💜 ⨾ Our song will always be the best · jungri

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Description: where both yeri and jungkook met in the library and writes a song, what will happen?

3655 words


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a/n ⨾ 2020 minsunday here telling
you that there are a lot of typographical and grammatical errors within this page, (i wrote this like a year ago so yeah, that's that.) this is cringe-worthy but here you go. :)

i'll rewrite this one soon!)


3rd Person's POV
"yeri-ah, are you going somewhere?" irene suddenly says as she took a sip of her coffee not even sparing a glance on the younger.

"um, yes?" she answers hesitantly, knowing her overprotective unnie, there was a possibility of her not letting her go out.

"are you stopping by the bookstore? can you get me that book? the one i told you about last week, i'll pay you after, thanks" still not looking at the maknae, irene asks. she was too busy with her phone anyways.

she agreed and grabbed her mask with a cap and headed out the dorm. it was a relief that irene atleast letted her go out. she doesn't really have a plan onto where she was going, she just wanted to get out of their darn dorm for some fresh air or something. good thing, her unnie actually requested something.

atleast now she had something to do outside.


"mythology section, mythology section where are you?" yeri whispers under her breath as she couldn't see where was the section she was looking for. she already passed by the sci-fi, literature also the history section but she still can't seem to find the one she needed- or her unnie needed.

her eyes skimming to the different book sections her eyes could see, she still can't seem to find mythology. she then saw a guy from a near distance that looked like a worker here, i mean she noticed that he wore the same colored uniform as the worker she saw not too while ago. 

she slowly walks up to the guy with much courage, he was near the non-fic section, and so she did.

Jungkook's POV

what the heck. why did they needed this anyways?

i sigh in frustration. the hyung line, or more like hyung line except for our rock, found out that i sneaked out after our photoshoot and for in return so they won't tell it to manager-nim, is to buy them a stupid book.

as i basically ran away from the photshoot, i was still wearing the clothes they gave me. a frickin' uniform, and oh don't get me wrong, there totally no problem with wearing a uniform in public, but heck the one that i'm wearing looked exactly like the workers in this bookstore. only the design from the front was different.

and of course, wearing a mask is a must. we don't want fans crowding over me or neither dispatch making up rumours again.

i was scanning the books in front of me, to be fair these books have really good exterior and design, it really expressed what the book has to offer.

until i felt a tap on my shoulder. i was about to turn until they spoke,

"uh, excuse me, where is the mythology section, i can't seem to–"

"mian, i'm not a worker here."

i said cutting off the voice who had a very feminine tone so i suspected it was a girl.

"oh, mianhe, i thought you were."

i didn't want to risk it and turn around, who knows? she might be an army or something and screan something like ‘jungkook is here!!’ or something.

i felt her steps slowly disappearing and i sighed in relief as i couldn't feel her presence anymore.

but why does she sound so familiar though?

that voice, i know i've heard that before, its unexplainable.

the tone and the way how she sounds like still echoed inside my head

i'm curios.

Yeri's POV

well, wow then. sorry for mistaking you, he didn't even face me or something. 


i turned my heels and tried to walk to the other sections and just kept on seeing the same sections over and over again, still not finding the one i'm looking for.

as i was walking on one section, i took a look at the title of the books out of curiosity,




euphoria ?

the last book was entitled euphoria. it was a book who was designed very delicately, the designs and the exterior was very precise. it turned out really beautiful.

as i stopped my tracks, i grabbed the book and hoping to see the content of this novel, i had high expectations as the outside look of it just exceeded my expectations.

with the book in my hands, i continued to walk and find the section i'm supposed to find.

well atleast i got out of the dorm.

3rd Person's POV

finally getting to the section she needs by actually asking one of the workers, and even they were skeptical about her wearing a mask and a cap thinking she was hiding from someone, or like a person ready to steal something from the bookstore.

not any longer when she noticed how they looked at her like some kind of criminal. as she got the information she needed really wanted to scoff or something at that worker, or like pull off his hair, his stares felt so dark. it felt she was going to be killed right there.

she said a simple thank you and walked off to one of the corners of the bookstore and there found what she was looking for.

she grabbed the book her unnie told her about and was ready to pay for it and exit this place once in for all,

but she really wanted to take a peak on the book she had gotten earlier, the one titled ‘euphoria’.

she wonders what the book would offer her, was the content is as good like the outer appearance of it? did the amazing design really explained what was in the book?

she was curios, and she did. she walked over to those chairs and tables the bookstore provided for people who wanted to read.

yeri then went straight to where the said chairs and tables were, as she got to the place, she placed the book irene wanted aside and placed the euphoria book on the table and she again admired the detail on the book cover,

she really didn't know why this book suddenly called her attention, aside from the astonishing designs of the outside look, it felt like someone told her to read the book she didn't know why, but she did.

she was excited to open the book as she was complimenting it for the past minute, she really had high expectations,

she opened the book to read the title page, again was amused by how the font was styled, it was old yet elegant and fancy.

she turned it over to the next page, and it was full of words. the font was a normal style, she reads the first sentences and immediately got immersed by the writing.


