. After the call to the kids he's been really silent. I dont know why maybe out of guilt for pushing him this much.

As we walked I put my arm around his waste, in attempt to comfort him, holding him close to myself and kissing his forehead.

"It was a good suggestion leaving him alone to settle in. I bet you he's going to come down really soon." I said to him, noticing the small smile that he tried to hide but failing, like always.

I'm also happy that the kids made it out in time because it would probably make Denki scared shitless. We made it to the living room and I turned on the TV and flipped through channels landing on the News channel. I say down on the couch laying my head in Shoutas lap.

*Shouta POV*

It was about 30 minutes later when I heard Denki walking closer to the room. I listened for him until I saw him, still looking around focusing on the walls.

"Hey. Want to watch the news with us?" I asked him, in which he nodded.

Hizashi sat up and scooched over making space for Denki to sit down. He climbed in between us and stared at the screen.

The screen seemed to be interesting to the boy, because he was very invested in it. Probably the first time he ever seen one, not surprising. That's judging by the fact that he only knows is punishment, eating, and sleep. The basics and how to speak.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and the other two looked my way, obviously hearing it. I grabbed my phone, and read the caller ID finding out that it was Tsukauchi.

"I gotta take this." I stated. I sent Zashi a little nod, reassuring him that everything's fine.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a notepad and pen just in case. I then answered the phone just in time, before the vibration stopped.

"Hey, Pro Hero ErasureHead speaking." I greeted. I usually just say 'hi' but I feel like I have to be formal around the police. Especially Tsukauchi, a person I highly respect. So I try not to disobey him, key word try.

"Hey, I got more information on Denkis family. Specifically the name of his mother, and a father." He informed and immediately my heart sank. I wanted to be the one to take care of Denki.

"Please explain." I said, bottling my emotions up. Something I've been practicing since middle school. Now a pro at.

"Well the mothers name was Reyna Kaminari. The fathers' name is Akari Utachi. He apparently has a police record too. History of drugs, and being drunk while driving." He explained. I wondered how the two parents met.

"What about the mother?" I wondered, apparently saying it outloud.

"No, but the father already is unfit to have custody of Denki. I ready ran it past the court and they decided it best. I think that's the end of it so case Closed!" Tsukauchi explained. I smiled now knowing I can still adopt Denki.

"Thanks for all your hard work. Good Job" I complimented, earning a little giggle from the other room.

Hizashi knows I barely compliment people, so I know I am going to get little remarks and jokes from him. I sighed and hung up the phone.

I re-entered the living area and passed Zashi a little note of the information I received, abbreviated, of course.

I sat on the other side of Denki like I was originally. Hizashi got up and walked to the kitchen coming out with some snacks, it being around the afternoon probably. I dont really care what time it was or is.

He sat back down and passed out the bags helping Denki open his. We continued to watch semi-entertaining channels for the rest of the day.

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