Part 37

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Mila zoomed for Miku with a kunai in her hand, with out hesitation Miku activated her assassin side of her. Miku disappeared in a flash leaving Mila standing there with her kunai pointed out. No one saw her, she was gone. 

"Come out you coward!" She screamed. Miku's eyes were glowing red, faster then lightening she shot out of her spot on the wall and stabbed her right through the back. Milas body jerked forward, blood squirting out of her mouth. Suddenly Mila disappeared with a poof of smoke. "It's over." Mila whispered kunai against Miku's neck, Miku did nothing as she slashed her throat. Poof, it was a shadow clone. The real Miku was still in the shadows watching her opponents moves. From the looks of it she was a short distance fighter. Mila growled and looked around.  "Maybe I'll just kill that hottie in your house!" She yelled, Miku glared, her red eyes glowing in the dark. The lights shut off, no one could see. Mila went on defense, she did her specialty.  A green light illuminated from the battlefield, it was Mila's most deadly technique. It was poison mixed in with lightening and wind. Everyone was seen and everyone could see.  Milas eyes were green. "There!" she whispered, she zoomed after Miku. 

'No one can escape this jutsu.' Mila thought, Miku side stepped out of the way and ended up behind her opponent and stabbed her through the head. Mila gasped and stopped, her body hanging limp in the air. She wobbled a bit and fell face first dead against the wall, her blood smearing all over the wall as she fell to the ground.  Danzo was smirking with satisfaction, he wanted her.  At the rail there was a boy with black hair and white  pale skin, his black eyes store at her. 

'She's so young, yet so strong.' He thought.  

"She's strong, am I right Sai?" Someone next to him said, he nodded.

"Indeed." He replied. 

"NEXT!" Danzo yelled. Miku's eyes looked cold, she could pass off as Satan with how cold her eyes were. In came the anbu that 'loved' Mila. He planned to get his revenge. Miku's eyes gazed over him, he had muscles everywhere. They looked at each other, none making a move. Miku had already sent a demon shadow as she called it.  A demon shadow is a demon looking shadow that kills, they aren't sensed, can't be killed and aren't seen by the opponent it's being used on.  It snuck up behind him right as he pulled a kunai out. 

"WATCH OUT D!" They heard a voice yell, he averted his gaze to his friend. Right as he did his heart was ripped out of his chest. It was glowing red, the demon shadow gave the heart to Miku. She squeezed it and he screamed, she stopped. Since she had his heart, she could control his every action.  She walked up to him and showed him his heart. 

"G-Give it back," he grunted. 

"No," she whispered, she crushed his heart in her hand. His blood splattering all over her face, she licked it off. 

"Who's next?" She asked, she glanced up to the last anbu and disappeared grabbing him and slamming him down onto the battlefield. She stabbed him. He was crying.

"Kill me," he begged. 

 "I'll let you live, knowing you could've stopped your friends death. It's worse then death." She whispered in his ear, she threw him to the ground. "This battle is over." She said. 

"So that's the power of the silver assassin," Danzo whispered. 

"W-was that really Miku-chan?" Frog asked horrified just like Bear, Fox and Cat. 

"Yes, this is Miku's lustful side in which she only lets out during battle." The hokage said standing up. 

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