Jungkook's POV

she walked pretty fast i would say,

from the flow of her hair and the color of it, she totally looked like an idol i have seen on the MAMA awards not too long ago.

i just got tired and stopped following her but still watching her from a distance like a total creep.

i sat on the chairs at the side of the bookstore, it was actually really comfy, it did feel more relaxing than those ones from the coffee shops, the designs was simple but the little touches was able to compliment the matching look of the chair and the table.

as my eyes still followed her figure, she had went to the non-fic section and grabbed a book with an extremely well-designed cover. the color choice fitted well with the font and the other exterior deigns.  

but then i noticed something about that certain book,

"have i seen that before?"


i kept my head low as i saw her coming closer and probably going to sit on the table near to mine.

i placed my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my palm as i looked the opposite direction from where she was.

i noticed she was holding two books and she placed the other one aside and then started to open the other book as she placed it om the table ready to read it.

yup, i've totally heard of euphoria before, and i really just not took a quicker than quick glance on her.

why am i like this?


okay, this is enough,

i got up from the chair as i was sitting there for a good ten minutes or so trying to hide from her gaze.

but the curiosity inside me still hasn't worn out and i still wanted to know why she was so familiar.

i walked up to her table and saw how focused she is with the book she was reading, it was like her eyes were glued onto the book itself.

and then it hitted me,

i've read that book before, it was somewhere around 2017 on hobi hyung's birthday, i saw the same book when we went here to buy hoseok hyung's gift, and it was a mythology book about unicorns. and then i came across that euphoria book,

it was pretty tragic but it showed that the characters were happy,

as i got closer as to where she was, i heard her reading, "the boy felt something unusual, it was different but it enlightened him. the feeling was very foreign to him as he-"

"as he saw his older brother again."

i continued and she looked up at me showing confusion in her eyes.

she has really pretty eyes..

3rd Person's POV

‘isn't this the guy i asked?’

she thought as she looked at the figure who owned the voice that caught her attention as he clearly know what she was reading,

"i knew it" he mumbled as yeri just tilted her head in confusement. is this guy a reveluv or something? she was puzzled, specially when she heard him say that he knew it.

"uhm, excuse me?"

"jungkook-imnida." he says pulling his mask down as he smiles, what he said had completely shocked the girl infront of him,

that was the famous golden maknae right there infront of yeri, he pulls his mask up again as he sat at the chair infront of yeri- facing her covered face.

she figured he was probably waiting for her to respond, so she did did same and pulled down her black mask and said, "annyeong, yeri-imnida" she smiles sweetly at the guy and that just made jungkook's heart melt for no reason.

she pulls her mask up and starts to initiate the conversation, "ah, you seemed to know this book, maja?"

she asks looking at him, he nodded his head, "it's a pretty inspiring and a really great story, but i won't spoil it" he smiled sheepishly, even though yeri struggled to make out his expression, she did notice his eyes closing due to his smile,

"okay then" she lifted up the side of lip as she smirked and shrugged her shoulders,

"but, why are you in that clothes? it really look like your a worker here."

"don't ask," he said simply as the girl modded respecting his response,

"oh, i heard you guys are making a comeback?" yeri blurts out as she remembers the rumours seulgi and wendy were talking about yesterday.

he furrowed his eyebrows and looked skeptically at the girl, "how did you know?" he asks as the girl just again shrugs,

"just heard of it" she smiles.

he sighs, "you know, these masks are really suffocating" he confesses and slowly takes off his mask, they were in a pretty hidden part of the library,

yeri insisted on taking off hers, it was too much of a risk.

again out of curiosity, she asks something, "did you help write the songs?"

"hm, kind of? how about you?"

she nodded lightly, "same, kind of."

then jungkook suddenly felt like a light bulb was ontop of his head indicating he thought of an idea.

"hey, you really like that book and the plot?" he asks as yeri's eyes beamed and nodded her head.

"do you want to make a song out of it?"


two days had pass and they decided to meet at the same bookstore on the same spot with a pen and a paper along with the book entitled euphoria.

since the song was based om the book, they named it euphoria too with the same plot.

“ Rising up your the sun that my life seeks,
you revive all of my hopes, all my dreams,
i don't know what is, what im feeling
tell me if its all real, am i dreaming? ”

the lyrics explained what was the boy's feeling when he saw his older brother again, they tried to express the boy's confusion of what he was really feeling inside, that it felt like a dream of some sort, and that he definitely does not want to wake up but to his confusion, the dream was too real to be one, he questions himself more about this ecstatic feeling he has experienced.

"with tears blurring his vision, the boy couldn't contain his happiness when he saw his brother again. he was okay. he was fine. the tears rolled down his pale skin and this feeling that tickles him hasn't stop and it made him run to his brother."

they both read in unison, thinking of what they would write next,

"you know," jungkook starts trying to get yeri's attention, she lifted up facing jungkook,

"the boy's brother was the only family member he had left. and seeing him alive after his death ceremony, the boy felt happy but he never thought of it as happy since it was more than that. so he felt euphoria?"

