Treaty Success

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After the whole fight Storm was so mad about it. She lost to a blind ninja. She wouldn't shut up about it. But during the fight I noticed Nikko smile, it was if she was about to go crazy.

But then it slowly faded and she calmed down. Nikko has been so busy with her new Team Zero. Today is the day she will come back to see if the treaty was a success. If it was she will come back to our team and everything is back to normal right.

If not then she remains in team zero. But I hate it cause she is just so close to Garra. I drives me crazy. What is this feeling why am I even worried dim with storm so why do I feel like this.

"Hey Kiba come we have to show you something." Said Naruto and Sakura who brought me out of my thoughts.

I got up from the soft green grass with Akamaru and headed to where they wanted me to go.

"So what's up guys where you taking me" I said.

"To show you that Storm has been cheating on you for a month now but you won't believe us so we got proof" said Sakura.

"Guys she wouldn't-

I couldn't finish my sentence because I saw Storm making out with another guy.

"Storm!" I yelled.

"Kiba it's not what you-

"We are over I don't ever want to see you ever again. I'm sorry guys for doubting my own friends." I said. They then took me to go eat at BBQ to get my mind off of things.

"Sorry Kiba" they both said.

"It's alright. You guys made me open my eyes to see that she wasn't worth it." I said.

"But there is someone who is worth it Kiba." Said Sakura.

She means Nikko but she is just so distant with me.

"She hate me " I said.

"No she is just scared to get hurt again Kiba. You just got to bring her walls down again. But this time it may be rough. " said Naruto.

"She doesn't love me" I said.

"How do you know have you asked her that. Beside the real question here is do you love Nikko Kiba" asks Sakura.

Do I love Nikko still..

"True but is it what your heart wants" said my sister Hana.

What does my heart want....

"I'm in love Nikko " said my heart.

"Then go get her before someone else does. " said Sakura smiling brightly.

"Yeah but this time if you hurt her again Inuzuka I'm going to personally hurt you" said Naruto with his black yet orange Aurora.

"Hai this time I'm not breaking my promise" I said kind of shaking.

We are finally back home and the treaty was a success. We are going to report with Lady Tsunade right now.

"Hey Kankuro remember Nikko falling off the bed" said Temari while Kankuro laughed.

"You are still with that Temari I forgot I was on the top bed. I usually sleep on a normal bed. Not a bunk bed." I said while pouting.

I noticed Garra smiled at our conversation.

Garra is like one of those guy friends that you just need. He is my best guy friend I can ever have. Naruto is number one though cause he is my ni San.

But I still remember when he asked me out during the mission.

Garra and I were keeping watch since it was our turn. We were up in a tree branch watching the stars.

"Say Nikko do you have a boyfriend." Asked Garra.

"No I don't have time for that besides I've had some bad experiences which just lead to major heart breaks. " I said with a sad smile.

"I see, I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He asked while smiling at me.

"Garra....your a kind and loyal guy but what if it doesn't work out. I really don't want to loose you as a friend. Not even that you are like a brother to me. " I said.

"You are right Nikko. Maybe we are meant for other people. But we are always going to be siblings by fate. Naruto,you,and me. So before any guy wants to ask you out they are going to have to go through us first" he said while smirking.

"Haha okay " I said while giggling.
Flash back over

I smiled at thought. We finally made it to the Hokage office. We knocked and entered.

We bowed " the mission was a success lady Tsunade." We all said in unison.

"Wonderful, so that means that Team Zero is officially over now. Temari,Garra,and Kankuro you may go back home now. Or you are welcome to stay for the rest of you visit since the mission was done a little early." Said lady Tsunade.

Team Zero is officially done now. I'm going back to my old team.

"We would love to stay lady Tsunade" said Temari.

"Wonderful I hope you love the festival that will be coming up" she said.

"Nani festival" I said.

"Yes is going to be a masked festival so no one will show their face until midnight. It's a festival of the moon and stars " said lady Tsunade.

"Sounds fun when is it." I asked.

"In 2 days so suggest you guys go shopping." Said lady Tsunade with a smirk.

"Nikko let's go shopping" yelled Temari while dragging me out.

"See you guys soon " I yelled. Well shopping it is then.

Another chapter done I'll try to update at least once or twice a day. Maybe just once because I'm almost with the story.

But not to worry I am working on another Kiba love story book. But if you have any suggestions let me know 😁

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