1 : 雪 Yuki

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It was the cold weather. It HAD to be the weather that was driving him insane. He knew this was a horrible idea, but like it was mentioned before; the weather made him do it.

Kakashi and Sakura had just completed a successful mission in Yuki No Kuni, the land of snow. They were paid handsomely for the immediate success of the Mission, however the problem only started to arise on their journey back home. They have been caught in a dreary blizzard for three days, depriving them off of their chakras, the good news was, they found a cave and they have one huge blanket to share. Bad news was; after they've setup the fire, their clothes were getting damp and it was back to square one, unless..

"Hell no." Sakura responded curtly.

"Sakura-Chan." Kakashi negotiated calmly, "If we don't, we will die of hypothermia. Look at our fingers for crying out loud. It's purple; now as the PROUD protege of one of the three sannins, you should know what that means." Kakashi had already removed his outfit, he was only in his boxers and tugging out the blanket from his scroll.

"It means we can cut them off. I would rather do that than to be naked before you. I mean don't you feel that this is AWKWARD? You are my teacher! We aren't supposed to see each other in our respective birthday suits!" Sakura exclaimed as she hugged her stupidly damp clothes.

Kakashi gave her his one eyed crease smile and replied, "Ex-Teacher."

"STILL!" Sakura yelled in exasperation.

"Look. Sakura-Chan. I know I am asking too much of you but I really need my fingers to perform the raikiri and a whole lot of other jutsus. Please?" Kakashi literally begged.

Sakura huffed out angrily and looked away from her insufferable ex-sensei.

"You could pretend that I am Sasuke..? Would that make it easier..?" Kakashi urged the pinkette. He was about to lose his toes at the rate that he was at.

Sakura was eerily quiet, she did not make a single sound as she undressed, leaving only her knickers on. She hugged her body to cover the view of her breasts from her ex-Sensei. She shifted herself from the log that she was seated at to make room for him. Kakashi exhaled as he moved over to her and wrapped them both under the blanket. His arm pulled Sakura by the shoulder so that she would be pressed to his side.

He knew he should not but he was curious and stupid- so he asked without much of a second thought. "So..."

"I didn't envision you as HIM." Sakura replied pointedly, she shifted uncomfortably next to him.

"Oh?" Kakashi spoke, his curiosity has annoyingly heightened to greater heights. "Then is it Naruto..?"

Sakura turned her head slowly, spookily to face him. If Kakashi did not need her body heat at that time, he would be running from one end of the world to the next. He knew right then, she we PISSED as hell.

"SENSEI." Sakura spoke coldly, "Do NOT mention HIS name in my presence AGAIN, do you understand me? I did it because of YOU. You knew I would cave in eventually, you didn't have to bring HIM into the picture."

It must have been due to the weather, it was affecting Kakashi's brain cells, he spoke again without thinking, "Are you referring to Sasuke or Naruto?"

That did it, an anime vein had slowly popped out of Sakura's temple, the next thing he knew she had launched at him, he was on the cold ground and she was on all fours, above him. Her pink hair covered his side views, her face was dangerously close to his. Her bright emerald orbs have turned threateningly dark. Sakura meant business. She had somehow managed to restrain Kakashi's arms with her hands and immobilised his legs using her knees.

A normal shinobi, who knew of her deadly capabilities as a kunoichi, would be terrified of his current predicament, but Kakashi was somehow oddly- mesmerised. He had never seen Sakura in this light before. He had NEVER looked at her as a date-able woman before, that would be weird for she was his student before this. But now, seeing her angry face gazing down at him like she was trying to kill him for making stupid unnecessary comments while being totally naked, was turning him on. Oh shit, his privates.

Sakura felt it from where she was positioned and made a disgusted face.

Kakashi gave her a blank expression and explained, "It's COLD Sakura-Chan. I bet you know what happens to the male anatomy whenever it gets cold. I can't help myself."

"Sensei." Sakura breathed out, slowly, precariously, "We shall never mention about the Uchihaa again, okay? I do not want to talk about HIM at all."

With that, Sakura got up, and sat on the log silently as Kakashi got up and stumbled forwards, trying his best to regain his composure. He sat next to Sakura- not entirely close but close enough to gain some body heat. He was afraid to get closer, if he did so, he might accidentally lose himself. He could never forgive himself if he were to harm his precious ex-student.

They sat there in silence until Sakura fell asleep.

"It's just the fucking cold." Kakashi muttered silently to assure himself that he was not going mad.

That was the beginning of Kakashi's headache.

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