"yes! he did. google said that euphoria that was a higher form of happiness,"

jungkook smiled and lifted his hands and did a high-five with the girl infront of him. it was a total brain boost, it felt like they just got a really nice hint onto what to write next,


jungkook's eyebrows shot up eager to know what the girl would say,

"there was another definition of euphoria,"

"hm? jinja? what is it?" he asks in curiosity as he started into her brown eyes, realizing how beautiful it was, it captivated him. it was weird.

yeri continued, "that euphoria was only temporary happiness.."


eleven days has already passed, and due to their schedules, they haven't met in three days not able to write any further.

they were at the bridge and almost finishing the song, faster than they expected it to be.

though they planned to meet this afternoon after bts' run shoot and after red velvet's guesting on k-rush.

they were really exhausted but they still wanted to finish the song they started and as it was already about to finish there was no reason to bail on the song anymore. they created a beautiful beat to match the meaningful lyrics of the song.

and as if she felt time hasn't move a bit, after they were done with their guesting, they went back to their dorm and decided to rest as they have another schdule tomorrow and there was an hour left before she go and meets jungkook at the bookstore, she didn't know why, but she really wanted to go now. she looks at the ticking clock every now and then to see what time it was, was she excited to write the song? or was she excited to see jungkook?

to her defense, she and jungkook's friendship has grown, they were really close by now. so close, yeri wouldn't even mind if he could stay with him for more that three hours or so. because as time moves, they both felt more comfortable towards one another, it felt like they had known each other for awhile.

sometimes, she just finds herself being flustered infront of him, whether he was explaining his theories with her regarding the plot or him just smiling or talking made her divert her gaze, scared that he might notice the light pink shade she has on her cheeks.

does she like him?


Jungkook's POV

i reached the bookstore and contacted yeri if she was already there, she responded with a yes and honestly, a bit embrassed for being late. like how dare i let her wait? okay that's too forward.

i just sighed and adjusted my mask before entering. i enter the bookstore infront of me and went straight to where we'd usually write the song,

i was pretty surprised since we were already almost done with the song we were writing. amazed at how the thoughts ran into her brain so fast and it made sense eventhough she thought of it in just a matter of seconds.

as i was looking straight, he saw something moving right snd left in his peripheral vision, he looked to the side and met with yeri's eyes.

i smiled widely and returned the wave back, so sudden, i then felt heat rising up to my cheeks. i looked at her flash a smile at me, and something happened, the foreign feeling and the thoight suddenly crept inside my head,

are there butterflies on my stomach or what?


"hm? how about in the bridge we'd tell if the boy and his brother spent time together? or like how he felt when he was with him again?" yeri asked nonchalantly as she was focusing on the book to get more ideas onto what to write.

she titled her head and tucked strands of her hair behind her ear so that she could see what she was reading without her hair getting in the way,

my eyes then landed on her face. as she was immersed with her reading, it was a chance for me to get a good look on her facial features, her pointy nose, and her pale skin to her red soft lips, she was very beautiful.

for i don't know what reason, but with just her scratching her neck in pure confusion or her genuine smile, it makes my heart flutter, it felt like she was attacking me.

i've got to admit,

i have never, ever experienced something like with with anyone in my life.


3rd Person's POV

it was four in the afternoon and a high five from the corners of the bookstore, smiling with victory laced in what they were feeling,

"we did it!" yeri smiles triumphantly as she examine the paper infront of her filled with lyrics.

jungkook smiled as he too felt delighted,

yeri's smile was then broken off into a frown as a thought suddenly hitted her head, all of the moments of her and jungkook suddenly played inside her mind, it was like a beautiful movie that was about to end.

she had to admit, she does like him. but idols are tied to their fans. they almost have no freedom as a person. their popularity was because of the fans, so if they losed them, their career would most likely end. even though it was unfair for them, they just couldn't seem to find anyway for them to live, like an actual normal person.

jungkook seemed to notice her sudden change of mood, he tilts his head, "why?"

"after this then, we don't have reason to meet eachother.." she confesses in such a low tone, sadness clearly embracing her words.

jungkook felt something tingly inside him when he knew that she was sad that they wouldn't meet again, but he couldn't help but feel down knowing what she said,

but then he smiles soflty and looked into her eyes filled with reassurance.

"stop that."

"stop what?"

"stop. your making my heart flutter. don't do that" she again confesses absent-mindly, but he could notice her cheeks' sudden change of color, it was in a light shade of red.

he plastered a sly smirk on his lips,

examining her face, he had done something he never imagined on doing with an idol.

he then brings his head closer onto where yeri's head, the girl was a bit startled by the older male's sudden actions, but she would be lying if she'd say that she didn't like it. due to the closeness, their noses brushed off and jungkook brought her mask down and also his, he then locked his lips with hers. completely closing the gap

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