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She stuttered making her curse herself mentally, while the boy in front of her just giggled, catching her attention.

"I just wanted to come say hi, you know, make a good impression on my neighbors. Didn't know they'd be so cute though"

This made Min blush, she smiled at him shyly making him giggle again.

"Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable"

"Oh not at all, just a little shy"

"Oh okay-"

"Princess who's at the door- oh hi"

The male came behind Min and waved to the guy on the other side of the door.

"Hi, I'm your new neighbor"

"Oh well nice to meet you"

The male said politely before turning to the girl.

"The guys picked a movie"

"Oh okay Hyuck, I'll be there in a second"

The boy nodded at her and turned and headed for the living room, once he left she turned her attention to the male standing at the door still.

"I'm Min by the way, I gotta go"

"Oh okay, but uh I need to go to Neo high tomorrow, do you know where it is?"

"Actually I go to that school, you can just walk with me tomorrow"

"Okay thank you"

He bowed politely and turned around as Min closed the door.

'Gotta admit he was kinda cute'

She thought as she locked the door, heading for the living room.

"Who was at the door?"

Chenle asked looking to Min as she walked in and say back down on the floor.

"A new neighbor"

She seemed so uninterested by her tone, but on the inside she was actually curious about him, wanting to know more.

"Well we found a movie"

Mark said as he clicked play when she settled down. After a while she got uncomfortable on the floor and layed her head back on the cushion of the couch. Hyuck looked down at her and booped her nose, making them both laugh a little.

"Donghyuck-ah, can we switch? The floor is uncomfortable"

She pouted while looking him, he stared at her for a second and nodded his head, which surprised her to say the least. The two both stood up, Min plopped her self on the couch and Donghyuck sat in front of her on the floor.

"Thanks Hyuckie"

She smiled at the younger who turned around and smiled back at her.

"Mhm, better thank me with something else later"

He said scooting into a more comfortable position on the ground, making Min shift on the couch.

"W-what do you mean"

Hyuck turned at her again and chuckled before saying anything. Let's just say Min had not so holy thoughts when Donghyuck told her to thank him later with something else.

"Min, are you being dirty~?"

He asked quietly so the guys couldn't hear, which they wouldn't have heard anyways because they were so involved in the movie.


"Don't be dirty Min~"

He said with a smirk plastered on his face, she could feel her face starting to heat up and become red.


She pushed his face back to the tv screen, to which he started watching the movie, leaving Min with her thoughts.

'Why am I being dirty now?"

She questioned, she just rubbed her face with her hands and looked back at the screen, beginning to also focus on the movie like the others. Unintentionally she put her hand on Donghyucks head, starting to play with his hair as she got more and more concentrated on the movie. Donghyucks could tell she was playing with his hair, but he didn't mind, it was actually putting him to sleep. He rested his head back onto Min's knees and felt his eyes close as Min continued to play with his hair.


"Hyuck wake up"

The movie had ended, everyone but Donghyuck and Chenle stayed awake the whole movie. Min poked his cheek one more time before the boy had woken up a bit.

"Mhm, what time is it?"

He stifled our a yawn and looked at the male beside him.


He simply answered as he got up to stretch, the younger boy turned and looked ya the girl behind him, who was now on her phone.

"We've been here for like 2 hours and it's boring"

Chenle said as he yawned making the youngest ruffle his hair.

"What else could we do then"

Renjun asked loooking at the others, they all shrugged their shoulder. Jaemin's face lit up as all of them looked to him as he started getting all happy.

"Let's go to the carnival!"



"What do you want?!"

He said as he opened the door, clearly annoyed, the girl just kept a smile on her face.

"Me and the guys are going to the carnival"

She said with a smile on her face, the older just nodded his head and turned to the male behind him that was laying on the bed. He gave a nod and he turned back to look at his sister

"Make sure the guys take care of you, if you go missing they're finding you"

He said before shutting his bedroom door in her face, she had an amused face as she turned and looked down the stairs.

"They said it's okay! I'm gonna change first!"

The nodded their heads with a smiled as they continued to talk and Min walked over to her room.

"Warm and cozy, I don't want to freeze today"

She quietly mumbled to herself as she looked through her closet. She grabbed out an oversized grey hoodie with a rose on the fron and a pair of black jeans. Once she changed she grabbed her wallet and phone, stuffing them in her pockets before walking out the room and jogging down the stairs.

"I'm ready"

She said as she stopped in front of the guys with her smile still evident on her face, she was really excited, even the guys could see it. They all chuckled at her and Jeno looked at her and pitched her cheek.

"Aish, you're so cute Min~"

Jeno cooed making the girl smile and a tint of red showed on her face before she walked past them and headed to the door.

"Well what are you guys waiting for?"

She asked turning back to them, they turned to each other and smiled and followed behind her. Out the house they went, Min held Renjun's hand and they all headed to the carnival, but not before Chenle could yell something, making the others shout with him.

"To the carnival!!"

hehe, uh well I don't have a schedule for posting, so I'll post probably everyday or every other day. Anyways see you at the next chapter :3

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